
SOMETHING IS HAPPENING!SOMETHING IS INTENSIFYING! SOMETHING IS SPEEDING UP! I am hearing these words out of many. As the minions of the dark kingdom are intensifying and speeding up their plans, so Yahushua is intensifying and speeding up His plans! Believers and seculars alike are becoming aware that something BIG is coming down the pike. Those with prophetic Scripture understanding know what it is, but most just feel it as they read news headlines. As real set-apart believers, along with this knowledge, we must also tap into what our Captain is doing, what His desired goals are, what weapons He has given to us and how we are to use them, so that we align with His instructions and do not go off on our own reasoning, or be trapped into someone else’s false reasoning. We also must be aware of the size and ability of our enemy’s army, understanding what his plans are, how he is executing his plans, and knowing his tactics and methodology. The ignorant die on the battlefield. And we are on the battlefield! We are soldiers in the most intense battle in human history, which is rapidly intensifying. II Timothy 2:2-3: “Suffer hardship with us as a good solider of Yahushua Messiah. No one serving as a soldier gets involved with the affairs of this life, in order to please only him who enlisted him as a soldier.” In the last three days I have heard my son, Derek, Steve Quayle, plus other watchmen like Paul Begley, Steven ben Nun, L.A. Marzulli, and today my assembly pastor, say the same thing: Something is happening. Something is intensifying. Something is speeding up. Then they go on to amplify what they are sensing in their spirit, and all is the same – the increase in the number and the powers of the enemy, the increase in their evil, leading us to know we have entered tribulation. In a recent interview by Sheila Zelinski with Steve Quayle, Steve said: “If you don’t have the power of the Holy Spirit in you now, you’re not going to make it.” Corrie Ten Boom wrote that same thing in Marching Orders For the End Time Battle back in the 1970s. I’ve said it, and written it, over and over: Without the power of the Spirit being free to live and operate in our spirit, we will not make it through the times ahead. Yahuwah is uniting His watchmen, His servants, His trusted ones, with the same knowledge, confirmed by prophetic events unfolding. Prophetic words given to us, even years before, are coming to pass. Prayer and Training Center, Fort Worth, Texas February 3, 2019 Today’s Sunday afternoon meeting at the Prayer and Training Center that Yahuwah brought me to from Georgia to be a part of, was not formal, not structured with rigid organized walls. No one controlled it, except the Spirit of Yahuwah. As is correct pattern, we begin with worship as we entered into the Presence of the King. Not the singing of a few songs, but music that accompanies real worship before Him. Then, as oftentimes, we went into a period of prayer where we all prayed at the same time, in English, and in tongues, with leading to specific requests. We had time for testimonies, the sharing of Scriptures, a Bible study in Romans 8, and then more worship, prayer, praise, and sharing. When the Spirit is allowed to lead, there is His order. No one is exalted, yet there is leadership submitted to His Spirit. “If Elohim be for us, who can be against us,” was His given theme. When we enter worship, the teaching of the Word goes deep into our spirit, where He is able to amplify the teaching. Teaching only to the intellect, no matter how good, leaves one full of information, but the spirit remains empty of His Presence. Once He takes the throne within us, the Word comes alive like we’ve never known it, in the most child-like, but profound, way. Our assembly is very much like what they had in the early assemblies of believers. No one is usurping or controlling, no one is exalting themselves above anyone else because leadership is 100% submitted to the Spirit of Yahuwah. There are no rituals, no rigid program, just flowing with the Spirit. And His Presence is mighty because He is free to be who He is – Shaddai! Elyon! And, because of His order, we become filled to the brim in our spirit, soul, and body with His Presence, the oil of His anointing that breaks the yokes of the enemy off of us. Isaiah 10:27, speaking of the “Day of Yahuwah,” the end of Assyrian bondage, an ancient stronghold founded by Nimrod for fallen angels: “And in that Day, it shall be that his burden is removed from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing oil.” The picture here is of oxen yoked together. If oil is applied to their necks, when they lower their heads, the yoke will slide off. The oil keeps the yoke of bondage from remaining. The oil keeps the yoke from causing sores and pain. The yoke of the enemy is destroyed in our lives by the “anointing oil” of the Spirit. Without Him, our lives are like that of oxen with the yoke tight around the neck, rubbing sores on the neck, causing pain. Matthew 11:28-30: “Come unto Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden, and