Școala Gimnazială “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Tg

305181066675INSPECTORATUL ?COLAR JUDE?EAN 137160148590 MURE? edums.ro Keep in touchwith reality?coala Gimnazial? ?Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Tg-Mure?KEEP IN TOUCH WITH REALITYConcurs jude?ean de limba englez?1 februarie 2020Clasa a VIII-a Varianta 1PLEASE WRITE ONLY THE ANSWERS ON YOUR ANSWER SHEET!Subject 1. Read the text and mark the sentences below True (T), False (F) or DK (don’t know). Write your answers on the answer sheet. (10 points)Police in Manchester are looking for a man who it is thought stole money from the bank where he worked. Robin Curtis has worked in the bank in North Street for ten years since he left school. Last Friday he didn’t turn up for work. The same day, the bank manager discovered that ?50.000 was missing from the safe.Mr Curtis lives alone in a flat in the city centre. His neighbours have not seen him since last Thursday. Several of them remember seeing him that evening. He was driving a new Mercedes car and he seemed in a hurry. They describe Mr. Curtis as a quiet, serious man and who seemed rather shy. Mr. Curtis is twenty-seven. He is of medium height, slim with short brown hair. He has long, thin face, blue eyes and is clean-shaven. He wears a pair of silver glasses for reading but doesn’t wear them all the time. When he was last seen by his neighbours driving away in the Mercedes, he was wearing a pair of blue jeans, a white T-shirt and a black leather jacket. Mr Curtis did not say anything to his colleagues at the bank or his neighbours about going away. They are all worried in case he has had an accident or is ill. None of them can believe that he would steal money from the bank. The police say that presently they are not accusing Mr. Curtis of stealing the money. However, they would like to interview him as soon as possible in order to make sure that he is safe. Mr. Curtis used to live in Devon when he was a boy and the police think he may have gone back to that area. The police would like anyone who has seen Mr. Curtis since Thursday to contact them immediately, either by ringing 0111-683-362 or by calling their local police station.Robin Curtis has only had one job since he left school.Friday was his last day at work.Mr. Curtis’s neighbours thought he was aggressive.Mr. Curtis didn’t like his neighbours.Mr. Curtis is rather overweight.Mr. Curtis has a beard.Mr. Curtis sometimes wears glasses.Mr Curtis’s colleagues think he stole the money.The police want to talk to Mr. Curtis.Mr. Curtis has gone to Devon.Subject 2. Complete the following sentences with the words/expressions from the box. Use each word only once.Write your answers on the answer sheet. (10 points)pouringtrainingturn offroaredextremeepidemicunexploreddeclaredtradingfuriousHe was …………… when he found out they had lied to him.The lion …………… as it attacked the zebra.Lava kept …………… out of the volcano for days after the eruption.There are no maps of this …………… area of the country.It takes years of …………… to become a vet.The Mediterranean seal has been …………… a protected species.The baker failed to …………… the oven.London is an important world …………… centre.The Great Plague was a terrible …………… that broke out in London in 1665.Some people like doing …………… sports.Subject 3. Choose the correct option and write it on the answer sheet. (10 points)1. However hard he tried he could not ......... smoking.A. cut up B. cut out C. cut D. quit2. They are offering a ......... to anyone who can give information about the robbery.A. compensation B. reward C. prize D. premium3. You have made us a lot of promises, but none..........A. have been kept B. has been kept C. has kept D. have kept4. An honest man always ............ his word.A. holds B. retains C. sustains D. keeps5. He always ............ part in his children’s games.A. had B. played C. took D. was6. Keep............................. while I take your picture- stop moving!.A. steal B. quiet C. still D. steel7. Don’t ..........................., think about the future.A. give back B. look back C. look forward D. watch8. This exercise is so easy. It`s a piece of....................A. pie B. meat C. cucumber D. cake9. The children are at ……………. cinema at the moment.A. - B. a C. the D. an10. Cathy is……………..the fastest runner in our school.A. much B. by far C. very D. lessSubject 4. Read the text below and use the word given in capitals to form words that fit in the gaps. (10 points)THE CHINESE ZODIACIn Chinese astrology there are twelve signs based on (1)____animals.DIFFERENCETigers, for example, are brave and like (2)_______. They are also optimistic. COMPETE(3)_________”tigers” are Tom Cruise and Leonardo DiCaprio. Rabbits, on the FAMEother hand, are shy, generous people whose (4) _________you can rely on. FRIENDThe (5) ________Al Pacino and Robin Williams are typical dragons. ACTThey have (6) ________and energy and are born leaders. STRONGSnakes have (7)________in themselves ; they are polite and CONFIDENT(8)______people who usually give good advice. Kim Bassinger and ATTRACTBrad Pitt are two famous snakes. Finally, Bruce Willis, though he has a (9) ___ REPUTEfor being a tough guy, is a ram and rams are (10)_________people. SENSEAccording to Chinese astrology, they are good at giving sympathy so you know who to go to if you are feeling a bit down.Subject 5. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form. The first one (0) has been done for you. (10 points)A pair of thieves (0) broke (break) into a house yesterday but (1)_____________________ ( not find) jewellery worth ?5,000 hidden in a biscuit tin!Two robbers (2)_____________________ (break) into the home of Mrs Eileen Tabone, a 39-year-old mother of two, yesterday afternoon and (3)______________________ (ransack) the house. They (4)______________________ (take) a CD player and a television set.