(Lesson Title)

Transit Busology

| | Method: |

|CLB Level: 2 |Tell the class that today they will be learning about some of the rules that everyone must |

| |follow while riding the transit bus in Winnipeg. First, ask students how many of them ride the|

|Essential Skills Focus: |transit bus daily. Take a tally. Then, ask students to provide you with some of the places |

|Continuous Learning |that they travel to on the transit bus. Possible destinations may include school, work, |

|Thinking Skills |grocery store, shopping mall, etc. |

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|Task: Develop a better understanding of the |Ask students if they know of any of the rules that must be followed while riding the transit |

|rules and regulations while riding the |bus. Listen for responses and write a few ideas on the board (i.e. you can’t take up two |

|transit bus in Winnipeg |seats, you have to show the driver your bus pass, etc.) |

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|Purpose: Students will |Pass out to students the transit busology worksheet (see attached). Have students work with a |

|Look at various pictures of events happening|partner. Tell students that to complete this worksheet they must first look at the picture and |

|on the transit bus |discuss what is happening in the picture with a partner. They then must write what the problem|

|Work with a partner to decide what problems |is in the space provided. |

|are happening in the pictures | |

|Write some rules associated with riding the |Follow Up: |

|transit bus in Winnipeg |After students have completed the transit busology worksheet review it with the students. Go |

| |over the pictures and ask partner groups to share what the specific problem is with each |

|Materials: |picture. After viewing the pictures, ask students what they think some of the rules are on the|

|Transit Busology worksheet (attached). The |transit bus. Begin to write some of these rules on the board (i.e. you should give up your seat|

|transit busology pictures were obtained from|to someone with a disability, you cannot litter on the bus, etc.). |

|the Winnipeg Transit website: | |

|myride. |Debrief/Transfer: |

| |Ask students what Essential Skills they have learned today. Emphasize the |

|Learning Style: |importance of knowing and following the rules while riding the transit bus. When rules aren’t |

|Visual |followed – problems can arise! Tell students that following rules on the transit bus, in the |

|Auditory |workplace and in everyday life is expected and demanded by everyone in Canadian society. |

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|Time: 70 minutes | |

Transit Busology Worksheet

|What is happening? |What is the problem? |

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|What is happening? |What is the problem? |

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