Advanced Placement Human Geography Name

Advanced Placement Human Geography Name________________________________

Chapter 7 Study Guide Ethnicity Block____________

1. What is “Ethnicity”?

2. Why is “ethnicity” a source of pride?

3. What happened in 1994 in Rwanda due to ethnicity differences?

4. How is “race” different from “ethnicity”?

5. Why is ethnicity important to local diversity?

6. Why is ethnicity important to geographers?

7. Name 5 states that have high concentrations of African Americans.

8. Name 4 states that have high concentrations of Hispanic Americans.

9. Name states that have high concentrations of Asian Americans.

10. Name 4 states that have high concentrations of American Indian and Eskimos.

11. Why do many African Americans and Hispanic Americans live in large cities?

12. Name and describe the 3 major African American Migration Flows.

13. From what regions of Africa did the African Americans come from?

14. Who were “sharecroppers” and how did the system work?

15. What is the basis for “racism”?

16. What was the “Separate but Equal Doctrine” and what did it create?

17. What was “White Flight”?

18. What was the “Apartheid System and where did it take place?

19. Who were the “Boers”?

20. Who were the “Afrikaners”?

21. What were the “Homelands”?

22. What happened in South Africa in 1991?

23. Who was Nelson Mandela and why is he so important?

24. What has been the legacy of “apartheid”?

25. What does “Nationality” mean?

26. What is the difference between nationality and ethnicity?

27. What is meant by “self-determination”?

28. What is a “nation-state” and 2 examples?

29. What justification did Hitler use in the 1930s to take over parts of Europe?

30. Why isn’t there a “perfect nation-state”?

31. Name 2 positive and 2 negative aspects of nationalism.

32. What are “multinational states” and give 2 examples?

33. List all 15 states(countries) today that comprised the former Soviet Union that broke up in 1989.

34. What countries makeup the new Baltic Nation-States?

35. Where is Crimea and what ethnic group is dominant there?

36. Who are the “Tatars” and where are they today?

37. Where is Moldavia?

38. What is the difference between “Turkmenistan” and “Turkestan”?

39. What 2 countries that border the following countries:






40. Where is Chechnya and why is it important to Russia?

41. What country owns Siberia and why is Siberia so important?

42. Name the 3 countries in the Caucasus region and why is there a problem here?

43. Why have ethnic identities never disappeared in Africa?

44. Why did the Communists suppress ethnicities after WWII?

45. Where are the Balkans and what countries occupy the region today?

46. When did problems in the Balkans begin and why is it still a “Shatterbelt”?

47. What countries occupy the “Horn of Africa” and what ethnic problem exist there?

48. What 2 ethnic and religious groups have fought a civil war since 1980 there?

49. In a sentence describe the ethnic makeup of the country of Lebanon.

50. Where is Lebanon and why is it so important?

51. How did India solve their ethnic-religious differences in 1947?

52. Who are the Tamils and the Sinhalese and where are they having ethnic problems?

53. What is “Ethnic Cleansing”?

54. Why has the Balkan Peninsula been a problem since 1914?

55. How did Josip Broz Tito keep Yugoslavia united form 1953-1980 even though it was so diverse?

56. What groups practiced “ethnic cleansing” in former Yugoslavia in the 1990s?

57. What regions separated from Yugoslavia due to ethnic problems?

58. Where is Kosovo and what ethnic group did Serbia try to eliminate?

59. What is “Balkanization” and what problems has it led to?


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