
USA Quiz 2018 +Note that the USA paper is very interpretation heavy. You need to know the context of events and why they are significant. You need to be able to use your knowledge to understand why people have the opinions that they do.Quiz Revision tip. Highlight the questions you know and don’t bother answering them at first. Research the ones you can’t answer to help you fill gaps in your understanding. ImmigrationWhat type of government is used in the USA?What is a Democrat?Who supported them?What is a Republican?Who supported them?In what year did women get the vote?Who was excluded from voting and why?What is meant by the term “melting pot”?Who came to America?Why did people come? (consider push and pull factors)What impact did immigration have on America?What was Ellis Island?Why were immigrants given health checks upon arrival?Which cities were popular destinations for immigrants?What was life like for the immigrants once they settled in America?Why did immigration lead to a rise in Nativism?What was America’s “open door” policy?What restrictions were placed on immigration?Why did WW1 encourage opposition to immigration?Why did the Russian Revolution of 1917 spark fears about immigration?Why was the Literacy Test introduced in 1917?What did the test involve?What was isolationism?What did the 1921 Emergency Quota Act say?What was the 1924 National Origins Act?What measure restricted immigration in 1929?What does “xenophobia” mean?What do Communists believe?What are anarchists?What caused the Red Scare?Why did American workers go on strike?What happened to trade unions?Who was Mitchel Palmer and what happened to him?What happened during the Palmer Raids?Who were Sacco and Vanzetti?What happened to them?Race and religionWhat was the Bible Belt?What did revivalists want?What is a fundamentalist?Give examples of things that were banned in the Bible BeltWho was Aimee McPherson?What was the Theory of Evolution?What did Creationist believe?What was the Anti-Evolution League and when was it set up?Who was John Scopes?What happened during the Monkey Trial?What was the outcome of the trial?What impact did the media have in the trial?Who were the Native Americans?Why weren’t Native Americans considered to be US citizens?What did the 1887 Dawes Act do?How/why did WW1 chance attitudes towards Native Americans?What did the 1924 Indian Citizenship Act do?What did Native American boarding school force these children to do?Why weren’t black people included in the “all men are created equal” stance of the Declaration of Independence?What was abolished in 1865?What is segregation?What were the Jim Crow Laws?Give some examples of the Jim Crow Laws? Eg. Separate water fountains.The 15th Amendment allowed black Americans to do what?How did many southern states prevent black Americans from voting?What was sharecropping?Why did sharecropping mean that black Americans were poorly educated?What is lynching?What was the Dyer Bill of 1921?Why did it fail?Who were the KKK?What impact did the film “Birth of a Nation” have?What did membership numbers peak at in 1924?What was a WASP?What methods did the KKK use to intimidate people?Why was the KK able to get away with these activities?Why did support for the KKK decline rapidly by the end of the 1920s?Why did many black Americans migrate north?What were their living conditions like in the north?Why were there widespread riots against growing black communities in northern towns and cities?In what ways was life in the north better for black Americans?What was the Harlem Renaissance?What was the role of black Americans in WW1?What was the NAACP?What did they do?What was the UNIA?What did they do?Why did the NAACP and the UNIA not get along very well?Crime and corruptionWhat was prohibition?Which amendment to the constitution was it?When was it passed?It was also known as the V__________ ActWhen did Prohibition end?What was the temperance movement?What did the Women’s Christian Temperance Union do?What did the Anti-Saloon League do?Why did WW1 impact public opinion about drinking alcohol?What was the Food and Fuel Control Act?What were “dries” and “wets”?What were the arguments in favour of Prohibition?What was Bootlegging?What was moonshine?What was the problem with moonshine?What was a speakeasy?Why did Prohibition encourage organized crime?Who was John Kramer?Why were Prohibition enforcement officers largely ineffective?Why were there so few convictions for those who broke the Prohibition law? What organisations campaigned for the end of Prohibition and why?Which president repealed Prohibition in 1933?Summarise the reasons why Prohibition came to an end.Who was Al Capone?What city did he operate in?What happened during the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre?What crime finally landed Al Capone in prison?In what way(s) was the US government corrupt?What happened during the Teapot Dome Scandal?Economic boomWhy did the outbreak of WW1 result in an economic boom for the USA?How did the US’ economic production