Girls Talk: Sexualization of Girls Video Transcript

Girls Talk: Sexualization of Girls Video Transcript INTRO Kelsey: Hello. Welcome to Girls Talk: Sexualization of girls. In 2007, the American Psychological Association released a report on the Sexualization of girls. While this report got a lot of attention, we thought it would be important to sit down with the girls who are directly affected by the Sexualization, and asked them about their thoughts and opinions on the media they see around them.

AMERICAN APPAREL AD Leah: That's gross.

Tylinn: I wouldn't even have the guts to take a picture like that, for me to spread my legs open for a camera.

Faith: There's nothing attractive about that picture.

Tylinn: This is not going to attract no woman to that store; it's going to attract men.

Leah: I doubt it would attract men.

Faith: The picture's not attractive at all.

Tylinn: I don't even think a teenage girl would go into that store, because the picture is not selling nothing.

Emily: That is not cute, or sexy! That's the kind of add that if you are looking through a magazine and you see, you turn the page really fast.

Shanda: People are still going to go to that store regardless of what we say. Regardless of what, how bad it is. Regardless of how basic the problem is, people are still going to go to that store and they are going to make their money.

TODLERS AND TIARAS Isabella: The kids don't always want to be there. They have other things that they could do, like, playing outside with their friends. Instead, they are waking up early, putting on pounds of makeup on their face, um, wearing tight dresses, and , like, high-heeled shoes.

Leah: People who make this show are kinda like, um, saying... this is, like, how you should be, you should be this pretty.

Faith: They should be outside playing at a playground, or at a park. And they are like spending, $2,000 on one pageant, like, they could go to school or something. Go buy them crayons and coloring books.

NICKI MINAJ Tylinn: Don't get me wrong, I love Nicki Minaj. I adore her songs, but something, not going to lie, I do adore her outfits, because they do be cute. But I would probably say that's an outfit I would wear to like, a Halloween party.

Emily: Yeah!

Faith: Yeah, some stuff she does wear is like, "Where are you supposed to wear that?"

Isabella: They care about, sexiness, and pretty... pretty just doesn't have the right, like, ring to it when you think of Nicki Minaj, but when you think of that picture of Nicki Minaj, that is pretty.

Emily: Yeah, that one is pretty.

Isabella: That one isn't. You can't even see her face in it.

Leah: Your attention is drawn immediately to the spikes, to the butt. And it makes her butt look... too big, like, more big than attractive.

Emily: There's a big, big difference between being pretty and being sexy. The image, um, in magazines and the advertisement world is that pretty is basically sexy but you can see, like, really pretty girls with, you know, nice hair and a little bit of makeup and they are pretty, because that's who they are. Then there is people who are really altered and who are not who they are, and they look completely different and they call that, like, "pretty" but it's not. It's sexy.

CLOTHING Shanda: Stores don't sell loose clothes, or clothes that are age appropriate.

Tylinn: Oh that's too much, oh they too young to be wearing stuff like that, but men be like, "oh, it's cute, it's sexy, I think all girls should wear that."

Faith: They will look at you and, like, a sexual way. In a perverted way.

Kelsey: And how would that make you feel?

Faith: Uncomfortable.

Emily: People may be really judgmental. Y'know, it could be a positive way or a negative way, but either way if you're wearing that outfit, you're gonna' get some judgment.

Tylinn: Most people don't appreciate who we are, they wear it just to, like, fit in, cus, like, some girls are really insecure about the way that they look, because I feel like, since they want to wear clothes like that, I don't think they are getting enough attention.

CLOTHING -Girls talking over each otherShanda: The graphics on the shirt, it's not much, but when you think about where the placements are, it's a lot.

Faith: You just, put yourself out there. As, like, a sex object. "Hey! I'm wild, hot, and sexy, come talk to me!" Boys are going to look at you like, "you're an easy sex target". If you put on a shirt, what else would you do?

CALIFORNIA GIRLS -California Girls LyricsIsabella: Taking the candy and licking it, like, sexually is like... wow.

Tylinn: And the way she come when she doing that little pole thing going up. And she did that pose with the leg up.

Emily: The worst part was the whipped cream part, that was just...

Tylinn: I mean, she could have just took it out and just started... but no she just put it (spraying noise)

Leah: She stuck it on her bra or something

Tylinn: It has to be sexy and then Snoop Dog was just kinda...

Emily It was weird!


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