
Feature Article AnalysisArticle:Picnics- VogueElements of media languageAnalysis of meaning (including specific examples):Stereotypes- Male vs female (levi strauss binary opposites) Representation- sexism, women look after the men.Formal register- professional Lots of use of adjectives (fictitious, romantic, adventurous) Layout and DesignPositioning of headline, standfirst, pull quotes/sidebars, columns, imagesPositioned to the left of the page, a natural place to start reading, helps the audience to be able to follow the text.They use a large “T” to start the work, this is more typical of classic publications, it draws attention to the start of the work.The image is on the right of the page, it take up more than one side of the paper, therefore we can infer that the image is possible more significant than the text, this is possible as the magazine is a visual representation of fashion in the 60s. Font size, type, color etc.The font is all the same throughout the page, this could be due to the production of the magazine, and ink could be more valuable after the War, although time has passed since and rationing is over, the mindset to have less waste could be prominent. The font is very small on the page, therefore it is suggested that is has very little significance in comparison to the imageImages/photographs (shot type, angle, focus)The main image is of a group of people having a picnic, the time period is more Victorian and set before the 60sThe representation of the sexes is stereotypical and the man is lying on the floor as the woman pours him his teaThe binary opposites of the women and men, suggests that the women are lesser than men, and that men should be weighted on hand and foot, a sexist stereotype that has lasted decades. The image is in black and white The shot is taken from an angle suggesting we are standing in relation to the image. Mise-en-scene – colour, lighting, location,costume/dress as appropriateCountryside, elegant, black and white color scheme, Victorian costumes,Anchorage of images and textImage of the painting and the content included in the article will make the audience feel drawn to it as it might reflect a sense of aspiration and it might also align to the audience’s preferences.Language (headline, standfirst, copy, captions)Mode of address (direct/indirect; formal/informal)Formal mode of address, to appeal to a higher class The mode of address featured in the article are widely indirect as well as formal. This connotes sophistication to the point where sections are written alike poems. While the author of the article is constantly talking about their own opinion using the pronoun ‘I’ they never one address the audience directly. The use of opinion would make it less formal if it weren’t for the use of constant poetic like language.Specific devices e.g. emotive language,rhetorical questions, hyperbole, use of fact/statisticsSubject-specific lexisWhat narrative has been established?The narrative isn’t clearly established as the article seem overcomplicated due to the language used but it appears to simply be a piece on the significance of picnics in history (from the origin of the word to the significance surrounding the queen) and who would where what in certain situations relating to the main theme of ‘picnics’. It has sections explaining perceptions of the word including personal opinion but that is a small section in the narrative of the article. ................

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