Assessment - PC\|MAC

Answer Key

Section Quiz


1. C

2. b

3. a

4. d

5. b

Early Ideas About Evolution

Section Quiz

Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Which of the following is a term for a group of similar organisms that can reproduce and produce fertile offspring?

a. individual

b. population

c. species

d. fossil

2. Which scientist proposed that if an organism used a structure so much that it grew, the trait of that larger structure could be passed to its offspring?

a. Erasmus Darwin

b. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

c. Georges de Buffon

d. Charles Lyell

3. The “present is the key to the past” describes the theory of

a. uniformitarianism.

b. catastrophism.

c. natural selection.

d. evolution.

4. Which of the following is a fossil?

a. a plant that has recently died

b. a group of similar organisms that can reproduce

c. a structure or organ that no longer functions

d. a trace of an organism that existed in the past

5. The theory that landforms on Earth’s surface, such as mountains, waterfalls, and canyons, were created as the result of sudden spectacular events is called the theory of

a. uniformitarianism.

b. catastrophism.

c. gradualism.

d. evolution.

1. The difference in the physical traits of an individual from those of other individuals in a group is called a(n)

a. change.

b. adaptation.

c. species.

d. variation.

2. Over time, adaptations can lead populations to experience

a. environmental changes.

b. genetic changes.

c. geologic changes.

d. extinctions.

3. What did Charles Darwin observe in finch populations on the Galápagos Islands off the coast of South America?

a. different species on different islands

b. all species on one of the islands

c. identical species on all the islands

d. the same species as in North America

4. What did Charles Darwin learn from the fossils of a giant armadillo that he found in Argentina?

a. An earthquake led to the armadillo’s extinction.

b. Armadillos used to be marine organisms.

c. Modern animals may be related to fossilized organisms.

d. Fossils do not resemble modern animals.

5. Fossils of marine organisms high in the Andes Mountains led Darwin to conclude that

a. Earth is 6000 years old.

b. interspecific variation had taken place.

c. great change can happen over time.

d. an earthquake had taken place.

1. The development by scientists of a new color in a rose is the result of

a. natural selection.

b. artificial selection.

c. descent with modification.

d. overproduction.

2. In natural selection, the selective agent is the

a. humans.

b. mutations.

c. breeders.

d. environment.

3. All the rabbits living in a particular area would be an example of a(n)

a. population.

b. species.

c. fossil.

d. individual organism.

4. A bird that can easily outcompete other birds for food and that can produce many eggs has a high

a. life expectancy.

b. mutation rate.

c. fitness.

d. adaptability.

5. Which of the following describes natural selection?

a. It acts on genetic material directly.

b. It acts on existing physical traits.

c. It forms new traits.

d. It forms new genetic material.

1. Which of the following is an example of a vestigial structure?

a. the wings of red-tailed hawks

b. the hind limbs of a house cat

c. the fins of a shark

d. the wings of an ostrich

2. Biogeography is the study of the

a. distribution of organisms around the world.

b. environments around the world.

c. different types of rocks around the world.

d. age of fossils around the world.

3. What is suggested by the similarity of early embryos of different species of vertebrates?

a. no evolutionary relationship between the groups

b. recent common ancestry

c. similar environments in the past

d. evolution from a distant common ancestor

4. Some organisms that share a common ancestor have features that have different functions, but similar structures. These are known as

a. vestigial structures.

b. analogous structures.

c. homologous structures.

d. fossil structures.

5. If an organism has a vestigial structure, that structure likely once had a function in a(n)

a. close relative.

b. early ancestor.

c. unrelated organism.

d. embryological stage.

1. Paleontology is the study of

a. ecosystems.

b. genetics.

c. fossils.

d. rocks and minerals.

2. Two organisms that are closely related would have

a. very similar DNA sequences.

b. exactly the same DNA sequences.

c. no proteins in common.

d. completely different DNA sequences.

3. What are pseudogenes?

a. cell structures that function like genes

b. gene sequences that no longer function

c. protein sequences that look like genes

d. mutations in nucleotides

4. Evolution is considered to be one of the most important theories in science, because it

a. was developed more than 100 years ago.

b. is not supported by the fossil record.

c. unites the fields of biology, geology, chemistry, and ecology.

d. was discovered by Charles Darwin, a famous scientist.

5. Protein sequences in one organism that resemble those of another suggest a

a. coincidence.

b. lack of evolutionary relationship.

c. great number of mutations.

d. shared ancestry.


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