I shall give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am meek (gentle), and humble of heart, and you shall find rest for your soul, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Let those words run over your soul like oil! The McQueen family, the ones who came and founded the work in Fort Worth where I attend, were missionaries in Germany and Italy, and other parts of Europe and the UK, as well as Conference speakers there and in America. Abba gave a powerful vision to Annmarie McQueen to come to Fort Worth, Texas, a place she knew nothing about, to begin a work of prayer, of outreach, or training a remnant who would unite in Abba’s unity through Messiah, to be part of a unifying gathering that would reach out to the world. Her vision is powerful. I align with it. The early morning of February 19, 1988, I was given a detailed and powerful dream about “the gathering” of His set-apart ones who were preparing for the coming of Messiah. The dream was incredibly specific to do with each member of my family, and how only my son and I ended up at the gathering place. The fulfilling of the dream began in March of 2018. I was living in Georgia with one of my daughters. I had no money, no help, and no way to move. I came to visit my son and daughter-in-law at Passover. I attended their new fellowship place – and loved it. The pastor taught about Passover and how it is for us today to celebrate. After returning to Georgia, Abba went into “urgent” mode with me. He came to me strongly to get a car. I had no help. My son and daughter-in-law came from Texas in early July to help me, and with their help I got a fine car. I had no one to help me pack up. So, every day Abba talked me through what I should do, and I did it. He gave me the strength to do it. I cried out to Him that I had no one to get a You Haul, load up my things, and drive me to Fort Worth. Once in Fort Worth, I had no place to live. Wow! I’ve told my miracle story several times. I went to visit a couple on my subscriber list who live in central North Carolina. They volunteered to get a You Haul, load it with a new couch they had, and other things I’d need, and drive to my house in Georgia, load the truck, and drive me to Texas. In the meantime, my son found me a good apartment – in the same apartment complex I lived in, 1996-1999, before moving to live in the country of Jordan. It all flowed so perfectly! Abba told me in March that I was going “home.” Fort Worth to me was home. He sure brought me full circle to “home.” And not just to Fort Worth to be with my son, but to be a part of this gathering. I was so overwhelmed with packing by myself, but I obeyed Abba daily. I did not see how it was possible for me to be ready by October. The North Carolina couple wanted to take me in October. I balked at that. I said them “maybe November or December.” However, Abba came to me and impressed me that I had to be in Fort Worth by October, by the third week at the latest. Why? I did not know then, but I do now. Everything was so smooth! I arrived October 19th. I had to be here because we passed into a new time-zone with Abba this past Yom Teruah. From that point on, everything started to accelerate. My son was sent to Iraq by his company three days before I arrived. But, Abba miraculously brought him home at his scheduled time, because he had to be back in Fort Worth to be a part of the acceleration of Abba’s work here. In the early 1900s, Maria Woodworth-Etter, brought revival to the Dallas/Fort Worth area. It became a world center for miracles, of salvation, the baptism into the Spirit, deliverance from demons, prophecy, power and anointing by the Spirit. Today, we are in the area of that great outpouring over 100 years ago, and Abba is returning with His power and anointing to prepare a remnant for a final Joel 2:28-29, Daniel 11:32, Revelation 7:1-8; 14:1-5, 15:1-2 movement by His Spirit before the return of Messiah. There are places all over the world where He is gathering a remnant that will unite with the two witnesses as a “witness company” before Messiah comes, fulfilling Mark 13:10. I never saw this before in total until recently. It is an amazing move of the Spirit. Are you preparing to move with His Spirit into what He has for you to do! At the prayer center, there is no performance where the audience listens and goes home empty in spirit, their problems unsolved. We take time to pray with whoever needs prayer. Without experiencing a lifestyle change in His Presence, what use is it to attend a gathering of believers? If man’s organization leaves no place for the Spirit, Yahuwah is shut out. His people go home empty. In most church services and congregation meetings, there is no regard for the Presence of the Father’s Spirit. I grew up in church. I know that Abba, though talked about, is basically ignored. Even in most “charismatic” churches, the Spirit is told when He can manifest, and when He has to be silent--like at offering time, joke time, announcement time, or shallow sermon time. His Presence