What Happened on the Day You Were Born

What Happened on the Day You Were Born?

What famous people do you share a birthday with? What news events occurred on the day you were born? What does your name mean? You will find the answers to these and other interesting questions by completing this activity.

The Task

You will use Power Point to build your project. This project will be worth 200 points and is due on Friday, August 5th.

- Make sure you have your name, birthday, and block on the first slide.

- Answer each question in order, and make sure each answer is on its’ own slide.

- The key to this project is to effectively and efficiently learn how to find information on the internet and to find some interesting information out about the day you were born.

Slide 1 – Your name, birthday, and block

Slide 2 – Find the meaning of your first, middle, and last name

Slide 3 – Find your astrological sign and tell me 3 character traits. Include a picture of your sign.

Slide 4 – Find your Chinese Zodiac sign and tell me 3 character traits. Include a picture of your sign.

Slide 5 – Using bullets, find 5 news events that occurred on your birth date. Not the year, but the month and day.

- Choose one event and write a 4 sentence summary of that event.

Slide 6 – Using bullets, list 5 famous people (politicians, entertainers, sports figures, etc.) who share your birthday. Again, not the year, but the month and day.

- Choose one of these people and give me 5 “noteworthy” facts about him/her.

Slide 7 – Find the following information about the year you were born.

- Average price of a gallon of gas

- Price of a personal computer

- Average household income

- Price of a single movie ticket

Slide 8 – Find the titles of 5

- movies

- television shows

- songs

that were popular during the year you were born. Use bullets to list them. You will do 5 of each category.

Slide 9 – Using the internet, list one profession you are interested in. You must list, in bullet form the following:

- Name of occupation

- What your job description is

- How much would you make on average

- What qualifications you would need to obtain this job, i.e. school, prior knowledge, or job.

Slide 10 – Take one of your favorite musical artists and list 5 facts about them. It could be when they were born, where they grew up, how they became famous, what they like to do … etc. Include a picture of the artist and your favorite song.

Slide 11 – Tell me 4 reasons why you like this artist.

Slide 12 – Tell me an interesting fact about yourself. Examples might be things you like to do, hobbies, places you like to go … etc.

*You will present this to the class, so make sure you know the information in your presentation.

*The point breakdown is as follows: Each slide is worth 10 points (120 points), 30 points will be given for use of colors, and transitions, and 50 points for presenting.

*You can design this project anyway you like. Include pictures, motion, different fonts, and colors. Be creative! If you have any questions, please come ask me.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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