Upon completion of your FUNDED travel authorization/orders you must file a travel voucher/claim within 5 days of return.

Click on Official Travel; Select ‘Vouchers’ you will see a hyperlink ‘Create New Voucher from Authorization’. Select the appropriate trip to create the voucher against. Please make sure you are not amending the authorization. If you do not see an authorization to select from please contact the Travel Office immediately for assistance.

Expenses: Update/add expenses, ex: lodging taxes, parking at airport, tolls, taxies, etc. Lodging taxes are usually estimated on the orders and so is POV to/from airport. Also, we estimate POV but if you took a taxi then you will need to remove the POV and add taxi here. Add all room taxes and enter as one figure for INCONUS travel. For OCONUS all taxes are including in the maximum lodging rate claimed under the per diem tab. Do NOT list registration/conference fees IF NMCP is paying for the expense via the Command Purchase Card. Be sure to select the GOVCC payment method for all expenses charged to your government travel card. You may also add to the total going to the card under the Additional options tab and selecting payment totals.

Mileage - List or change POV mileage to/from the airport or TAD location as applicable. There is a tab there that you can go in and check the mileage. To find the mileage under city list your zip code and then add the city (ex: 23502 Norfolk). Then enter the state. Go down to the next screen and do the same for the airport, the zip code there is 23518 so enter it as ‘23518 Norfolk’. Move down to the bottom of the screen and click on ‘calculate’. Now click on save and continue. Since you now have the correct one way mileage you do not have to repeat the step for the return trip. You will notice that the date on both trips defaulted to the last day of your trip. Click on the calendar and change the first entry to the outbound date. On the return trip just repeat the information and save this. If you are claiming ‘in and around mileage’ you will need to list on a separate sheet of paper the breakdown trips taken and then list in DTS, mileage, one entry for the total mileage taken.

You must attach all required receipts*. This can be done one of two ways. You can click on the ‘Expenses’ tab and to the far right click on ‘Substantiating Records’ and ‘print fax cover sheet’. This will be used as a fax cover sheet to fax your receipts to the number listed on the form, 1-888-222-5061. The receipts will be uploaded into your DTS document and will become a part of the record. Do not forward receipts to the travel office as we will not attach them. If you have documents saved to file you can also attach them by using the browse function located in the substantiating records section. The file must be in PDF format if you are attaching it this way. See Required receipts listed below.

*Required receipts:

- Itemized lodging receipt with a zero balance or statement that balance has been paid in full

- Itemized rental card receipt with zero balance or statement that balance has been paid in full

- All receipts over $74.99 or any single entry (i.e., gas, taxis, etc. that total over $74.99)

- All taxi receipts (tips are no longer refundable)

- CTO eInvoice**

- Paid receipt/copy of charge card and bank statement for fees and board exams (a copy of the written check does not serve as a receipt, we must have the back and front of a check to show the payment cleared)

**CTO eInvoices may be obtained by logging onto and enter the requested information. Reservation Number / Confirmation Code (six character code that follows the acronym PNR code) is found on your reservation from CTO and at the end of the Trip Description box on the preview page of your voucher in DTS. When you receive the emailed invoice save as a PDF and upload to ‘Substantiating Records’ as noted previously by using the browse function.

REVIEW / SIGN: Click Review/Sign,

‘Preview’. Scroll down to review all expenses you entered, if correct, Save and Proceed to Other Auths.

‘Other authorizations’: Save and Proceed to Pre-Audits.

‘Pre-audit’ For Pre-Audit, you may notice Flagged Items. Each box that is blank, make a comment. Enter an appropriate response for the item flagged – if it asks for a code you may choose from the drop-down list provided. Save and Proceed to Digital Signature.

‘digital signature’ Click on Submit Completed Document. This will sign your document and return you to a screen that shows a status stamp of “SIGNED”. If the status is still “Created” repeat the above steps or call your travel representative for assistance.

Vouchers that do not have appropriate receipts as required will be returned to the traveler until receipts are added. If a voucher is returned to you for any reason, you must make the required correction then SIGN the voucher again so that it will route for approval.

Travelers are reminded that it is your responsibility to file your travel voucher within 5 days upon return to minimize any delays in payment to the travel card vendor. Failure to file the voucher will result in the traveler being responsible for the balance due in full upon receipt of the bill. Any charges placed on the card that exceed the members’ entitlements must be paid immediately by the card holder.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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