Friday, October 23 | 11 a.m.

 Friday, October 23 | 11 a.m.It is a hot, rainy morning.Suddenly, the lights go out, and all of your computers, printers, and copiers turn off. For a few seconds, there is silence before the chatter begins to pick up. One of your emergency lights comes on, but the rest are not working. While many offices have windows to provide some light, the hallways and interior rooms are left in the dark.What will you immediately do next?[NADO ATC attendees: type your responses here. Use a new line for your response so you don’t type over someone else’s answer.]Find additional flashlights, etc.Check generatorSee if phones are workingOrder everyone to continue the work day from home, if power won’t turn back onGet up from my desk and walk to the hallway, speak out and ask if everyone’s ok. Grab my flashlight and begin assessing the extent of the black out. Get with my emergency management staff to see if they’ve heard anything on the public safety radio to correlate with what’s happened. Back up generator should be going by now. Make sure that everyone is safe. Check for cell service, emergency alerts, etc. Get emergency supplies (flashlight, cell phone)MaSee if we can get on our phones and find out if we can access utilities website.Check to see if everyone is okay. Call the university to see if it is university wide since we are situated on the campus.Next Step: Touch base with each department about evacuating and resume work at home. Touch base with our IT to assure all items are in place to continue working from home. Remote desktop depends on computers being on; need to make sure that is still feasible; No generator so we will evacuate to outside and do head count, then determine if response is needed.Staff to work from home, Mgt to do their diligence, including systems checks, shut downs, lock-ups, etc. Phone system is VOIP and re-routes. Communications internally are via established protocol and staff handles their external communications, Ask if everyone’s okay. Look out window to determine if building next door has power. Look out office door into hallway to determine if our office is the only one in the building without power. Meantime, confirm all computers are routed through their surge outlets.Make sure everyone is accounted for and safe.Check everyone's safety, check generator, call utility. Friday, October 23 | 1 p.m. Generator is working, send people home to work remotely, everyone to address their own tech on/off. Good question on phones. Alert county;s emergency contact systemsThe lights are still out. The building HVAC has been off now for 1 ? hours, and the temperature inside the building is becoming unbearable. Your entire grid is without power. There is no word from the electric company about restoration of power. Now what are you going to do?[Type your responses]Send everyone home except for a few key people. Tell everyone to continue the work day from home. Send everyone homeYesVerify weather forecast; check State WebEOC to determine if an event has been opened. Check media for event notice. Ask staff to gather materials for work from home for several days. Shut down server if too hot. Notify landlord of power outage and temperature.Continue working remotely, gather materials and go home. Use resources to make sure employees have necessary equipment for remote work.Is your technology/computer room being dealt with? By whom?[Type your responses]Our technology room has multiple backups. We’ll make sure they are still up and running. Yes, our admin and ed would ensure computer rooms is safe.Technology admin would handle the tech room. Has someone turned off all computers, printers, and electrical equipment to prevent electrical power surge when power is restored?[Type your responses]Good idea. Everyone’s supposed to power down when they leave.We do turn off our equipment.Is your phone system down? How are you going to manage the phone lines?[Type your responses]phones are VOIP. They are tied to the computer system. If the network is up our phones should be too. We also have the RAVE emergency response system we can use to communicate. Office365 from home would be sufficient for communication. Most employees have their cell phones available.Use Office365 and website to notify people our phones are down and whether email is operational. (phone messages route to email so messages are delivered regardless of power).Friday, October 23 | 2 p.m.Employees are asking if they can leave early. The word around town is that the power might not be restored for several days.How will you communicate this message? What instructions will you convey to your employees? Customers? Vendors? [Type your responses]Email, phone, text. Then we can use a RAVE communication system to communicate during times of emergencyRemote working until power is restored. Contact customers/vendors/suppliers and tekk them the office is shut down. Email or text staff. Email Board; call Chair if no email. Set up staff phone tree to notify towns. Update website and social media. Watch for Governor notice of State practices as we are in the state capitol and follow state agency actions.Set up designated meeting time and method of communication to reorganize when there are updates to the situation. Use social media/website to notify public to disruption of services. Contact planned appointments for the day for alternate arrangements. #6Give information to Department heads to relay information to respective employees. Work with Executive Asst and HR Director to communicate current situations to vendors and direct them to our FB for updates.How are people within the organization communicating with each other (e.g., sending and receiving messages, information, and response details)? How are they communicating with other stakeholders (e.g., customers and clients, the media)? [Type your responses]Office365 and cell phones.Phone, e-mail, text#7 Executive Director sends information to Department heads and they send out information employees #6 for vendorsIs there a predetermined and agreed upon central meeting place or call-in number for company leaders, management, and employees?[Type your responses]#8 We do have an evac plan Is there a copy of your business continuity plan that you can easily retrieve?[Type your responses]Available on Office CloudAre there business processes for which there are manual workarounds? If so, describe how this would happen.[Type your responses]How would you find an appropriate place to operate for the remainder of the day? For the next one or two weeks, if necessary?[Type your responses]Telecommute! Welcome to COVID.#11 Work from homeHave you begun an assessment that includes evaluation of the status of employees, customers, operations, and external utilities?[Type your responses]How would you ensure that customer concerns are managed?[Type your responses]Have you begun to determine how much data was lost and how that will affect your operations?[Type your responses]Some employees are asking, “How will I know if I should come to work on Monday?”[Type your responses]Management will tell them over weekend. Management will send communication before MondayMonday, October 26 | 7:30 a.m.Three days later, the power is still out, and the Health Department has determined that “no building without running water can open for business.” Clients are calling, and the company voicemail system is full. Employees are emailing/texting the Human Resources Director asking for guidance. What do you tell them?[Type your responses] ................

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