Stanford University

Quick Start Guide – Faculty and Instructional Staff


Logging In

1. Open a web browser. CourseWork supports the following browsers:

- PC Users: Internet Explorer 6.x, Firefox 1.x and up

- Mac Users: Firefox 1.x and up

2. Go to

3. Click the Login button located on the upper right-hand corner of the screen.


4. If you have not already authenticated via Stanford WebAuth (i.e., WebLogin), you will be prompted to enter your SUNet ID and password. You will then see a directing URL. Click on this URL to access CourseWork.

NOTE: If you have already authenticated via Stanford WebAuth, you will see the directing URL without having to enter your SUNet ID and password.

My Workspace


After logging into CourseWork, you will automatically be taken to your own private space called My Workspace. It is the first tab on the left-hand side of the site navigation bar. This is the space where the CourseWork support team may post important messages. Additionally, this space may be used to do the following:

1. Announcements - view announcements from all of your sites

2. Resources (Instructor-only) - store course-related documents prior to being published to a specific course

3. Schedule - view an integrated calendar for all sites in which you participate

4. Membership - join CourseWork sites that grant access to Stanford members

5. Preferences - choose how you would like to be notified of new or changed items on sites to which you belong

Overview of the Interface


A. Site Navigation – Along the top of the page, CourseWork sites are laid out as a row of individual tabs starting with My Workspace. Sites are ordered from left to right, first by term in ascending order, then alphabetically by course subject area. Course names follow the convention of Term-SubjectArea-Course#-Section# (e.g., F07-CEE-199-03). Course sites not displayed on the course site navigation bar may be found in the pull-down menu to the far right.

NOTE: To trim down the list of viewable sites on the course site navigation bar, go to the Preferences tool on your My Workspace site, click on Customize Tabs, then move the courses that you do not wish to see to Sites not visible in Tabs.

B. Tool Navigation – Along the left side of the page is a column of tools that you can use within a specific CourseWork site, always starting with Home.

C. Tool Content – Content will appear in a frame to the right of the Tool Navigation bar.

Tool Content Navigation

CourseWork v5 is designed to function independently of your web browser’s buttons. Use the buttons within the application to navigate back and forth among list items or return to the main list. As well, use the buttons within the application to cancel an action should you change your mind about a task such as posting a syllabus or a resource item. When you are working with a tool and you want to return to a previous screen or step, scroll to the botton of the Tool Content frame and click the Back or Cancel button. To restart the tool, click the Reset button at the top of the frame. Do not click the back button in your web browser.


A. Reset Button – Returns to the starting point of the Tool Content frame, cancels current actions and collapses all folders.

B. Expand/Collapse All Folders Button – Displays or hides all contents in current Location

C. Expand/Collapse Individual Folder Button – Displays or hides contents in one particular folder in current Location

D. Folder Title – Changes the display to show only the items in a particular folder


E. Location Link – Returns view to selected folder

F. Up Level Button – Returns display to the folder one level higher


G. Options Links (Instructor only) – Allows instructional staff to customize tools and edit content


Adding or Removing Tools

1. Go to the desired course site and click Site Info on the left navigation bar.

2. Click the Edit Tools link at the top of the Site Info frame.


3. To add a tool to your course site, select the check box next to the name of the tool.


4. To remove a tool from your course site, deselect the check box next to the name of the tool.

5. Click Continue.

6. Click Finish.

Managing Access to a Course Site

1. Go to the desired course site and click Site Info on at the left navigation bar.

2. Click the Manage Access link on the top of the Site Info frame.


3. A site is published by default, which means the site is available to site participants and is added to the public Sites list. If you want to make it unavailable to all except instructional staff, deselect the check box next to Publish Site.

4. To allow participants to add themselves to your course site, select the check box next to “Site can be joined by anyone with a valid SUNet ID” and choose the role given to those participants in the dropdown menu.

5. Click Update.

Adding Participants to a Course Site

1. Go to the desired course site and click Site Info on the left navigation bar.

2. Click the Add Participants link on at the top of the Site Info frame.


3. In the SUNet ID(s) field, type the SUNet ID of the participant you want to add. You can enter several SUNet IDs at a time by typing each on a separate line.


