EnglishCanónigo | Blog del Departamento de Inglés del IES ...

REPASO EXAMEN FINAL INGL?S-3ESO LIBRO DE TEXTO: ESTUDIAR P?GS 20 -32 -44 -60 -72 -84 (Esquemas de vocabulario y gramática)Además, puedes repasar ejercicios en las siguientes páginas: 1 PAST SIMPLE – pág 143-144 Write…………… Cry ……………. Like………………. Feel………… Eat……………Stop……..Rick / take / a boat trip. AFFIRMATIVE:_____________________________________________________NEGATIVE:__________________________________________________________________________INTERROGATIVE:_____________________________________________________________________?2 USED TO - AFFIRMATIVE I……………………………………………….(live) in another city.NEGATIVE:_________________________________________________________________________INTERROGATIVE. ___________________________________________________________________?3 PAST CONTINUOUS – pág 144 He are listening / was listening / were listening to music yesterday at 3’00When the accident happened… AFFIRMATIVE – he / drive / to Paris :______________________________________________________NEGATIVE - ____________________________________________________INTERROGATIVE ___________________________________________________________________? 4 PRESENT PERFECT pag. 145 We……………………………………………….(lose) our dog. My parents…………………………………………………..(not play) the guitar for years.…………….you ever………………………… (write) a song? No, ……………………………..5 PRESENT PERFECT vs PAST SIMPLE page 146 Rosie hasn’t come home last night /yet. /Peter got married in 2008 / since 2009. / I ………………just ………………………..reading this book.I……………………………(buy) a new car last week. / She……………………………………..(be) professional player for years. 6 BE GOING TO – Pág 146 Many people…………………………………………………….(see) the festival tomorrow.……………..Amy……………………………………………….(pack) her clothes tonight?7 FUTURE WILL page 146 I hope the journey ……………………………………(not take) more than five hours.What time ……………….the film ………………………..(end) tonight? 8 BE GOING TO VS FUTURE WILL page 146Is Rosie going to sail / Will Rosie sail to the Galapagos Island next week? I’m sure she is going to see / will see Galapagos tortoises. 9 FUTURE CONTINUOUS page 147 She can’t meet next week. She…………………………………………………………(travel) abroad. This time next month, I………………………………………………………………….(fly) to Australia. 10 FIRST CONDITIONAL page 148 if + present simple -------future will + inf. If we………………………………(visit) the art gallery, we …………………………………………(see) some beautiful paintings.You………………………………………(not take) any good photographs if he ………………………….. (bring) that old camera.11 SECOND CONDITIONAL page 148 If + past simple ------------conditional would +inf. If I…………………………..(be) you, I ……………………………………………(not buy) those ugly trousers. He………………………………………………..(help) you if he ………………………………………(have) time. 12 THIRD CONDITIONAL page 149 If + past perfect (had + participio)---------perfect conditional would have + participioIf you ……………………………………….(leave) earlier, you …………………………………………………..……..(not be) late for the concert. 13 RELATIVE PRONOUNS page 149 who /that – which /that – when – where – whoseHe is the artist……………..creates statues. / This is the country ……………..he lives. / I have to buy a cake ………………hasn’t got any nuts. There’s the woman …………………..daughter owns the café. Do you remember the time ………… ate sushi?14 MODALS – CAN, COULD , BE ABLE TO , MAY, MIGHT , MUST,HAVE TO, NEED TO, SHOULDI can’t / couldn’t / am able to speak English when I was young. / I think you should / mustn’t / don’t have to apologise to Linda / It’s very cloudy. It will be able to / must / may rain. / You need to / mustn’t / don’t have to buy the book. It’s free. / Luckily, Lisa might / was able to / should help me with my history project last week. / We might / can / need to go to a film tonight. We’ll let you know. ................

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