Grade of Elevator Pitch - University of Memphis

| |3 |2 |1 | |

| | | | |Evaluation/ |

| |Exceeds Expectations |Meets Expectations |Needs Improvement |Comments |

|Performance |Speech looks rehearsed and|Speech looks somewhat |Speech does not look | |

|(Appearance, confidence, |they maintain eye contact |rehearsed and maintains |rehearsed and makes no eye | |

|posture, speaks clearly) |with the audience. |eye contact most of the |contact. | |

| | |time. | | |

|Presentation |Clearly explains what |Somewhat describes their |Doesn’t describe what their| |

|(clear, concise, |their skills are and how |skills and value to an |skills are or how they have| |

|understandable) |they can add value to an |organization. |value for an organization. | |

| |organization. | | | |

|Expectations |Describes why they are |Somewhat describes why |Doesn’t describe why they | |

|(states their goals, |unique and different. |they are unique and |are unique and different. | |

|captures attention, | |different. | | |

|persuasive, realistic) | | | | |

|Timing |Within time limit. |Goes 5 seconds over or |Goes 10 seconds over or | |

|(appropriate time length) | |under time limit. |under time limit. | |

|Overall |Overall, exceeds |Overall, meets most |Overall, elevator pitch | |

| |expectations for an |expectations for a good |needs improvement | |

| |excellent elevator pitch |elevator pitch | | |

Elevator Pitch Rubric

Please circle a rating in each row and provide suggested improvements

Elevator Pitch Student Evaluation

Student Name_______________

Performance: 1 2 3 Presentation: 1 2 3

Expectations: 1 2 3 Timing: 1 2 3

Overall: 1 2 3

Total Score: ___ / 15

Elevator Pitch Student Evaluation

Student Name_______________

Performance: 1 2 3 Presentation: 1 2 3

Expectations: 1 2 3 Timing: 1 2 3

Overall: 1 2 3

Total Score: ___ / 15

Elevator Pitch Student Evaluation

Student Name_______________

Performance: 1 2 3 Presentation: 1 2 3

Expectations: 1 2 3 Timing: 1 2 3

Overall: 1 2 3

Total Score: ___ / 15


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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