TPS Imaging Installation Guide


TPS Imaging Installation Guide

[Revision 1]

Publication Date: August, 2008

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2

TPS Imaging Installation Guide 3

Summary of Installation Steps 3

1. Prerequisites 4

2. Update the Cache’ database with TPS Imaging classes. 5

3. Install WinZip on the TPS Imaging server, if needed. 6

4. Install idsMail on the TPS Imaging server. 6

5. Install Alliance Imaging Connection Server on the TPS Imaging server. 6

6. Install TPS Source Document Manager on the TPS Imaging server. 9

7. Install TPS Cache’ Connection Check on the TPS Imaging server. 10

8. Install TPS Imaging Document Viewer on the TPS Imaging server. 10

9. Install TPS Source Document Processing on the TPS Imaging server. 11

10. Re-register Alliance Imaging Connection Server on the TPS Imaging server. 11

11. Install barcode fonts on the TPS Imaging server. 11

12. Create shared folders on the TPS Imaging storage device. 12

13. Set up tasks in TPS Imaging. 12

14. Start services on the TPS Imaging server. 13

15. Install TPSImageMove on the Fax Sr. server, if needed. 14

16. Configure CargoPoint, if needed. 14

17. Install TPS Imaging Document Viewer on client workstations. 14

18. Install TPS Source Document Processing on client workstations. 15

TPS Imaging Installation Guide

|Introduction |This document outlines the installation of TPS Imaging. It refers to other documents in the TPS Imaging |

| |documentation set. |

| |For an introduction to TPS Imaging, see the document entitled TPS Imaging - Feature Summary. |

Summary of Installation Steps

|Overview |The table below shows a summary of the steps involved in installing the TPS Imaging application. The |

| |detail of each step can be found after the table. |

|Step |Action | Comment |

| |Before you install Kewill Imaging, review the |Click here to go to the detail section of this document. |

| |Prerequisites for the installation. | |

| |Update the Cache’ database with TPS Imaging classes. |Click here to go to the detail section of this document. |

| |Install WinZip on the TPS Imaging server, if needed. |Click here to go to the detail section of this document. |

| |Install idsMail on the TPS Imaging server. |Click here to go to the detail section of this document. |

| |Install Alliance Imaging Connection Server on the TPS |Click here to go to the detail section of this document. |

| |Imaging server. | |

| |Install TPS Source Document Manager on the TPS Imaging|Click here to go to the detail section of this document. |

| |Server. | |

| |Install TPS Cache’ Connection Check on the TPS Imaging|Click here to go to the detail section of this document. |

| |server. | |

| |Install TPS Imaging Document Viewer on the TPS Imaging|Click here to go to the detail section of this document. |

| |server. | |

| |Install TPS Source Document Processing on the TPS |Click here to go to the detail section of this document. |

| |Imaging server. | |

| |Re-register Alliance Imaging Connection Server on the |Click here to go to the detail section of this document. |

| |TPS Imaging server. | |

| |Install barcode fonts on the TPS Imaging server. |Click here to go to the detail section of this document. |

| |Create shared folders on the TPS Imaging storage |Click here to go to the detail section of this document. |

| |device. | |

| |Set up tasks in TPS Imaging. |Click here to go to the detail section of this document. |

| |Start services on the TPS Imaging server. |Click here to go to the detail section of this document. |

| |Install TPSImageMove on the Fax Sr. server, if needed.|Click here to go to the detail section of this document. |

| |Configure CargoPoint, if needed. |Click here to go to the detail section of this document. |

| |Install TPS Imaging Document Viewer on client |Click here to go to the detail section of this document. |

| |workstations. | |

| |Install TPS Source Document Processing on client |Click here to go to the detail section of this document. |

| |workstations. | |

1. Prerequisites

|Overview of Prerequisites |Before you install TPS Imaging, the following must be established at the customer site. |

|Number |Prerequisite | Comment |

| |An existing Internet Tracking installation at the |The Internet Tracking site contains the necessary |