takes over, and most ministers want to control. If man takes the control of a gathering, Yahuwah’s Spirit will not attend. If He is free to do as He wills, everyone in attendance goes home with increased faith, filled with His Presence in their spirit, and with their deepest needs taken care of! The Spirit of Shaddai, Elyon, is not organized like man tries to organize. In Africa, I would lead perhaps 50-100 into the baptism into the Spirit in a meeting. It would sound like chaos as people broke into tongues. I had the pastors put the people into rows, so that the pastors could pass between them and lay hands on them. Then we would begin. Sometimes, the people would fall under the power of the Spirit, and go on to speak in tongues. In the midst of it all, some were taken out to be delivered from demons that were manifesting, then brought back to be filled with the Spirit. The people were born again, their spirit perfected, yet because they had been in witchcraft, the spirits did not leave but went into their mind and bodies. So, they had to be totally delivered so that the Spirit could take over. And occasionally someone came to be baptized in the Spirit who was not born again. So, they had to be led to the new birth, then be baptized in the Spirit. After all were prayed for, all were in some stage of receiving their prayer language. I’d stop the receiving ones, which was usually the majority present, and tell them, “now sing in tongues.” Everyone would sing, with their own melody, in their own tongue of angels, with their own rhythm, their own voice ability, and their chosen voice level, yet all blended into the most beautiful sound. It was wonderful. I taught a Bible class in Fort Worth with Women’s Aglow. In one meeting, I taught on the baptism into the Spirit. I asked if anyone had not been baptized into the Spirit, who wanted to receive Him, to let me lay hands on them. One Mexican lady said she’d been to many meetings of Women’s Aglow and she could not receive the Spirit. I asked her if she had been Scripturally born again. She said she was Catholic and had been baptized at birth. I gave her the truth. I led her in a prayer to receive Jesus as her personal Savior. Instantly, she was then baptized into the Spirit and spoke in a clear tongue of angels. Abba has His order. Man’s order is sterile with “cookie-cutter” methodology, controlling, and man-exalting. The Spirit’s order is free-form, to say the least. Abba’s Spirit is pictured in the Word as being like water, wine, oil, and wind. One of my very favorite passages in the Bible is John 3:7-8: “Do not marvel that I say to you `you must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who has been born of the Spirit.” So, if we are led by the Spirit, we have “a life like no other. This is the great adventure!” We flow with Him as a leaf flows with the wind. We are totally free from restrictions placed on us, bondages, and shackles of man’s control, using religion or any other manipulative means of control that is not of Yahuwah. Our Master is not man, but Elohim! We are subject to the righteous laws of man. We are not rebellious. But, we are free of man’s selfish control for his own exaltation, free to yield as humble servants and allow Yahuwah to move through us to set others free. Is your church or congregation teaching you the understanding of what it means to let His Spirit reign supreme? Oh how we’ve robbed! Oh how the Spirit of Yahuwah has been quenched – the fire of the Spirit shut out! Oh how we’ve been stolen from because of limiting the Set-Apart One of Israel! [Listen to Podcasts XCIII, XCIV and XCV: Healing Part V, A, B, and C, We’ve Been Robbed. See how horribly we have fallen away from the great outpouring of the Spirit during the late 1800s and early 1900s. Psalm 78:41-42, KJV: “Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel. They remembered not His hand, nor the day when He delivered them from the enemy.” His people, for the most part, do not know what it means to be saved from slavery to the kingdom of darkness and brought into the Kingdom of Light. Most people do not realize how horrible sin is! Thus, most receive a belief system to go to heaven, but remain slaves on earth to their task masters in the dark kingdom because the churches and congregations limit the power of Yahuwah to their own reasoning. The leaders control the people by their rigidity, their rituals, their form of worship – “having a form of reverence, but denying the power thereof.” In churches today, and in Messianic assemblies, the Spirit of Yahuwah is not free to move through whomever He wants so that everyone is an equal part of the whole. There is no family atmosphere, with Abba/Daddy Present. The churches do not teach a true new birth, which begins with repentance and burning bridges to the past. They do not tell those wanting salvation that the Spirit does 40 things to transform a person into an entirely new creation, where even the DNA is changed. People are not told that in a true new birth we take on the nature of our heavenly Father, or