Sociology Unit 2: Family

Sociology Unit 2: Family

Revision for the exam


1. Describe what happened before, during and after the Industrial Revolution to change the nature of families.

Pre Industrial Family:


Post Industrial Family:


2. Describe modern factors that have changed the nature of families.

What was the family like in the early part of the 20th Century?

Describe the typical 1950s family:

Describe the social movements of the 1970s that changed the idea of conjugal roles:


3. What are other technologies and developments that have

changed the nature of families and describe the change.

Eg, Contraception (more control over childbirth, fewer children etc)







4. Describe what the 1976 Family Law Act

meant for married couples and families.


5. What is cohabitation? Why is this more common now than in the past?

Why is this more acceptable than in the past?


6. What is Gender Socialisation?

Give examples of how boys are socialised.

Give examples of how girls are socialised.

How does this create the basis for conjugal roles?


7. Identify ‘unusual’ family structures in modern Australian society.

Why might the family structure be changing from the typical nuclear structure? What factors have contributed to, for example,

sole parent families, same-sex couples etc?


8. Describe how the media, television, advertising etc, reinforce traditional family stereotypes. Do they promote the nuclear family or a range of family structures? How are conjugal roles are promoted?

Think about how the genders are represented….


10. Describe the basic functions of family.

What could be lost with the breakdown of the family institution?


11. List two issues affecting families, eg. Surrogacy, same-sex marriage, and discuss the impact these issues have on the traditional nuclear family.




12. Go over your definitions and make sure you understand them.

Eg. Nuclear, Blended, Extended, Gender Socialisation (Sexual Processing), Conjugal Roles, Cohabitation etc. Write notes here….

(Make sure you use these appropriately in your exam to gain full marks)


Reread all your handouts, especially, ‘Family: It’s all Relative’ (The Age)

and ‘Pink for Girls and Blue For Boys’, Handout on the same-sex marriage debate etc.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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