4. You can look up SUNet IDs using Stanford Who (). If you start on the StanfordWho page for the public, be sure to select “Stanford.Who for Stanford community members only” so you can see the SUNet ID field.

5. Select whether you will “Assign all participants to the same role” or “Assign each participant a role individually”.

6. Click Continue.

7. Select the role for the new participant(s). A description of the permissions for each role is provided.

8. Click Continue.

9. Select whether to send email notification to the new participant(s).

10. Click Continue.

11. Click Finish.

12. To allow participants to add themselves to your course site, follow the instructions in the Managing Access to a Course Site section of this guide.

Managing Sections

← To create sections:

1. Go to the desired course site and click Section Info on the left navigation bar.

2. If there is no Section Info link in the left navigation bar, see the Adding or Removing Tools section of this guide to make this tool available in your site.

3. Click the Add Sections link at the top of the Section Info frame.


4. Choose a number of sections to create and a section category from the drop down menus.

5. Enter a title and optional information (, if desired).

6. Click the Add Sections button.

← To add teaching assistants to sections:

1. Go to the desired course site and click Section Info on the left navigation bar

2. Click the Assign TAs link under the desired section.


3. Select the desired person’s name in the Available Teaching Assistants list (left text box) and click the top button [>] under Move Selected to move the person to the [Section Name] Teaching Assistants list (right text box).


4. Click the Assign TAs button.

← To add students to sections:

1. Go to the desired course site and click Section Info on the left navigation bar

2. Click the Assign Students link under the desired section.


3. Select the desired person’s name in the Unassigned Students list (left text box) and click the top button [>] under Move Selected to move the person to the section list (right text box).


4. You can move all the students in the list by choosing the Move All button [>>], if you prefer.

5. If you want to switch a student from one section to another, choose the section name from the drop down menu on the left.

6. Click the Assign students Students button.

← To enable students to sign up for sections or switch sections:

1. Click the Options link at the top of the Section Info frame.


2. Check the desired selections for allowing students to sign up for or switch sections.

3. Click Update.


Making Content Publicly Accessible

You can choose to make Announcements, Course Materials, and Syllabus items available in the public Sites list to accompany the course name and description. This choice can be made for each individual item added to these three tools. To make an item available, select the radio button next to the public option in the Add wizard. This option appears as Display to Public in Announcements, Display to non-members (publicly viewable) in Course Materials, or Public View in Syllabus.


Managing Course Materials

You can add materials such as PDF files, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, graphics, audio and video files, links to external web sites, and more in Course Materials. You can also organize these files by creating nested folders, moving and reordering items. You can even set up folder(s)s to allow students to upload materials to share with the class.

← To upload files in Course Materials:

1. Go to the desired course site and click Course Materials on the left navigation bar.

2. Click the Add link to the right of the folder in which you would like to upload materials.


3. In the Add Item Type drop down menu, choose whether you want to upload a file (default), add a link to a website, or create a folder, HTML page, or simple text document.


4. Select the number of items you would like to add in the numbered drop-down menu (up to 10).

5. To upload a file, click the Browse button to navigate and choose the desired file by clicking Open or double-clicking on the file name.

6. Optional: Enter a Title and Description in the available text boxes. By default, the file name is used for the Title.

7. Select a copyright status from the drop down menu. If you aren’t sure what selection to make, click on More Info next to the drop down menu to access Stanford’s Copyright & Fair Use website. Check the Copyright Alert box if you would like viewers to be notified of the copyright status.

8. If you would like to hide the file from student view, select Hide in the Availability section. You can also set specific dates for release and retraction of materials.

9. Choose whether to display the file to the public (available in the Sites list), site participants only, or to a particular group (section).

10. If you would like to notify all members of the site that new material has been added, select High - All Participants from the Email Notification drop-down menu.