| |current patch level, even if Internet Tracking is not |database (Cache’) and database-related processes to |

| |being used by the customer. |support TPS Imaging. |

| | |The Internet Tracking server is the TPS Imaging server. |

| | |The Cache’ database must have at least 4 connection |

| | |licenses if it is used only for TPS Imaging; if it is |

| | |used for Internet Tracking and/or eVENT as well as TPS |

| | |Imaging, then it must have at least 6 connection |

| | |licenses. |

| | |The Amital folder in the Internet Tracking installation |

| | |(typically ?:\Cachesys\Amital, where ? is the drive |

| | |letter where the Cache’ database is installed) must be |

| | |shared as Amital (e.g. \\tpsimagingserver\Amital, where |

| | |tpsimagingserver is the name of the TPS Imaging server) |

| | |with group Everyone having full permissions. |

| |An existing Fax Sr. installation at the current patch | |

| |level if TPS Imaging is integrating with Kewill | |

| |Customs, Alliance Import, and/or Alliance Export. | |

| |An existing CargoPoint installation at the current | |

| |patch level if TPS Imaging is integrating with | |

| |CargoPoint. | |

| |One or more Windows 2000 or above workstations as for | |

| |the TPS Imaging client applications. | |

| |A Windows domain account if the customer has Windows |The account must have administrative privileges and a |

| |domain network security, or a local account on the TPS|password that will not expire. |

| |Imaging server if the customer has Windows workgroup |This account is used for running services and components |

| |security. |in TPS Imaging. |

| |An on-line storage device (e.g. hard drive, SAN, or | |

| |NAS) for storage of document images. | |

| |A SMTP/POP3 e-mail account. |This account is necessary if source documents are to be |

| | |received by TPS Imaging via e-mail, and/or if error |

| | |notifications are to be sent from the TPS Source Document|

| | |Manager and TPS Cache’ Connection Check services. |

2. Update the Cache’ database with TPS Imaging classes.

|TPS Imaging classes |On the TPS Imaging server, use the Cache’ database’s Object Architect utility to import classes necessary|

| |for TPS Imaging. |

| |Classes in the Cache’ database are analogous to tables and views in relational databases. |

| |The class files are found in the Database folder of the TPS Imaging distribution media; they have |

| |extension .CDL. |

| |The classes must be compiled when they are imported. |

3. Install WinZip on the TPS Imaging server, if needed.

|WinZip |If the TPS Imaging server does not handle Zip files, then WinZip must be installed on the TPS Imaging |

| |server. |

| |To install WinZip 8.1 SR-1 on the TPS Imaging server, run winzip81sr1.exe found in the Applications |

| |folder of the TPS Imaging distribution media. |

| |Accept all defaults during installation. |

4. Install idsMail on the TPS Imaging server.

|idsMail |idsMail is an e-mail component required by the TPS Source Document Manager service. |

| |To install idsMail on the TPS Imaging server, run SETUP.EXE, found in the Applications\idsmail32 folder |

| |of the TPS Imaging distribution media. |

| |Accept all defaults during installation. |

5. Install Alliance Imaging Connection Server on the TPS Imaging server.

|Overview |Alliance Imaging Connection Server is a DCOM component that provides a connection-pooling mechanism |

| |between the Imaging client applications (TPS Imaging Document Viewer and TPS Source Document Processing) |

| |and the Cache’ database. It is required by the Imaging client applications. |

| |To install Alliance Imaging Connection Server on the TPS Imaging server, run Setup.exe, found in the |

| |Applications\Alliance Imaging Connection Server n.n.n Install folder of the TPS Imaging distribution |

| |media. Accept all defaults during installation. |

|Windows 2000 Server |See the table below if the TPS Imaging server is a Windows 2000 Server. Do the following on the TPS |