compare to other countries? Give examples. How did the US economy benefit from the war?Why did the US production of natural resources help the economic boom?Why did taxes rise sharply in 1917?What is meant by disposable income?What luxury items were purchased in the rise of consumer spending?How many people had radios in 1919 compared with 1929?Explain the upwards cycle of prosperity.What was hire purchase?How did electrification play a role in the boom?How did advertising play a role in the boom?What was speculating?Why did confidence allow the boom to continue?What political party did the presidents of the 1920s belong to?What is meant by “laissez faire”?Why did the government cut taxes in the 1920s?Explain the “trickle down” theory.What is a tariff?Why were protective tariffs imposed?Which model Ford was the most popular of the time?What colour(s) did it come in and why?What is an assembly line?Why did the assembly line help to reduce costs for the manufacturers?What other industries benefitted from the boom of the car industry?How did increased car ownership impact roads etc.?What is credit? How did it help the economic boom?End of prosperityHow was the economy’s wealth distributed through the population?What percentage of Americans were living below the poverty line in the 1920s?Why did black people live in poverty?Why did immigrants live in poverty?Why did workers in older industries face a lot of problems in the 1920s?What was the situation like for farmers?What happened to prices and wages during WW1?Why was I difficult for urban workers to improve their pay or working conditions?What happened during the 1921 Coal Miners’ Strike?What was the Farm Relief Bill?Why did Florida see a huge rise in property prices?What is meant by “negative equity”?What was the stock market?Explain how shares works.Why did confidence encourage people to buy shares on margin?Why did people believe that share prices would continue to rise?What was overproduction?What was the impact of overproduction?What was the 1922 Fordney McCumber Act?Why did the act cause problems for America by 1929?What caused the panic selling of shares?What and where is Wall Street?When was did the Wall Street Crash happen?What happened during the Wall Street Crash?What happened on Black Thursday?What happened on Black Tuesday?What was the impact on unemployment following the WSC?What happened to small businesses?What happened to the banks?What were “hoboes”?What were “Hoovervilles” and why were they named as such?How much did the GNP (Gross National Product) fall by?What is economic depression?What was “rugged individualism”?Popular entertainmentWhy was cinema a popular form of entertainment?How did the number of cinemas increase between 1910 and 1930?Why did Hollywood come to dominate the film industry?Why could Hollywood films be enjoyed around the world?What was the first Disney film?When was syncronised sound introduced?What were “talkies”?Name 4 movie stars of the period and give examples of their films. How did new magazines help film companies?In what year did the Oscar Film Awards (Oscars) start?What were the scandals of the film stars? Give an example.Why did some people want films to be censored?What censorship rules were introduced?Where did Jazz originate form?Who were the famous jazz musicians of the period?Was it only black musicians that played jazz music?Why did some people think that jazz was a bad thing?How many people owned radios by 1929? How did that impact the spread and popularity of Jazz music. Why did jazz music spread quickly from the southern states to become popular across the USA?What new dances were inspired by jazz?What were dance crazes?What was flagpoling?The role of womenWhat was expected of women in 1900?How did WW1 change the lives of women?How many women enlisted in the US military during WWI?What sort of jobs did they do during WWI?At the end of the war, did all women want things to back to how they had been before?By 1911 how many states how given women the right to vote in state and local elections?Which president supported national women’s suffrage in 1912?In what year were women given the vote by Congress?What year was the first presidential election that women could vote in?By 1928 what percentage of degrees were earned by women?Who was Jeanette Rankin?What was the League of Women Voters?Why did the feminist movement slow down after women got the vote?What changed for women in terms of the jobs they did in the 1920s?By 1920, what percentage of women over 16 worked?Why did the Supreme Court reject a minimum wage for women?What important breakthrough for women came about in the 1920s?Who was Amelia Earheart?What other famous women were there at the time?What was a flapper?What behaviours did they display?How did they dress?What activities did they participate in?Who were the famous flappers of the time?Where were flappers welcomed?Who/where did not accept flappers?Why not? ................

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