11. Click Add.

← To remove or move materials:

1. Go to the desired course site and click Course Materials on the left navigation bar.

2. Click the check box next to the desired file or folder Title(s).


3. To remove files or folders, click on Remove Checked above the list of files.

4. To move files or folders, click on Move Checked above the list of files. Then, click on Pasted Moved Items next to the folder Title to which you would like to move the items.


← To reorder materials:

1. Go to the desired course site and click Course Materials on the left navigation bar.

2. Click the Reorder link next to the folder in which you would like to reorder materials.


3. Use the up/down arrows or the position number drop down menus to reorder materials as desired.


4. Click Save.

← To give students permission to post materials:

1. Go to the desired course site and click Course Materials on the left navigation bar.

2. Click the permissions link next to the folder in which you would like to allow students to post materials. If you would like students to be able to post anywhere in Course Materials, use the Permissions link at the top of the Course Materials frame.


3. In the Student row, check the following boxes: new, revise.own, delete.own.


4. Click Save.

If you have set permissions allowing students to upload files in Course Materials, you may want to access or download these files.

← To access/download files in Course Materials:

1. Go to the desired course site and click Course Materials on the left navigation bar.

2. To open a folder and view the contents, click the plus sign on the folder.

NOTE: See the Overview of the InterfaceNavigation section of this guide if you would like further help with folder navigation.


3. To view one of the course materials, click the file’s Title. Depending on your browser settings and the particular file type, the file may automatically open in a new window, automatically download to your hard drive, or ask you where to save the file.

← To upload/download mutliple files using WebDav:

CourseWork v5 utilizes a web protocol called WebDav to allow you to access your site’s Course Materials or Dropbox tool as a local folder which you can use to drag and drop files or entire folders to and from CourseWork.

First, get the WebDav URL for the site:

1. Go to desired course site and click the Course Materials tool on the left navigation bar

2. Click the Upload Download Multiple Course Materials link at the top of the Course Materials frame


3. Copy the SiteID for your site

• Course Materials’ URL syntax:

• Dropbox’s URL syntax:

(same as Course Materials except add group-user after dav/)

Second, make a WebDAV connection to your site’s Course Materials or Dropbox tool:

For Windows

1. Go to My Network Places.

2. Click Add a Network Places to run the wizard.

3. The wizard launches. Click Next to go to the next screen.

4. When prompted, "Where do you want to create this network place?" select "Choose Another network location" and select Next.

5. Paste in the WebDav URL and click Connect.

6. When prompted for a username, type in your SUNet ID and password.

7. When prompted to type in a name for the network place, type in a shortcut name that will help you remember what this location is (e.g. ENGLISH 101 Course Materials).

8. Click Next.

9. Click Finish.

10. When the setup is complete, your course’s Course Materials or Dropbox will appear in you’re my Workplaces as a folder. It will also show up under My Network Places in Windows Explorer, where it will act just like any other folder in Windows Explorer.

For Mac (10.4.x.):

1. Go to the Finder.

2. From the Go menu, select Connect to Server.

3. Paste in the WebDav URL and click Connect.

4. When prompted for your username and password, type in your SUNet ID and password and click OK.

5. You will now see a window that displays Course Materials or Dropbox content in your CourseWork site. You can now drag and drop files into this window or delete files by dragging them to the Trash.

Adding a Syllabus

1. Go to the desired course site and click Syllabus on the left navigation bar.

2. Click the Create/Edit link at the top of the Syllabus frame.


3. Click the Add link at the top of the Syllabus frame.

4. Enter a name for the syllabus in the Title field.


5. If you want to have your syllabus appear as inline text, use the Content editor to create your syllabus or copy text from an existing document and paste it into the editor.

6. Choose whether to make the syllabus available to public view, meaning it will appear in the public Sites list, or to site participants only.

7. If you want to attach a downloadable file or display a link to an external website, instead of or in addition to using inline text, click the Add Attachments button.


7a. To upload a file from your local hard drive, click on the Browse button to navigate to the desired file.

7b. To add a link to an external website, type in a web address into the URL field and click the Add Button

7c. To use a file in your Course Materials folder as the syllabus, click the Attach a Copy link next to the desired file.

