How much water is in our bodies?

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We are often told that we need to make sure we keep having a drink even when we are not always thirsty. Water is vital to keep us healthy and here is why:

How much water is in our bodies?

On average, our bodies are made up of about 40 litres of water. Major body parts, such as your blood, muscles and bones, are mainly water so it therefore plays a key role in helping us stay alive.

Why should we drink water?

If we don't drink enough water our bodies can become dehydrated and this can cause us to become tired and feel unwell. If we feel thirsty, have dark coloured urine or have dry lips this may mean we need to drink some more water. This often happens when our bodies are losing more water than we are putting into it. We lose water all the time through sweat, faeces, urine and when we breathe out (check on a cold day for the water turning into vapour as you breathe out). Therefore it is important to make sure we are putting enough water into our bodies to keep it hydrated.

How much water should we drink?

It is recommended that we should all drink at least 2 litres of water a day in addition to any other drinks we have e.g. fizzy drinks, coffee or tea.


Water will give you healthy skin as without water your skin can become dry and flaky.


It spring cleans your system. Water acts like a waste disposal system by helping your body to remove toxins.


It helps to beat stress because when you are dehydrated the level of salt in your body increases and it makes you feel tired and irritable

Water keeps our brain working as it is made up of 75% water.


As we become dehydrated, our brain cannot work properly and

this can affect our thoughts and feelings.


It helps to regulate our body temperature by warming us up or cooling us down depending on where we are.


It helps to break down food during the digestion process so our bodies can absorb the nutrients we need from the food we eat.


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