that the allurement of the flesh, the world, and the devil, are no longer a part of our new life. They do not tell a person that they become servants to the Master Yahushua Messiah in training or reigning. The gifts of the Spirit are not taught. Submission to Elohim as a little child to a Daddy is not taught. Most religious leaders lead the sheep into total ignorance of the power and authority they have. They are not told that we must submit to the Spirit of Yahuwah as Teacher, Helper, Director, Guide, Admonisher, Corrector, and Transformer of our lives. Most do not know that we have a spirit into which He speaks to us. Most do not know much of anything about the Word, or the necessity of receiving from Elohim by faith like a little child. Religious man wants to rule, so he puts himself in competition with Yahuwah’s Spirit for the loyalty of his “subjects,” in his congregation. In a true Spirit-led congregation there is freedom. People are Spirit-taught, led by Spirit-taught, Spirit-directed leaders who “shepherd,” with the fruit of the Spirit.When we leave our meetings together in churches or congregations, we should leave with our spirit filled up with His Presence, knowing we’ve been in His Presence. We should leave with joy and peace, knowing that He is in control of our lives, and so we are satisfied, content, and restful. We should leave feeling totally filled up with His love, our spirit, soul, and body filled up and satisfied as if we’d had a gourmet meal. Abba is gathering a set-apart remnant together. He is drawing the “few” on the narrow path to the narrow gate, into unity with Him, as Messiah prayed in John 17 (Matthew 7:13-14). That’s the way we feel at the prayer center – like we’re with family. No meeting is the same. This afternoon, we had a time of worship. People are free to get down on their knees, lift their hands, sing, pray, speak in tongues, and enter into the Presence of the King of Kings. There is Bible teaching that goes throughout the Word, shared on a child-like level that goes deep into the spirit and heals the mind, and the body. There is a spirit of healing that goes forth – healing from all wounds of the soul--freedom from all tormenting thoughts, all painful past memories, the regrets, the guilt, the shame, the dehumanizing we’ve been subjected to, the unloved spirit feels love, the rejected spirit feel acceptance. Everyone is treated equally because we love the same Elohim who loves us all equally. There is no jealousy, no competition, no exalting one above another. Our gathering is typical of the gathering places that Yahuwah is putting together of a remnant who will soon join for one final outpouring of His Spirit before judgment falls. It is like the vision I had in the 1990s, of my flying over a very dark world, and seeing tiny fires here and there. I knew them to be places where believers were gathering together as the only remaining lights in a very dark world filled with the powers of the dark kingdom. Do you long for His Presence? Do you long for unity with others of like faith, for His love to fill you up so that you are satisfied? Do you leave your congregation intellectual stimulation, having had a good time with friends, the feeling of a good meeting, but still your spirit is empty? Perhaps with all the good in the meeting, His Spirit was not able to minister to set people free, free to be healed in body, free to be healed in mind and emotions, free to really know Yahuwah and Yahushua as Persons. As you know, most Christians and Messianics put on a mask, a “happy face,” and go to church or congregation where they appear to be all right, but inside they are hurting, wounded in spirit, hurting in mind and emotions, or body--sick, languishing in sadness, regrets, emptiness, loneliness, feeling unloved, unwanted, rejected, feeling like no one cares, because no one cares, or with heavy burdens of painful circumstances, bad marriages, poverty, loss of a job, children rebelling, children on drugs, drunkenness in the home, etc. etc. In an atmosphere like I am finding in our first century-type gathering, no one needs to put on a mask. People care; people pray. The emphasis is on seeking Him with all our heart. Jeremiah 29:13: “And you shall seek Me, and shall find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” Are you seeking Him with all your heart, to align to what He is doing today?