“Fortunately they (5)_____________________ (not look) in the biscuit tin. That’s where I (6)______________________ (put) all my jewellery!” said Mrs Tabone.The police (7)____________________ now ____________________ (appeal) for witnesses. If you happen (8)_________________ (see) two men wearing jeans and denim jackets and (9)____________________ (carry) a CD player and a television set, please (10)___________________ (contact) your nearest police station.Subject 6. Complete the sentences with an article (a / an / the) if necessary. Some gaps do not need an article. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (10 points)My brother lives in _____apartment in _____city centre.School children in ______UK have to wear _____uniforms.She’s going by ______plane. ______ flight takes seven hours.These days Angelina Jolie enjoys ______life of ______Hollywood film star.Children start ______ school when they are four or five in _____Britain.Subject 7. Rewrite the sentences to make defining relative clauses. Use who, which, that, when, where or whose. Write your answers on the answer sheet.( 10 points) 1That’s the park. I play football there._____________________________________________________2Andy’s got a sister. She’s very attractive._____________________________________________________3He’s the boy. His mum works in the restaurant._____________________________________________________4There’s the house. I lived there when I was younger._____________________________________________________5Thousands of people went to the concert. It was in Berlin._____________________________________________________6Have you seen the new teacher? He took our class today._____________________________________________________7That’s the hotel. There’s a swimming pool there._____________________________________________________8She’s the girl. Her parents bought her a computer for her birthday._____________________________________________________9This is the hospital. I was born there._____________________________________________________10Hallowe’en is a fun holiday. Children dress up as ghosts then._____________________________________________________Subject 8. Complete using Questions Tags. (10 points)Paul doesn’t live here, ……?Let’s go dancing, ……?Open the car door, ……?The children were happy, ……?There is still some hope, ……?Scientists can have information on this, ……?I’m trying to help you,……?Some people like play cards, ……?They’ve never told us the truth, ……?Dinosaurs became extinct, ……?Subject 9. Complete the sentences by making comparisons with the adjective or adverb in brackets.( 5 points)Travelling by plane is ……………(safe) way of travelling.The ……………(good) part of the holiday was the trip to the desert.I think younger people drive ……………(dangerously) than older people.She described the robber ……………(carefully) as she could to the police.This year at college is a lot ……………(difficult) than last year.Subject 10. Rewrite the sentences. Use unless. (5 points) We won’t be able to get into the flat if we don’t find our keys.______________________________________________________________If the bus isn’t late, I’ll see you at eight o’clock.______________________________________________________________John will fail his driving test. He must practise more.______________________________________________________________If you don’t wear a fancy dress, you can’t go to the party.______________________________________________________________My parents won’t let me go out if I don’t do my homework.______________________________________________________________Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.Se acord? 10 puncte din oficiu.Timp de lucru: 90 minute316611022860INSPECTORATUL ?COLAR JUDE?EAN 39433560960MURE? Keep in touchwith reality edums.ro?coala Gimnazial? ?Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Tg-Mure?KEEP IN TOUCH WITH REALITYConcurs jude?ean de limba englez?1 februarie 2020BAREM DE CORECTAREClasa a VIII-aSubject 1. (10 x 1 = 10 points)1) T 2) F 3) F 4)DK 5) F 6)F 7) T 8) F 9) T 10) DKSubject 2. (10 x 1 = 10 points)1) furious 2) roared 3) pouring 4) unexplored 5) training 6) declared 7) turn off8) trading 9) epidemic 10) extremeSubject 3. (10 x 1 = 10 points)1) D 2) B 3) B 4) D 5) C 6) C 7) B 8) D 9) C 10) BSubject 4. (10 x 1 = 10 points)1) different 2) competition/competence 3) famous 4) friendship 5) actors 6) strength 7) confidence 8) attractive 9) reputation 10) sensitiveSubject 5. (10 x 1 = 10 points)1) didn’t find 2) broke3) ransacked4) took5) didn’t look6) had put7) are now appealing8) to see9) carrying10) contactSubject 6. (10 x 1 = 10 points)1) an,the 2) the, - 3) -, the 4) the, a 5) -, -Subject 7. (10 x 1 = 10 points)1. That’s the park where I played football.2. Andy’s got a sister who/that is very attractive.3. He’s the boy whose mum works in the restaurant.4. There’s the house where I lived when I was younger.5. Thousands of people went to the concert that/which was in Berlin.6. Have you seen the new teacher who/that took our class today?7. That’s the hotel where there is a swimming pool.8. She’s the girl whose parents bought her a computer for her birthday.9. This is the hospital where I was born.10. Hallowe’en is a fun holiday when children dress up as ghosts.Subject 8. (10 x 1 = 10 points)1) does he 6) can’t they2) shall we 7) aren’t I3) will you 8) don’t they4) weren’t they 9) have they5) isn’t there 10) didn’t theySubject 9. (5 x 1 = 5 points)1) the safest2) the best3) more dangerously4) as carefully5) more difficultSubject 10. (5 x 1 = 5 points)1. Unless we find our keys, we won’t be able to get into the flat. 2. Unless the bus is late, I’ll see you at eight o’clock.3. Unless John/he practises more he/John will fail his driving test.4. Unless you wear a fancy dress you can’t go to the party/won’t be able to go to the party.5. Unless I do my homework my parents won’t let me go out.Se acord? 10 puncte din oficiu! ................

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