| |Imaging server. |

|Step |Action |

| |Run dcomcnfg from the command prompt. |

| |Click the Default Properties tab and change the following settings: |

| |Enable Distributed COM on this computer = Yes |

| |Default Authentication Level = Connect |

| |Default Impersonation Level = Identify |

| |Click the Default Security tab. |

| |Click the Edit Default… button in the Default Access Permissions section. |

| |If the customer has Windows domain security, then add the following special users and groups from the Windows |

| |domain list to the access list with Allow Access permission; otherwise, add them from the local system list: |

| |Everyone |



| |Click the OK button. |

| |Click the Edit Default… button in the Default Launch Permissions section. |

| |If the customer has Windows domain security, then add the following special users and groups from the Windows |

| |domain list to the access list with Allow Launch permission; otherwise, add them from the local system list: |

| |Everyone |



| |Click the OK button. |

| |Click the Applications tab. |

| |Select TPSAICS.clsClient in the Applications list. |

| |Click the Properties… button. |

| |Click the General tab. Set Authentication Level to Default. |

| |Click the Location tab. Enable only Run application on this computer. |

| |Click the Security tab. Select Use default access permissions and Use default launch permissions. |

| |Click the Identity tab. Select This user. Enter the credentials for the administrative domain or local user. |

| |Click the OK button. |

| |Click the OK button. |

|Windows 2003 Server or above |See the table below if the TPS Imaging server is a Windows 2003 Server or above. Do the following on the |

| |TPS Imaging server. |

|Step |Action |

| |Run Component Services, found in the Administrative Tools program group. |

| |Right-click item Console Root\Component Services\Computers\My Computer in the tree list. Click the Properties |

| |menu item from the options. |

| |Click the Default Properties tab. Change settings on the Default Properties tab to the following: |

| |Enable Distributed COM on this computer = Yes |

| |Default Authentication Level = Connect |

| |Default Impersonation Level = Identify |

| |Click the COM Security tab. |

| |From the COM Security tab options, click the Edit Limits… button in the Access Permissions section. If the |

| |customer has Windows domain security, then add the following special users and groups from the Windows domain list|

| |to the access list with Local Access and Remote Access permissions; otherwise, add them from the local system list|

| |Everyone |




| |Click the OK button. |

| |From the COM Security tab options, click the Edit Default… button in the Access Permissions section. If the |

| |customer has Windows domain security, then add the following special users and groups from the Windows domain list|

| |to the access list with Local Access and Remote Access permissions; otherwise, add them from the local system list|

| |Everyone |




| |Click the OK button. |

| |From the COM Security tab options, click the Edit Limits… button in the Launch and Activation Permissions section.|

| |If the customer has Windows domain security, then add the following special users and groups from the Windows |

| |domain list to the access list with Local Access and Remote Access permissions; otherwise, add them from the local|

| |system list |

| |Everyone |




| |Click the OK button. |

| |From the COM Security tab options, click the Edit Default… button in the Launch and Activation Permissions |

| |section. If the customer has Windows domain security, then add the following special users and groups from the |

| |Windows domain list to the access list with Local Access and Remote Access permissions; otherwise, add them from |

| |the local system list |

| |Everyone |




| |Click the OK button. |

| |Right-click item Console Root\Component Services\Computers\My Computer\DCOM Config\TPSAICS.clsClient in the tree |

| |list. |

| |Click the Properties menu item. |

| |On the Properties screen, do the following: |

| |Click the General tab. Set Authentication Level to Default. |

| |Click the Location tab. Enable only Run application on this computer. |

| |Click the Security tab. Select Use Default in the Launch and Activation Permissions section and Use Default in |

| |the Access Permissions section. |

| |Click the Identity tab. Select This user. Enter the credentials for the administrative domain or local user. |

| |Click the OK button. |

6. Install TPS Source Document Manager on the TPS Imaging server.

|TPS Source Document Manager |TPS Source Document Manager is a service that provides important background processing tasks for TPS |

| |Imaging. |

| |To install TPS Source Document Manager, run Setup.exe on the TPS Imaging server, found in the |

| |Applications\TPS Source Document Manager n.n.n Install folder of the TPS Imaging distribution media. |

| |Accept all defaults during installation. |

| |Install TPS Source Document Manager in Windows Service Control Manager and initially configure TPS Source|

| |Document Manager by selecting the TPS Source Document Manager Settings shortcut in Windows’ TPS Source |

| |Document Manager program group. |

| |[See the on-line help in the TPS Source Document Manager Settings screen for details.] |