7d. Click Continue

8. If you want to send an email notification to site participants to announce that the syllabus has been added or edited, choose High – All Participants in the Email Notification drop down menu.

9. Click the Post button to make the syllabus available.

10. If you want to save your work as a draft and not expose it to site participants, click the Save Draft button.

Adding Announcements

1. Go to the desired course site and click Announcements on the left navigation bar.

2. Click the Add link at the top of the Announcements frame.


3. Enter an Annoucement Title.


4. Use the text editor to create the Announcement Body.

5. Choose whether to display the announcement to the public (in the Sites list), site participants only, or to select groups (sections).

6. If you want to attach a file to the announcement, Click the Add Attachments button.


6a. To atttach a file from your local hard drive, click on the Browse button to navigate to the desired file.

6b. To attach a file in your Course Materials folder, click the Attach a Copy link next to the desired file.

6c. Click Continue

7. If you want to send an email copy of the announcement to site participants, choose High – All Participants in the Email Notification drop down menu.

8. Click the Add Announcement button to post the announcement.

9. If you want to save your work as a draft and not expose it to site participants, click the Save Draft button.

Adding Information to the Home Page

The Home page is a place to display the course title and description, as well as recent announcements.



A. To enter or update the course title/description:

1. Go to the desired course site and click Home in the left navigation bar (if not already selected).

2. Click the Options link in the left-hand Worksite Information frame.

3. Enter a title – This is a good place for the course department, number and name.

4. Enter desired text in the Description box.

5. Click Update Options.

B. To set options for how Recent Announcements are displayed on the Home page:

1. Go to the desired course site and click Home in the left navigation bar (if not already selected).

2. Click the Options link in the right-hand Recent Announcements frame.

3. Choose whether to show the announcement title only or to show some/all of the announcement body.

4. Choose the number of days to display announcements.

5. Choose the number of announcements to display.

6. Click Update.

Using the Drop Box

The drop box is a private folder to share files that can only be seen by the student and the course instructor. This space is often used for students to submit assignments and for instructors to give feedback to students.

← To access/download files in a student’s drop box:

1. Go to the desired course site and click Drop Box on the left navigation bar.

2. To open a student’s folder and view the contents, click the plus sign on the folder.

NOTE: See the Overview of the InterfaceNavigation section of this guide if you would like further help with folder navigation.


3. Click the desired file’s Title. Depending on your browser settings and the particular file type, the file may automatically open in a new window, automatically download to your hard drive, or ask you where to save the file.

← To upload files to a student’s drop box:

1. Go to the desired course site and click Drop Box on the left navigation bar.

2. To open a student’s folder and view the contents, click the plus sign on the folder.

NOTE: See the Overview of the InterfaceNavigation section of this guide if you would like further help with folder navigation.

3. Click the Add link to the right of the student’s drop box folder (or desired sub-folder).


4. In the Add Item Type drop down menu, choose File Upload.


5. Select the number of files you would like to add in the numbered drop-down menu (up to 10).

6. Click the Browse button to navigate and choose the desired file by clicking Open or double-clicking on the file name.

7. Optiional: Enter a Title and Description in the available text boxes. By default, the file name is used for the Title.

8. Select a copyright status from the drop down menu. If you aren’t sure what selection to make, click on More Info next to the drop down menu to access Stanford’s Copyright & Fair Use website. Check the Copyright Alert box if you would like viewers to be notified of the copyright status.

9. Click Add.

← To upload/download mutliple files using WebDav:

CourseWork v5 utilizes a web protocol called WebDav to allow you to access your site’s Course Materials or Dropbox tool as a local folder which you can use to drag and drop files or entire folders to and from CourseWork.

