Chapter 7 – IMMIGRATION & URBANIZATION 1865-1914

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Chapter 5 – IMMIGRATION & URBANIZATION 1865-1914


I. New Immigrants Come to America IV. Opportunities and challenges in America

A. Many were from southern and eastern Europe A. Immigrants Assimilate into Society

B. Often unskilled, poor, Catholic or Jewish 1. Settled into ethnic neighborhoods

C. Settled in cities 2. Were encouraged to blend into society

II. Immigrants Decide to Leave Home B. New Immigrants Face Hostility

A. Push Factors 1. Nativism 1. Famine 2. Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 passed

2. War C. Immigrants Change America

B. Pull Factors 1. Fueled industrial growth

1. Inexpensive land 2. Elected politicians

2. Employment Opportunities

III. The Immigrant Experience

A. The Long Journey

1. Traveled in steerage

2. Often fell ill

B. Immigrants Arrive at American Ports

1. Arrived at Ellis Island or Angel Island

2. To stay, Immigrants had to be healthy and prove

They had money, a skill, or a sponsor

FOCUS QUESTIONS: Answer each question completely.

|Why did immigrants come to the United States, and what| |

|impact did they have upon society? |Immigrants came to the United States for the opportunity to own land, to find better-paying jobs, for religious|

| |and political freedom, or because they were pushed from their homelands by political upheaval, religious |

| |persecution, wars, or land reform. These people helped build America, influenced politics, and added their |

| |traditions to American culture. |


Record the main ideas of this section in the flow chart below.



|• Manufacturing and transportation |• Electric trolleys |• Demands for water, sewers, schools, |

|centers in Northeast, Pacific coast, | |and safety in cities increased. |

|and along waterways of Midwest. | | |

| | | |

| | |• Housing became overcrowded in |

|• Immigrants and rural Americans | |urban areas. |

|attracted to cities. |• Subways | |

| | | |

| | |• Fires |

|• Provided excitement and variety. | | |

| |• Skyscrapers | |

| | |• Crime |

|• Attracted by land and economic | | |

|opportunities. |• Safety elevator | |

| | |• Ethnic and racial strife |

| | | |

|• Provided a higher standard of living for | | |

|most. | |• Gangs |

| |• Electric cable cars | |

| | | |

FOCUS QUESTIONS: Answer each question completely.

|What challenges did city dwellers face, and how did | |

|they meet them? |Challenges included crowded, substandard tenement housing; filthy city streets; danger from fires in crowded |

| |housing; and street crime and violence. Solutions included city-regulated housing; the creation of a |

| |sanitation department and the installation of new sewage systems; the organization of professional firefighting|

| |departments; and the organization of city police forces. |

| | |

| | |

| | |


Record the main ideas about this section in the table below.


|• More people worked for wages. |• Transportation, advertising, and |• Urban areas became entertainment |

| |communication made Americans more |centers. |

| |alike in consumption patterns. | |

|• More products were available and at | |• Clubs, music, halls, and sports venues |

|lower prices. | |attracted crowds. |

| |• Newspapers both reflected and helped | |

| |create mass culture. |• Amusement parks were built close to |

|• Department stores opened. | |cities. |

| | | |

| |• Literature and the arts flourished. |• Touring outdoor shows drew crowds. |

|• Mail-order businesses boomed. | | |

| | |• Religious-inspired entertainment |

| |• Public education expanded rapidly, |became popular. |

|• Customers bought brand-named |and more people could read. | |

|goods. | |• Vaudeville shows attracted audiences. |

| | | |

| | |• Movie theaters introduced motion |

| | |pictures. |

| | | |

| | |• Spectators sports became popular. |

FOCUS QUESTIONS: Answer each question completely.

|What luxuries did cities offer to the middle class? | |

| | |

| |Cities offered the middle class a wider range of goods from department stores, factory-made clothing, |

| |prepackaged food, indoor plumbing, and access to new forms of entertainment such as amusement parks and motion |

| |pictures. |

| | |


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