7. Install TPS Cache’ Connection Check on the TPS Imaging server.

|Cache’ Connection Check |TPS Cache’ Connection Check is a service that monitors several key aspects of the Cache’ database and TPS|

| |Imaging. It reports problems via SMTP e-mail. |

| |To install TPS Cache’ Connection Check, run Setup.exe on the TPS Imaging server, found in the |

| |Applications\ TPS Cache’ Connection Check n.n.n Install folder of the TPS Imaging distribution media,. |

| |Accept all defaults during installation. |

| |Install TPS Source Document Manager in Windows Service Control Manager and configure TPS Cache’ |

| |Connection Check by selecting the TPS Cache’ Connection Check shortcut in Windows’ TPS Cache’ Connection |

| |Check program group. |

| |[See the on-line help in the TPS Cache’ Connection Check Settings screen for details.] |

8. Install TPS Imaging Document Viewer on the TPS Imaging server.

|Document Viewer |TPS Imaging Document Viewer is a TPS Imaging client application used for viewing and disseminating |

| |indexed documents in TPS Imaging. |

| |To install TPS Imaging Document Viewer, run Setup.exe on the TPS Imaging server, found in the |

| |Applications\TPS Imaging Document Viewer n.n.n Install folder of the TPS Imaging distribution media. |

| |Accept all defaults during installation. |

9. Install TPS Source Document Processing on the TPS Imaging server.

|Source Document Processing |TPS Source Document Processing is a TPS Imaging client application used for processing source documents |

| |and for configuring TPS Imaging. |

| |To install TPS Source Document Processing, run Setup.exe on the TPS Imaging server, found in the |

| |Applications\TPS Source Document Processing n.n.n Install folder of the TPS Imaging distribution media. |

| |Accept all defaults during installation. |

10. Re-register Alliance Imaging Connection Server on the TPS Imaging server.

|Alliance Imaging Connection Server|Whenever TPS Imaging Document Viewer and/or TPS Source Document Processing are installed or updated on |

| |the TPS Imaging server, then Alliance Imaging Connection Server must be re-registered to work properly. |

| |To re-register Alliance Imaging Connection Server, open a command prompt window on the TPS Imaging server|

| |and issue the following commands: |

| |C: |

| |cd C:\Program Files\TradePoint Systems LLC\Alliance Imaging Connection Server |

| |TPSAICS.EXE /unregserver |

| |TPSAICS.EXE /regserver |

| |EXIT |

11. Install barcode fonts on the TPS Imaging server.

|Barcode fonts |Special barcode fonts are required by the Imaging client applications to print barcoded lead sheets. |

| |On the TPS Imaging server, open Fonts in Windows’ Control Panel. |

| |To install the fonts on the TPS Imaging server, drag-and-drop files FRE3OF9X.TTF and FREE3OF9.TTF, found |

| |in the Applications\Code 39 fonts folder of the TPS Imaging distribution media, to the Fonts applet. |

12. Create shared folders on the TPS Imaging storage device.

|Shared Folders |TPS Imaging stores documents in, and retrieves them from, shared folders on the TPS Imaging storage |

| |device. |

| |Create the following folders on the TPS Imaging storage device: |

| |TPSImaging - The initial storage volume for indexed documents. |

| |TPSSrcDoc - The initial storage volume for source documents in the source document processing queue. |

| |TPSScan1 - A folder for incoming scanned documents. |

| |All of these folders must be shared on the network. Give group Everyone full permissions on these |

