Personality development


An individual's personality is an aggregate conglomeration of the decisions they have made throughout their life, and the memory of the experiences to which these decisions led. There are inherent natural, genetic, and environmental factors that contribute to the development of our personality. According to process of socialization, "personality also colors our values, beliefs, and expectations ... Hereditary factors that contribute to personality development do so as a result of interactions with the particular social environment in which people live." There are several personality types as Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers illustrated in several personalities typology tests, which are based on Carl Jung's school of Analytical psychology. However, these tests only provide enlightenment based on the preliminary insight scored according to the answers judged by the parameters of the test.

Other theories on personality development include Jean Piaget's stages of development, Erik Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development, and personality development in Sigmund Freud's theory being formed through the interaction of id, ego, and super-ego.

Personality is defined as the enduring personal characteristics of individuals.

Although some psychologists frown on the premise, a commonly used explanation for personality development is the psychodynamic approach. The term ambot describes any theory that emphasizes the constant change and development of the individual. Perhaps the best known of the psychodynamic theories is Freudian psychoanalysis.


Freud believed that two basic drives—sex and aggression—motivate all our thoughts and behaviour. He referred to these as Eros (love) and Thanatos. Eros represents the life instinct, sex being the major driving force. Thanatos represents the death instinct (characterised by aggression), which, according to Freud, allowed the human race to both procreate and eliminate its enemies.

Tripartite personality

Freud believed that personality had three parts—the id, ego, and super-ego—referring to this as the tripartite personality. The id allows us to get our basic needs met. Freud believed that the id is based on the pleasure principle, i.e. it wants immediate satisfaction, with no consideration for the reality of the situation.

As a child interacts more with the world, the ego begins to develop. The ego's job is to meet the needs of the id by taking into account the constraints of reality. The ego acknowledges that being impulsive or selfish can sometimes hurt us, so the id must be constrained. The superego develops during the phallic stage as a result of the moral constraints placed on us by our parents. It is generally believed that a strong superego serves to inhibit the biological instincts of the id (resulting in a high level of guilt), whereas a weak superego allows the id more expression (resulting in a low level of guilt).

Structure of personality

Freud conceived the mind as only having a fixed amount of psychic energy (libido). The outcome of the interaction between the id, ego and the superego, (each contending for as much libidinal energy as possible) determines our adult personality.

Defense Mechanisms

The ego, having a difficult time trying to satisfy both the needs of the id and the superego, employs defense mechanisms. Repression is perhaps the most powerful of these. Repression is the act by which unacceptable id impulses (most of which are sexually related) are "pushed" out of awareness and into the unconscious mind. Another example of a defense mechanism is projection. This is the mechanism that Freud used to explain Little Hans' complex. Little Hans is said to have projected his fear for his father onto horses, which is why he was afraid of them.

Psychosexual Stages

Freud believed that at particular points in the child's development, a single part of the body is particularly sensitive to sexual stimulation. These erogenous zones are the mouth, anus and the genital region. At any given time, the child's libido is focused on the primary eurogenous zone for that age. As a result, the child has certain needs and demands that are related to the eurogenous zones for that stage. Frustration occurs if these needs are not met, but, a child may also become overindulged, and so may be reluctant to progress beyond the stage. Both frustration and overindulgence may lead to fixation—some of the child's libido remains locked into that stage. If a child is fixated at a particular stage, the method of obtaining satisfaction that characterised that stage will dominate their adult personality.

Although many people view Freud's descriptions of personality development as pure fantasy, his ideas have endured and have had far reaching influences both in and outside psychology. Freud has changed the way we think about the importance of childhood, and also made us aware of the unconscious elements of our psyche that are essential for development.



It is the totality of a person’s quality, both desirable and undesirable as revealed in response to the various situations presented to you in life. Your personality is the total Impact you make on other people.

The personality each one of has is determined by many factors. The level of one’s intelligent. One’s physical limitations, extent of one’s education , heredity and environmental , in which one s brought up. The strength of our basic emotions, anxiety

According to Bradshaw-“ An individual's personality is an aggregate conglomeration of decisions we've made throughout our lives...”

A personality is an improvement in all spheres of an individual's life, be it with friends, in the office or in any other environment.

Personality development is the developing a personality cult so as to create a strong positive impression about self with the targeted group, or in general; and more pertinent aspect of such personality is to maintain and prove in a long run.

Ten Imp. Points for an Ultimate Personality:

➢ Appearance.

➢ Intelligence.

➢ Smartness.

➢ Trustworthy, High integrity and Responsible.

➢ Knowledge, in depth.

➢ Management.

➢ Efficiency.

➢ Economic independence.

➢ Morality / Character.

➢ Being beneficial / advantageous

The four aspects influencing personality are:

➢ Physical,

➢ Social

➢ Psychological

➢ Philosophical.

