Assignment 1-Texas Revolution (Brochure with map/timeline ...

Assignment 1-Texas Revolution (Brochure with map/timeline of major events for specific cities)

Due: February 10, 2015 at 7:30AM at the next Texas History Club Meeting

Students will make a brochure (handmade or on the computer) with a map that locates each city with the following information for each city:

• Significant event(s) that happened in that city during the Texas Revolution

• The impact that city had on the Texas Revolution; why is it important?

• Is that city still a major city in Texas?  Explain possible reasons.

Students will also create a timeline of 7-10 major events of the Texas Revolution, highlighting the events in the selected cities.

• San Antonio

• Gonzales

• Goliad

• Washington-on-the-Brazos

• San Jacinto

[pic] [pic]

Assignment should be turned in at the meeting. You must have the first and last names of all group members on the assignment. Late work will not be accepted.


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