| |folders. |

13. Set up tasks in TPS Imaging.

|Setup Tasks |Setup tasks in TPS Imaging are done in the System Management screen of the TPS Source Document Processing|

| |application. |

| |On the TPS Imaging server, run TPS Source Document Processing by selecting the TPS Source Document |

| |Processing shortcut in Windows’ TPS Source Document Processing program group. |

| |Log is as user Administrator with password “tps” (without the quotes). |

| |Select the Tools/System Management… menu item to open the System Management screen, then follow the steps|

| |below. |

|Step |Action |

| |Add TPS Imaging users on the Users tab. Users can be Administrators or Non-Administrators. Administrators are |

| |allowed access to the System Management screen in the TPS Source Document Processing application. They can also |

| |delete and recall indexed documents in the TPS Imaging Document Viewer application. |

| |Review defined document types on the Document Types tab. Add new document types as necessary. |

| |On the Cleanup tab, do the following: |

| |Enable Logoff Users. Set the inactivity period to 3 minutes. |

| |Disable Archive Open Documents. |

| |Disable Delete Archive entries. |

| |Enable Delete unused Source Document Image files. Set the days to 30 and the time to 00:00. |

| |On the Storage tab, do the following: |

| |Enter \\tpsimagingserver\Amital\tps_imaging.ini in the Definition File box |

| |Click the Edit button. |

| |On the Imaging Storage screen, click the Add button. |

| |In the Path box, enter \\tpsimagingstorage\TPSImaging\. |

| |In the Required Free Space Remaining box, enter 100. |

| |Click the Add button. |

| |Click the OK button. |

| |In the Upload Directory box, enter \\tpsimagingserver\Amital\. |

| |Click the Add button. |

| |In the Path box, enter \\tpsimagingstorage\TPSSrcDoc\. |

| |In the Required Free Space Remaining box, enter 100. |

| |Click the Add button. |

| |On the AutoScan tab, do the following: |

| |If source documents are to be received by TPS Imaging via e-mail, then enable Check E-Mail, |

| |Select SMTP/POP3 as the E-Mail System, and |

| |Enter the credentials for a SMTP/POP3 e-mail account that will be used for this purpose. |

| |Enable Check Directory 1. |

| |Set the interval to 1 minute. |

| |In the Directory 1 box, enter \\tpsimagingstorage\TPSScan1\. |

| |If TPS Imaging is integrating with CargoPoint, then enable Metadata control files; otherwise, disable Metadata |

| |control files and set Lead Sheet Processing to OCR. |

| |Click the OK button to save settings. |

| |tpsimagingserver is the name of the TPS Imaging server. |

| |tpsimagingstorage is the name of the TPS Imaging storage device. |

| |[See the on-line help in the TPS Source Document Processing application for details.] |

14. Start services on the TPS Imaging server.

|Start services |Run the Windows Services applet on the TPS Imaging server. Use it to start the following services: TPS |

| |Source Document Manager and TPS Cache’ Connection Check. |

15. Install TPSImageMove on the Fax Sr. server, if needed.

|TPSImageMove |If Fax Sr. is being used in conjunction with Kewill Customs, Alliance Import, and/or Alliance Export to |

| |send documents to TPS Imaging, then TPSImageMove must be installed on the Fax Sr. server. |

| |To install TPSImageMove, run setup.exe on the Fax Sr. server, found in the Applications\TPSImageMove |

| |n.n.n Install folder of the TPS Imaging distribution media. |

| |When prompted for an installation directory, replace “?” with the drive letter on the Fax Sr. server |

| |where Fax Sr. is installed; otherwise, accept all defaults during installation. |

| |In file TPSRTF.INI in the ?:\FaxSr\tps\programs folder on the Fax Sr. server, where ? is the drive letter|

| |where Fax Sr. is installed, change the value of the following keys: |

| |imaging storage list= \\tpsimagingserver\Amital\tps_imaging.ini |

| |imaging extract location= \\tpsimagingserver\Amital |

| |imaging enabled= yes |

| |where tpsimagingserver is the name of the TPS Imaging server. |

16. Configure CargoPoint, if needed.

|CargoPoint |If TPS Imaging is integrating with CargoPoint, then configure CargoPoint to send documents and metadata |