First, get the WebDav URL for the site:

1. Go to desired course site and click the Course Materials tool on the left navigation bar

2. Click the Upload Download Multiple Course Materials link at the top of the Course Materials frame


3. Copy the SiteID for your site

• Course Materials’ URL syntax:

• Dropbox’s URL syntax:

(same as Course Materials except add group-user after dav/)

Second, make a WebDAV connection to your site’s Course Materials or Dropbox tool:

For Windows

1. Go to My Network Places.

2. Click Add a Network Places to run the wizard.

3. The wizard launches. Click Next to go to the next screen.

4. When prompted, "Where do you want to create this network place?" select "Choose Another network location" and select Next.

5. Paste in the WebDav URL and click Connect.

6. When prompted for a username, type in your SUNet ID and password.

7. When prompted to type in a name for the network place, type in a shortcut name that will help you remember what this location is (e.g. ENGLISH 101 Course Materials).

8. Click Next.

9. Click Finish.

10. When the setup is complete, your course’s Course Materials or Dropbox will appear in you’re my Workplaces as a folder. It will also show up under My Network Places in Windows Explorer, where it will act just like any other folder in Windows Explorer.

For Mac (10.4.x.):

1. Go to the Finder.

2. From the Go menu, select Connect to Server.

3. Paste in the WebDav URL and click Connect.

4. When prompted for your username and password, type in your SUNet ID and password and click OK.

5. You will now see a window that displays Course Materials or Dropbox content in your CourseWork site. You can now drag and drop files into this window or delete files by dragging them to the Trash.

Adding Links to External Web Sites in the Tool Navigation Bar

You can add links to external web sites that will be heavily used in your course site to in the left navigation bar.

1. Go to the desired course site and click Site Info on the left navigation bar.

2. Click the Edit Tools link in the top of the Site Info frame.


3. Check the box next to Web Content.


4. Click Continue.

5. Enter a Title that will show in the left navigation bar.


6. Enter the web address in the URL field.

7. Click Continue.

8. Click Finish.


The Contact Us (HelpSU) link is the best way to get in touch with the CourseWork support team with questions or problems. Self-help resources in the form of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Quick Start Guides are also available. Links to Contact Us (HelpSU) and Help Resources are available on the footer of every CourseWork page.


To send in a HelpSU ticket:

1. Click the Contact Us (HelpSU) link that appears at the bottom of every page.

2. We strongly recommend that you click the “auto-fill via WebAUTH” link. This will automatically fill in your information – first name, last name, SUNet ID, phone, email.

3. Please include the following information in your Request Description:

- Platform (PC or Mac)

- Operating System

- Web browser, including version

- The URL of the page you are on

- The line from the bottom of the web page (see screen shot3* above)

- Where you are connecting from: On campus? Off campus?

- How you are connecting: DSL? Wireless? Modem?

- Date and time the problem happened

- Which course site(s) you are having problems with

- Description of what you were doing, including steps you took, for example: “I logged in, I went to the Sp06-Music-143 site, I clicked the Course Materials tool, then clicked Week 1 and couldn’t see any of the materials listed.”

- Please include any error messages that you saw – either paste in the text, or take a screen shot.

- OR – if you don’t have a problem, but have feedback about how the new CourseWork looks or acts, please let us know!

4. Click Submit Help Request

Quick Start Guide - Students


Logging In

1. Open a web browser. CourseWork supports the following browsers:

- PC Users: Internet Explorer 6.x, Firefox 1.x and up

- Mac Users: Firefox 1.x and up

2. Go to

3. Click the Login button located on the upper right-hand corner of the screen.


4. If you have not already authenticated via Stanford WebAuth (i.e., WebLogin), you will be prompted to enter your SUNet ID and password. You will then see a directing URL. Click on this URL to access CourseWork.

NOTE: If you have already authenticated via Stanford WebAuth, you will see the directing URL without having to enter your SUNet ID and password.

