
Quarter #1: Homework AgendaDue DateAssignmentFriday, September 71The name of this course is IB 20th Century World Issues. Pick any three specific events that happened in the 20th Century and explain why you feel that these events defined the 1900s. Each event/response should be one paragraph in length.Tuesday, September 12STUDY FOR QUIZ #1Thursday, September 132Read: Woodrow Wilson’s The Fourteen Points (1918)Answer the following questions:Why, according to Wilson, had the United States entered the war?A number of points of Wilson’s plan touch on questions of national borders. Who, according to the president, should have the greatest role in deciding such questions?What was to be the function of “general association of nations”?The Fourteen Points were a masterful piece of political propaganda, but Wilson was less successful at translating them into reality. Why?Friday, September 14QUIZ #1 ON THIS DAYMonday, September 173Read: Postwar Settlements and Self-Determination (67-73)Answer the following questions:Define “self-determination.” Explain how both Woodrow Wilson and Vladimir Lenin understood the concept of “self-determination.”According to Reading 6.1A, what were the challenges with implementing self-determination when handling the former Austrian-Hungarian empire?Explain what is meant in Reading 6.1B, “during the winter and spring of 1918-1919, Paris was the Mecca for the oppressed not alone of Europe but of the earth.” What message was Edward Mandell House trying to convey?STUDY FOR QUIZ #2Tuesday, September 18QUIZ #2 ON THIS DAYThursday, September 204Read: William L. Shirer’s “Although the Treaty of Versailles was Reasonable, Few Germans Accepted It” from The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (82-90)Answer the following questions:How did the German treatment of Russia in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk resemble the treatment they received at the Versailles Conference?Define “diktat” and give examples as to why the Germans used this term when discussing the Versailles Treaty.Explain how the Treaty of Versailles split the German government in different factions.How did the struggling German economy unite the nation?Monday, September 245Read: Samuel W. Mitcham Jr.’s “German Reactions to the Treaty Were Understandable” from Why Hitler? The Genesis of the Nazi Reich (97-105)Answer the following questions:How were the German delegates treated at the Versailles Conference?What were the “shame paragraphs” of the Treaty?What steps were taken by the delegates to ensure that Germany would essentially be demilitarized?Why did Mitcham mention Niccolo Machiavelli in his article? What relationship can be made between Machiavelli’s idea that “the prince [should] never inflict small hurts” on the way the Big Four treated Germany?STUDY FOR QUIZ #3Tuesday, September 25QUIZ #3 ON THIS DAYWednesday, September 26STUDY FOR TEST #1Thursday, September 27TEST #1 ON THIS DAYFriday, September 28TEST #1 ON THIS DAYTuesday, October 26Read: Peter Gay’s “Germans Believed Their Nation Had Been Betrayed” from Weimar Culture: The Outsider as Insider (91-96)Answer the following the questions:Define the following words: Schandfrieden; Schmachfrieden; Zeitung; November Criminals; Spartacist LeftWhy did some Germans believe that their delegates stabbed their own nation in the back by agreeing to the Treaty of Versailles?Thursday, October 47Read: Edwin P. Hoyt’s “The Fruits of Victory” from Mussolini’s Empire: The Rise and Fall of the Fascist Vision (79-88)Answer the following questions:Why did Mussolini put non-Fascists in the Italian government?Why did the United States look favorably towards the Mussolini regime?What was the historical significance of the assassination of General Enrico Tellini?Briefly summarize John Stambough’s thoughts on Mussolini (p. 87).Tuesday, October 98Read: Benito Mussolini Fascist Doctrine (1932)Answer the following questions:What is liberty in the Fascist state? Why does the state have total power?What is the Fascist view of war?Why do Fascists reject socialism and liberal democracy?Mussolini claimed that fascism enhanced the life of the individual. How so?STUDY FOR QUIZ #4Wednesday, October 10QUIZ #4 ON THIS DAYThursday, October 119Read: Mark Robson’s “Chapter 5: Mussolini and the Fascist Political System” from Italy: Liberalism and Fascism 1870-1945 (73-84)Answer the following questions:What is a “cult of personality” and how did Mussolini’s regime maintain one?How and why did Mussolini try to tame/control the party?How did Mussolini try to secure control over the institutions of government?How did Mussolini deter opposition and attract support? How successful was he?Monday, October 1510Read: Marco Palla’s “Chapter 4: The Search for a Consensus” from Mussolini and Fascism (62-79)Answer the following questions:Why is this chapter titled “The Search for a Consensus”?On page 67, the ideas of “fascism” is taken from the Enciclopedia Italiana. What are the key points, according to this passage, of fascism?Explain how arts and leisure (recreational activities) changed during the Mussolini years. How did Mussolini use the arts to his advantage?Summarize the “Third Way” and the “Corporative States.”Wednesday, October 1711Read: Christopher Leeds’s “Chapter 3: Education and the Church” from Italy Under Mussolini (55-72)Answer the following questions:Explain how “education became the means of molding the total character of the child” (p. 56).Who was Balilla? What was the purpose of the Balilla Youth Organization?What was the “Roman Question”? How was it resolved?Compare the treatment of Catholic Italians (the Church) to Jewish Italians by the Mussolini regime. STUDY FOR QUIZ #5Friday, October 19QUIZ # 5 ON THIS DAYTuesday, October 2312Read: Mark Robson’s “Mussolini and the Wider World” from Italy: Liberalism and Fascism 1870-1945 (116-124)Answer the following the questions:What were Mussolini’s foreign policy goals?Explain Mussolini’s success and/or failure in handling: Greece; the Balkans; Fiume; and GermanyWhy was Mussolini afraid of the completion of the Anschluss?Why were the Italians so interested in conquering Ethiopia?Wednesday, October 24STUDY FOR TEST #2Thursday, October 25TEST #2 ON THIS DAYFriday, October 26TEST #2 ON THIS DAYMonday, October 2913Read: Michael A. Boden’s “The Versailles Treaty Opened the Door for Hitler” from History in Dispute, Vol. 4: World War II, 1939-1943 (21-27)Answer the following questions:Why was there a “flurry of anger in Germany…against American president Woodrow Wilson”?Why was the League of Nations viewed as “a tool of anti-German territorial enforcement” among the German population?How did the hyperinflation of the German currency lead to the grow of radical political parties?How did France and Great Britain differ in their view of enforcing German reparation payments?Wednesday, October 3114Read John M. Keynes’s The Economic Consequences of the Peace—A British View (p. 40-51)Complete the outline for the reading. A partially completed copy can be found on the class’s e-board. Download the file and either type in or write in the correct answers wherever there is a line.STUDY FOR QUIZ #6Friday, November 215Read Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf (1923)Answer the following questions:What was the role of the Aryan race in human history, according to Hitler?Hitler believed that cultural progress was necessarily aggressive. Why? How might these views have applied to his own policies in later years?Did Hitler view the defeat in World War I as inevitable? Was the Allied victory a good or a bad thing, in Hitler’s view?QUIZ #6 ON THIS DAYMonday, November 5PROJECT DUE ................

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