| |to the \\tpsimagingserver\TPSScan1 folder, where tpsimagingserver is the name of the TPS Imaging server. |

| | |

| |[See the CargoPoint documentation for details.] |

17. Install TPS Imaging Document Viewer on client workstations.

|Document Viewer |TPS Imaging Document Viewer is a TPS Imaging client application used for viewing and disseminating |

| |indexed documents in TPS Imaging. |

| |To install TPS Imaging Document Viewer, run Setup.exe in the client workstation, found in the |

| |Applications\TPS Imaging Document Viewer n.n.n Install folder of the TPS Imaging distribution media. |

| |Accept all defaults during installation. |

| |Run TPS Imaging Document Viewer for the first time by selecting the TPS Imaging Document Viewer shortcut |

| |in Windows’ TPS Imaging Document Viewer program group. A connection failure message is displayed; this |

| |is normal. |

| |Click OK to automatically open the Options screen for TPS Imaging Document Viewer. |

| |In the Options screen, select the Connection Server connection method and type the name of the TPS |

| |Imaging server in the Connection Server box. |

| |Click OK to save the settings. If TPS Imaging Document Viewer can successfully connect to the TPS |

| |Imaging database via Alliance Imaging Connection Server, then the main screen of TPS Imaging Document |

| |Viewer will be displayed; otherwise, a connection failure message will be displayed. |

| |If a connection failure message persists, then make sure that the TPS Imaging server is visible to the |

| |client workstation and that the Windows logon of the client workstation has permissions to launch and |

| |access Alliance Imaging Connection Server. |

| |Special barcode fonts are required by TPS Imaging Document Viewer to print barcoded lead sheets. |

| |On the client workstation, open Fonts in Windows’ Control Panel. |

| |To install the fonts on the client workstation, drag-and-drop files FRE3OF9X.TTF and FREE3OF9.TTF (found |

| |in the Applications\Code 39 fonts folder of the TPS Imaging distribution media) to the Fonts applet. |

18. Install TPS Source Document Processing on client workstations.

|Source Document Processing |TPS Source Document Processing is a TPS Imaging client application used for processing source documents |

| |and for configuring TPS Imaging. |

| |To install TPS Source Document Processing, run Setup.exe on the client workstation, found in the |

| |Applications\TPS Source Document Processing n.n.n Install folder of the TPS Imaging distribution media. |

| |Accept all defaults during installation. |

| |Run TPS Source Document Processing for the first time by selecting the TPS Source Document Processing |

| |shortcut in Windows’ TPS Source Document Processing program group. |

| |A connection failure message is displayed; this is normal. |

| |Click OK to automatically open the Options screen for TPS Source Document Processing. |

| |On the Options screen, select the Connection Server connection method and type the name of the TPS |

| |Imaging server in the Connection Server box. |

| |Click Save to save the settings. If TPS Source Document Processing can successfully connect to the TPS |

| |Imaging database via Alliance Imaging Connection Server, then the login screen of TPS Source Document |

| |Processing will be displayed; otherwise, a connection failure message will be displayed. |

| |If a connection failure message persists, then make sure that the TPS Imaging server is visible to the |

| |client workstation and that the Windows logon of the client workstation has permissions to launch and |

| |access Alliance Imaging Connection Server. |

| |Special barcode fonts are required by TPS Source Document Processing to print barcoded lead sheets. |

| |On the client workstation, open Fonts in Windows’ Control Panel. |

| |To install the fonts on the client workstation, drag-and-drop files FRE3OF9X.TTF and FREE3OF9.TTF (found |

| |in the Applications\Code 39 fonts folder of the TPS Imaging distribution media) to the Fonts applet. |

Copyright © 2008 by Kewill plc [last revision date: 08/06/08]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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