My Workspace


After logging into CourseWork, you will automatically be taken to your own private space called My Workspace. It is the first tab on the left-hand side of the site navigation bar. This is the space where the CourseWork support team may post important messages. Additionally, this space may be used to do the following:

1. Announcements - view announcements from all of your sites

2. Schedule - view an integrated calendar for all sites in which you participate

3. Membership - join CourseWork sites that grant access to Stanford members

4. Preferences - choose how you would like to be notified of new or changed items on sites to which you belong

Overview of the Interface


A. Site Navigation – Along the top of the page, CourseWork sites are laid out as a row of individual tabs starting with My Workspace. Sites are ordered from left to right, first by term in ascending order, then alphabetically by course subject area. Course names follow the convention of Term-SubjectArea-Course#-Section# (e.g., F07-CEE-199-03). Course sites not displayed on the course site navigation bar may be found in the pull-down menu to the far right.

NOTE: To trim down the list of viewable sites on the course site navigation bar, go to the Preferences tool on your My Workspace site, click on Customize Tabs, then move the courses that you do not wish to see to Sites not visible in Tabs.

B. Tool Navigation – Along the left side of the page is a column of tools that you can use within a specific CourseWork site, always starting with Home.

C. Tool Content – Content will appear in a frame to the right of the Tool Navigation bar.

Tool Content Navigation

CourseWork v5 is designed to function independently of your web browser’s buttons. Use the buttons within the application to navigate back and forth among list items or return to the main list. As well, use the buttons within the application to cancel an action should you change your mind about a task such as posting a syllabus or a resource item. When you are working with a tool and you want to return to a previous screen or step, scroll to the botton of the Tool Content frame and click the Back or Cancel button. To restart the tool, click the Reset button at the top of the frame. Do not click the back button in your web browser.


A. Reset Button – Returns to the starting point of the Tool Content frame, cancels current actions and collapses all folders.

B. Expand/Collapse All Folders Button – Displays or hides all contents in current Location

C. Expand/Collapse Individual Folder Button – Displays or hides contents in one particular folder in current Location

D. Folder Title – Changes the display to show only the items in a particular folder


E. Location Link – Returns view to selected folder

F. Up Level Button – Returns display to the folder one level higher


G. Options Links (Instructor only) – Allows instructional staff to customize tools and edit content

Joining a Course Site

1. Go to My Workspace and click Membership in the left navigation bar.


2. Click the Joinable Sites link at the top of the Membership frame.

3. To find the site you want to join, either browse the list of joinable sites using the navigation buttons on the right side of the page or use the search box. It is best to search by term (ex. Sp07) or department (ex. CEE).

NOTE: If you can not find your course site in the list, either the site is not set up to allow students to add themselves or the instructor has not requested a CourseWork site.

4. Click the Join link under the name of the desired course site.

5. The course site will now appear as a tab in the site navigation bar (or will be listed in the drop down menu if you already have quite a few course sites).


6. You can also click on My Current Sites at the top of the Membership frame to confirm that the course site is now in your list.

Accessing Course Materials

← To access/download files in Course Materials:

1. Click the tab for the desired course site in the site navigation bar at the top of the page.

2. Click Course Materials on the left navigation bar.


3. To open a folder and view the contents, click the plus sign on the folder.

NOTE: See the Overview of the Interface Navigation section of this guide if you would like further help with folder navigation.

4. To view one of the course materials, click the file’s Title. Depending on your browser settings and the particular file type, the file may automatically open in a new window, automatically download to your hard drive, or ask you where to save the file.

5. To view information about the file, such as description, copyright information, file size, etc., click on the Info link to the right of the file’s Title.

Your instructor may have given you permission to add course materials to share with your classmates. If you see an Add link next to a folder in Course Materials, you can post upload materials in that folder.

← To upload files in Course Materials (if applicable):

1. Click the tab for the desired course site in the site navigation bar at the top of the page.

2. Click Course Materials on the left navigation bar.

3. Click the Add link to the right of the folder in which students are allowed to upload materials.


4. In the Add Item Type drop down menu, choose whether you want to upload a file (default), add a link to a website, or create a folder, HTML page, or simple text document.


5. Select the number of items you would like to add in the numbered drop-down menu (up to 10).

6. To upload a file, click the Browse button to navigate and choose the desired file by clicking Open or double-clicking on the file name.

