Field Tests for VO2max - Rowan University

Field Tests for VO2max


[(weight in lbs x 703)/height in inches2]

1-mile run (VO2max)


MRT = mile run time in minutes; gender = 1 for males; 0 for females

Have them run a mile as fast as they can and just determine time. This formula is set for an outside track. Treadmill and indoor tracks may slightly vary.

Use the symbol above the number 8 for times

Use the back slash symbol to divide

Use the symbol above the number 6 to put a value to the next power (ie to square a number use ^2

1 mile walk test (VO2max)

6.9652+(.0091*weight lb.)-(.0257*age)+(.5955*gender)-(.2240*time in min)-(.0115*ending heart rate)

Have them walk a mile as fast as they can without losing form, get a 15 second heart rate and convert to


Value is in liters/min, so multiply value by 1000 and then divide by weight in kg (add this into your excel equation.

Treadmill tests (submax):

VO2max = 15.1+(21.8*speed mph) – (.327*heart rate) – (.263*speed*age) + (.00504*heart rate*age)

+ (5.98*gender)

Walk on the treadmill at a fast but comfortable pace with no grade for four minutes. Then elevate to a 5 degree incline, same speed, for four minutes. Stop and get an immediate 15 second heart rate, convert into beats per minute. Plug in speed, heart rate at end of second 4 minute walk, age and gender into above formula

Step Test

McArdle (16.25 in step (22 for females & 24 for males steps/min)

Males – VO2max = 111.33–(.42*HR)

Female – VO2max = 65.81–(.1847*HR)

Values for college aged

Step for 3 min, must completely step up and down at the proper pace; wait 5 sec, then 15 sec HR convert to beats per minute and then enter into equation


Email me excel sheet with:

Mile run, mile walk, step test (male and female), submax tread, BMI (with values)

Perform any two CV tests on either yourself or others and enter their values

By Sunday night 6:00 pm


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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