Why did it happen? Things we need to know about …

|[pic] |Why did FBI Agents feel “hindered” in their |

| |investigations of Islamic Terrorism? |


Former FBI Deputy Director John O’Neill resigned from Washington headquarters in August 2001, complaining that Big Oil interests were interfering with his investigation of Saudi Terrorism. Two weeks later, on September 11, he was killed while working at his new job as head of security at the World Trade Center.


FBI General Counsel Colleen Rowley from the Minneapolis field office testified before Congress that her office’s efforts to investigate Zaccharias Moussaoui were hindered and obstructed by higher-ups in the FBI. One of the superiors who refused her request for a warrant, Marion (Spike) Bowman, was recently given a Presidential Award and a large cash bonus.

Minneapolis Star-Tribune, 12-18-02


Chicago FBI counter terrorism agent Robert Wright suffered retaliation when he complained that FBI Headquarters and the Justice Department were hindering his investigation of Islamic terrorism Chicago Sun-Times, May 31, 2002

|[pic] |Why was FBI Headquarters and the Justice |

| |Department hindering these terrorism |

| |investigations from around the country? |



did it



Things we need to know about September 11

October 25, 1999 – The jet carrying golfer Payne Stewart from Florida to Texas flies off course. Air traffic controllers alert the military, who send F-16s to intercept the flight. Response time: 21 minutes

July 16, 2002 – A group of entertainers from India on a flight to New York become excited at seeing the New York City skyline. Flight attendants alert authorities, and F-16s intercept the flight and escort it to the runway. Response time: 17 minutes

September 11, 2001 - Only after both of the World Trade Center towers had been hit and a third hijacked plane was known to be heading towards Washington DC did the US military dispatch fighter jets to patrol the skies of our Capitol, called in from Langley Air Force base, 130 miles away. The D.C. Air Guard is located at Andrews Air Force Base, less than ten miles from the Pentagon

Elapsed time of hijackings: 1 hour 42 minutes

|[pic] |Why weren’t the fighters scrambled from Andrews |

| |Air Force Base? |

| |Why weren’t they already patrolling the skies of |

| |Washington D.C., given the fact that our nation |

| |was under attack? |

Letters with anthrax were mailed September 18 and October 9. The anthrax has been traced to U.S. government laboratories and a handful of people skilled enough to prepare it. For more see monitor/0208a/anthrax.html.

|[pic] |Why has the FBI probe into the anthrax threat |

| |been so inept? Why did the sender choose the |

| |date? Who gained from the scare? |

Bush asks Daschle to limit 9-11 investigations

CNN, January 9, 2002

“President Bush personally asked Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle Tuesday to limit the congressional investigation into the events of September 11, congressional and White House sources told CNN. The request was made at a private meeting with congressional leaders Tuesday morning. Sources said Bush initiated the conversation.”

|[pic] |Why would anyone not want a thorough |

| |investigation of the biggest intelligence and |

| |national defense failure in American history? |

We should ask James A. Baker


Secretary of Treasury during Iran-Contra and the Chief of Staff during the Gulf War, James A. Baker now works as a lawyer and as Senior Counsel to The Carlyle Group, a Washington D.C. investment firm with extensive Saudi ties.

|[pic] |James A. Baker watched the 9-11 attacks with the |

| |Bin Laden family and a former CIA director in |

| |Washington, D.C’s Ritz-Carlton (Red Herring |

| |business magazine Jan. 02) |

| |./carlyle.html |

His law firm, Baker & Botts, assists companies to get contracts for Caspian Sea oil. These require a pipeline through Afghanistan.

James A. Baker is also listed as Counsel for the Office of Intelligence Policy. This office advises the Attorney General, FBI, CIA, and the state and defense department about guidelines and legality of domestic and overseas intelligence operations. This office could “connect the dots.” oipr

Meet The Carlyle Group

The Carlyle Group invests billions of dollars of state and teacher pension funds in defense and telecom industries. They had extensive ties to Global Crossing, Enron, and Arthur Andersen. As a private firm they are not subject to SEC inspection or regulations. Besides Baker, many other former government officials work for The Carlyle Group including Frank Carlucci, Carlyle Group Chairman, former CIA director and Secretary of Defense during the Iran-Contra affair. Carlucci is also a trustee for RAND, a think tank that is paid to give advice to the federal government and co-chair for RAND’s Middle East Public Policy Advisory Board.

George Bush, Sr, Carlyle Senior Advisor

Regular visitor to Saudi Arabia on behalf of The Carlyle Group, and met with the Bin Ladens twice before September 11.

Judicial Watch September 28, 2001

He’s also known to advise his son, George W Bush, on matters of foreign policy.

New York Times, June 10, 2001

|[pic] |Why are people who profit from war being allowed |

| |to make decisions in our government? |

| [pic] | |

| | |

| |More unanswered questions: |

• Whatever happened with the investigation into pre-9/11 insider trading, the unusual volume of “put options” that were sold the week before 9/11 on companies that stood to lose money after the attacks? Fox News Sept. 20, 2001

• Why was the Pakistani Air Force allowed to airlift hundreds of Taliban fighters out of Kunduz shortly before it fell? MSNBC, November 29, 2001

• Why was a “Net Jet” owned by Omaha billionaire Warren Buffet tracking Flight 93 when it crashed? AP August 9, 2002

Buffet happened to be holding a charity event at Offutt Air Force Base that morning. S.F. Business Times, 2-1-02

• Why was the Bin Laden family allowed to charter a jet and return to Saudi Arabia before being questioned by the FBI?

• Why did the White House staff start taking Cipro on September 11, more than a month before the anthrax attacks?

• Why did World Trade Center building 7 collapse like one and two, without being hit by a hijacked aircraft nor with rubble from them? See: wtc7.html

• Why was war not declared on bin Laden and Al Qaeda? Why was war declared on the emotion of terror? How do you know when such a war is won, or lost?


Forbidden Truth by Jean-Charles Brisard,

Guillaume Dasquie & Wayne Madsen

This book shows how corporate oil interests and Saudi Arabia disastrously compromised U.S. national security in Afghanistan. Note: Not to be confused with the French “Pentagon Conspiracy” book of a similar name.

For more information on the web.

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