*No matter how much you receive intellectually, and know Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic, if there is no personal interaction between you and His Spirit, what you’ve learned in your mind will not sustain you in the days of trials ahead! All your learning of the mind will NOT HELP YOU when the horrors begin, when death is close, when terror is close to you and to those you love! It is only what is in your spirit, your faith, your intimate personal relationship with Yahuwah your Daddy, and with Yahushua, your Beloved Savior, that will give you the strength to endure and overcome to the end--end of your life, or end of tribulation at the coming of Messiah. There will be multi-millions of martyrs. Luke 21:25-27: “…men fainting from fear...” I know many of you have come out of the church system. Some of you also have come out of the Messianic system. You stay home because of the deadness of the churches, and the deadness of messianic pharisaical congregations. Hebrews 10:24-25: “And let us be concerned for one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the habit of some is, but encouraging, and so much more as you see the Day approaching.” Well, folks, we’re seeing the day approaching! In Georgia I had nowhere to go for fellowship – no messianic congregations anywhere near me--no place to gather with people of like faith who are preparing for the coming of Messiah. Churches abound, but hardly any are united for strengthening people “as we see the Day approaching.” So, you can imagine what it is like for me to be with people who were led to Fort Worth to gather His people for prayer, fellowship, training, uniting, love, safety, security, and help. First of all, cry out to Abba to lead you to a place where He is gathering His people to bring the John 17 unity that is necessary for the remnant of these last days. He may lead you to open your home as His gathering place. He is gathering to unify!!! We cannot make it alone. Neither do we need a lot of people to gather with. Our fellowship is small, growing, but small. He will keep the gathering places small, as I saw in the vision of the darkness and the fires. I pray that nothing will break up or divide our John 17 unity. The enemy wants to divide and conquer. We must pray for the unifying of the Daniel 11:32 remnant, the Joel 2:28-29 remnant, the Revelation 7:1-8; 14:1-5 remnant. He is drawing us into His Presence for His Spirit to train us! Jude 1:18-25: “…they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own wicked lusts. These are the ones who cause divisions, not having the Spirit. But, you, beloved ones, building yourselves up on your most set-apart faith, praying in the Set-Apart Spirit (in tongues), keep yourself in the love of Elohim, looking for the compassion of our Master Yahushua Messiah unto everlasting life…And to Him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you blameless before the Presence of His esteem with everlasting joy, to the only wise Elohim, our Savior, be esteem and greatness, and might and authority, both now and forever. Amain” We will go through many trials. Abba does not want us to go through them alone! He is gathering His Gideon 300 once again. Those that hunger for the anointing of His Presence, He wants to gather together to bring into unity, even as He and His Father are in unity! Wow! That is so huge, so awesome, so humbling. He wants to draw His little family together! He does not want you alone, left on the hillside for the wolves to devour. He loves you! Today Pastor McQueen said that she is seeing things accelerating, noting the acceleration even during this 2019 January. It is amazing how fast the plans for the world government are falling in place, and how the world is turning against the true Christians. Christians are literally being slaughtered, butchered, beaten, tortured, and beheaded. Today professing Christians are turning against the truly born again ones. There is a great falling away at work. Last night in an interview with Sheila Zelinski, I heard Steve Quayle saying how fast things are moving, how greatly the presence of the fallen angels (Reptilian) and Nephilim (demons), the hybrid offspring of fallen angels and human women, as in Genesis 6:1-4, are increasing in the earth – all portals are opened. Many are noticing this and reporting it, like L.A. Marzulli, Steven ben Nun, Tom Horn, Mike Adams, Dave Hodges, and many more. There is an acceleration in the manifesting of demonic powers. There is acceleration of evil. ***Steve said that Satanists are seeing the manifestations of Satan increasing in their rituals. OK – let me leap on that! If Satanists are seeing Satan increasing his manifestations, his signs and wonders, in their gatherings, then WHY are Christians and Messianics playing religion games and seeing nothing? Think about it! Why are His people seeing nothing, or little to nothing, of His Presence and power? The Dragon’s children are seeing lots of manifestations, via demons, fallen angel, and Satan himself. Yet, Yahuwah’s people go to church and congregation and do their “thing” and the people experience NOTHING of His Power and Presence, nothing to indicate that He is in their midst? Just this past week, the Governor of New York adopted a bill to legalize full-term abortions, clear up as the woman is dilating for birth. That’s murder! Evil is now surfacing like never before, and the churches and congregations are not only not saying anything about, many are condoning the evil. Yet, the opposite is happening in gatherings that are orchestrated by Yahuwah. His Presence is uniting His set-apart ones and filling us up with His love, His comfort, His assurance, His power, His Word, and with His Spirit. We