Name: ____________________________ Period: _______Date

Name: ____________________________ Period: _______Date: ___________________

Due Thursday February 17, 2011

Complete for homework on a separate piece of paper stapled/attached. (Or retype/write questions and answers) Use timeline in Textbook page 252-253. Refer to the Japan Unit for help with answers.

Medieval Japan Timeline Challenge Questions

1) How many years were there between the beginning of the rule of Prince Shotoku and the appointment of the first shogun?

2) What power did the emperor have during the rule of Shotoku and the rule of the first shogun?

3) About how many years were there between the time Buddhism arrived in Japan and the beginning of the building of the oldest surviving five-storied pagoda?

4) How is a pagoda used in Buddhism?

5) How many years did the Heian period last?

6) Why is hiragana writing important to the Heian period?

7) What event on the timeline happened during the reign of Prince Shotoku?

8) What might this tell you about Shotoku’s policies?

9) After the Heian period, what became the most powerful political office in Japan?

10) Which event on the timeline do you think is the most significant? Explain why you think this event is the most significant.

Write the answer to #10 in complete sentences.


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