Physical personality depends upon pleasing personality indirectly supported by

health, strength and withstanding capacity.

Social personality’s main factors are: social values, communication skill, attitude and economic independence especially in relation with wealth.

Psychological personality is in tune with personal values, approach, thinking pattern, emotional management and influenced by knowledge, intelligence and smartness.

Philosophical personality is on account of maturity of values.


Self Development is an approach that emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning. It recognizes that we all have a great potential for learning and for changing what we do.

The Learning Cycle


Self development focuses on the above mentioned cyclical process of learning, which encourages us to build the ability to take responsibility and be proactive – initiating action , rather than being reactive- in the way we work. Being proactive assist us in gaining more awareness of our power to respond to any situation by recognizing our own role in influencing its outcome. Self development recognizes us to recognize , and to own , our responsibility in influencing outcomes by taking risks and doing things differently.

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT is a planning tool used to understand the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It involves specifying the objective of the business or project or individual and identifying the internal and external factors that are supportive or unfavourable to achieving that objective.

SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats.

A SWOT analysis generates information that is helpful in matching an organization or group’s goals, programs, and a capacity to the social environment in which it operates.


• Positive tangible and intangible attributes, internal to an organization.

• They are within the organization’s control.


• Factors that are within an organization’s control that detract from its ability to attain the desired goal.

• Which areas might the organization improve?


• External attractive factors that represent the reason for an organization to exist and develop.

• What opportunities exist in the environment, which will propel the organization?

• Identify them by their “time frames”


• External factors, beyond an organization’s control, which could place the organization mission or operation at risk.

• The organization may benefit by having contingency plans to address them if they should occur.

• Classify them by their “seriousness” and “probability of occurrence”.

“Changes in the global environment are radical and far reaching and the capacity to learn faster is the only source for sustaining competitive advantage.”

The dictum, “Know thyself, own change thyself” has become the cornerstone of managerial effectiveness. Learning implies awareness of the job, one’s current position, personal strengths and limitations , and development needs. Knowing oneself is not enough. Learning about self must be translated into action for change. Consequently ,change in self leads to managing the external reality.

Managers need to continuously upgrade their knowledge and skills in technical, environmental and leadership areas. They need to examine their values , style and typical behaviours and assess the extent to which these are facilitating them both in their professional lives and personal lives.

What is Knowledge Management ?

A systematic and integrated coordination of organisation-wide activities of acquiring, creating, storing, sharing, disseminating, developing and deploying knowledge by individuals and groups in pursuit of organisational goals. Knowledge, by definition, resides within people. To derive competitive advantage, the organization should be able to harness this individual knowledge through its systems and procedures thereby institutionalizing it into Organizational Knowledge, and use this Organizational Knowledge into adding value in its business proposition.Knowledge Management is a way of looking at every aspect of an organisation’s operations to improve the way it harnesses the knowledge that is crucial to its continued success

What is done in Knowledge management?

• Creating and populating a repository of in –house knowledge

• Valuation of knowledge

• Facilating the transfer of knowledge

• Creating a knowledge sharing environment

• Building an organizational culture focused on innovation and knowledge creation.


“Success is to be measured not so much by the position one hasreached in life, as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed”

The Following are the seven mantras for success:

1. Communication Skills – Most of what goes on as business in an organisation is, in fact, communication. Anything that is not communication is probably dependent on something to initiate communication or keep it going. This is why one needs to master the art of communication both verbal as well as written.

2. Influencing Abilities: This is more of a leadership trait. It includes persuading and negotiating skills. Persuasion means convincing and encouraging people to do, as against being pushy and aggressive. It is a very powerful tool, especially in conflicting situations both in your professional as well as personal life.

3. Managing Skills: - In layman’s words this term means getting things done. But from the career perspective it means managing things, people and of course, managing yourself, that is, your time, resources and money. To be able to achieve success one needs to prepare and train himself/ herself in the art of effective management.

4. Problem Solving – It means knowing how to recognize and define problems, implement solutions and track and evaluate results. Effective problems solving skills will help to become the backbone of any team, which in turn will help in career prospects.

5. Creative Thinking – It is said that intelligence is central to both the right and left modes of the brain. But the majority of people give more importance only to the logical approach in problem solving. What is really required is a blend of logical and lateral thinking processes together to generate new ideas and solutions, seeing things in the `round’ and having an open mind.

6. Social Skills – It means one’s ability to relate to people, having insights, helping others and facilitating. Interdependence today is of greater value than independence. Thus it becomes that much more important for you to take a genuine interest in people with whom you work and spent time, emotion and money on them.

7. Managing Money - If in spite of possessing all the above mentioned skills you fail to achieve success it may be because you are poor in the number game! You must have your figures, statistics and accounts in place. You must be shrewd in the money matters. As an old saying goes. “Money begets Money”.


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