tangibly feel His Presence when we meet, for prayer before Shabbat or on Sunday afternoon. He manifests in healing, and answers to prayer just by His Presence. Why are His people not entering into His Presence? This afternoon, the meeting began as my son, Derek, blew the shofar. We read Romans 8:29-30. Then we worshiped with Spirit-filled music, like one song about Romans 8:30 - “if Elohim be for us, who can be against us.” Then we all took turns reading all of Romans 8. Then pastor shared a short message, followed by 20 free-minutes in which we were to pray, seek Abba, receive His revelations, and just sit in His Presence. After this, we were given time to share Scripture and testimonies of His greatness. Then we closed with more worship, Derek blowing the shofar again and giving the Aaronic Blessing of Numbers 6:24-26 in Hebrew and English. Then we all ate together and celebrated pastor McQueen’s birthday. I felt like a vessel which had been filled up to overflowing. Do you feel filled? Psalm 23:5: “You have anointed my head with oil. My cup runs over…” Does your cup overflow with the oil of the Spirit? Read Romans 8:14. Ask yourself: Am I led by the Spirit day by day? Psalm 133:1-2: “See how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity – like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron.” The oil is His Spirit, who breaks the yoke off of us. Abba will not let these small gatherings grow very large, because they have to remain exclusive in some ways, gathering places for His end-time remnant. Our congregation also reaches out to others in our neighborhood, in our weekly work, for salvation, for prayer, for praying for healing, for counseling, and teaching, but in intimate meetings we meet with Yahuwah and Yahushua not to have a “service,” or “meeting,” but to enter into what He is saying. And how amazing! His Spirit is teaching us all the same things! Oh the joy of being Spirit-taught! Abba is drawing others together in small groups all over the world in like manner, those servants He knows, who are filled with His Spirit, because of unity with His Son, Yahushua ha Machiach. In His unity, there is no division! During our set-apart 20 minutes in the meeting, I saw why many are not healed though they believe in His healing. He showed me that His children cannot stand alone. They must not be isolated. Faith is built in His unity. They may have had hands laid on them for healing. But, healing just happens when people of faith meet together and lift their voices in worship, so that the Spirit comes within their midst. Being isolated, a person loses faith. The enemy wears them down with his oppression, depression, heaviness, fear, doubts and questioning. When He is present in a group of others, especially during corporate worship, healing just happens. I am receiving healing that is miraculous. When we meet in the Name of our Savior, the Spirit comes into our midst, who is Yahuwah Himself. I mean real worship, not clapping to a few fun choruses or songs that stir up the flesh. I mean deep worship, music that reaches the spirit, not entertainment of the mind, but worship that opens the door for Yahuwah’s Spirit to touch our spirit and fill us up, satisfy us spirit, soul, and body. His people do not know how to enter into deep worship. We’ve been robbed! Emotions of the spirit often mix joy with weeping, or peace with weeping – so that we are cleansed. We feel clean. Emotions of the soul often entertain us, but cannot go deep to change our lives. The spirit has its own mind and emotions that are connected directly to the throne room of Yahuwah. Yes, there are times of rejoicing in praise where we dance, shout, throw up our hands, and enjoy the music. That’s awesome too! But, if it does not connect us to Him what good is it? Yahuwah, the Spirit, often displays mixed emotions. I have felt His emotions of grief mixed with joy, grief at something that has happened to bring Him sorrow, yet joy knowing that justice would prevail. Today, in worship, I felt joy accompanied with tears – not tears of sadness, but tears of joy, knowing He was manifesting Himself to me. He is very personal. He is very tangible. But, if you are in an atmosphere of no faith, just ritual or churchy routine, He is not there, He can’t be there. (Jeremiah 17:5-10) But, when a group of people, even three or four who are filled with His Presence join together, there He is in our midst. I share these things with you so that you see that “where sin does abound, grace does much more abound.” So, that you cry out to Abba to lead you to a “family gathering” of His set-apart ones. Genesis 49:10: “And the Scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a Lawgiver from beneath his feet until Shiloh comes, and to Him shall the gathering be.” Yahushua is the Scepter, the Lawgiver, and Shiloh. In His love, shalom!YedidahFebruary 4, 2019 [Podcast XCVI: Something is Happening! Something is Intensifying! Something is Speeding Up!/February 4, 2019] ................

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