7. Optional: Enter a Title and Description in the available text boxes. By default, the file name is used for the Title.

8. Select a copyright status from the drop down menu. If you aren’t sure what selection to make, click on More Info next to the drop down menu to access Stanford’s Copyright & Fair Use website. Check the Copyright Alert box if you would like viewers to be notified of the copyright status.

9. If you would like to notify all members of the site that new material has been added, select High - All Participants from the Email Notification drop-down menu.

10. Click Add.

Using the Drop Box

The drop box is a private folder to share files that can only be seen viewed only by you and the course instructor. This space is often used to submit assignments to your instructor and receive feedback from your instructor. Other students can not see your drop box.

← To upload files to your drop box:

1. Click the tab for the desired course site in the site navigation bar at the top of the page.

2. Click Drop Box on the left navigation bar.

3. Click the Add link to the right of the top Drop Box folder (or desired sub-folder).


4. In the Add Item Type drop down menu, choose File Upload.


5. Select the number of files you would like to add in the numbered drop-down menu (up to 10).

6. Click the Browse button to navigate and choose the desired file by clicking Open or double-clicking on the file name.

7. Optiional: Enter a Title and Description in the available text boxes. By default, the file name is used for the Title.

8. Select a copyright status from the drop down menu. If you aren’t sure what selection to make, click on More Info next to the drop down menu to access Stanford’s Copyright & Fair Use website. Check the Copyright Alert box if you would like viewers to be notified of the copyright status.

9. Click Add.

← To access/download files left for you in the drop box:

1. Click the tab for the desired course site in the site navigation bar at the top of the page.

2. Click Drop Box on the left navigation bar.


3. Click the desired file’s Title. Depending on your browser settings and the particular file type, the file may automatically open in a new window, automatically download to your hard drive, or ask you where to save the file.

4. If there are folders in your drop box, click the plus sign on the folder to view the contents.

NOTE: See the Overview of the InterfaceNavigation section of this guide if you would like further help with folder navigation.

To upload files to your drop box:

1. Click the tab for the desired course site in the site navigation bar at the top of the page.

2. Click Drop Box on the left navigation bar.

3. Click the Add link to the right of the top Drop Box folder (or desired sub-folder).

[Insert db_addlink_stu.gif]

4. In the Add Item Type drop down menu, choose File Upload.

[Insert db_addpage_stu.gif]

5. Select the number of files you would like to add in the numbered drop-down menu (up to 10).

6. Click the Browse button to navigate and choose the desired file by clicking Open or double-clicking on the file name.

7. Optiional: Enter a Title and Description in the available text boxes. By default, the file name is used for the Title.

8. Select a copyright status from the drop down menu. If you aren’t sure what selection to make, click on More Info next to the drop down menu to access Stanford’s Copyright & Fair Use website. Check the Copyright Alert box if you would like viewers to be notified of the copyright status.

9. Click Add


The Contact Us (HelpSU) link is the best way to get in touch with the CourseWork support team with questions or problems. Self-help resources in the form of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Quick Start Guides are also available. Links to Contact Us (HelpSU) and Help Resources are available on the footer of every CourseWork page.


To send in a HelpSU ticket:

1. Click the Contact Us (HelpSU) link that appears at the bottom of every page.

2. We strongly recommend that you click the “auto-fill via WebAUTH” link. This will automatically fill in your information – first name, last name, SUNet ID, phone, email.

3. Please include the following information in your Request Description:

- Platform (PC or Mac)

- Operating System

- Web browser, including version

- The URL of the page you are on

- The line from the bottom of the web page (see screen shot3* above)

- Where you are connecting from: On campus? Off campus?

- How you are connecting: DSL? Wireless? Modem?

- Date and time the problem happened

- Which course site(s) you are having problems with

- Description of what you were doing, including steps you took, for example: “I logged in, I went to the Sp06-Music-143 site, I clicked the Course Materials tool, then clicked Week 1 and couldn’t see any of the materials listed.”

- Please include any error messages that you saw – either paste in the text, or take a screen shot.

- OR – if you don’t have a problem, but have feedback about how the new CourseWork looks or acts, please let us know!

4. Click Submit Help Request


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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