Biogeochemical+Cycles+ - University of Washington

Biogeochemical Cycles

Environment 100

Thursday, May 17, 2012

But first, lets talk about Tuesday

? What did you learn?

What did it connect to? What were each speaker`s take home points?

? Please talk with one another in groups of THREE. Ensure that you understand the key points of the speakers.

? Each of you should choose one speaker (all covered by each group of three) and write down 1--3 sentences summarizing their talk.

? Include your name and turn this in

Biogeochemical Cycles Outline

? What are biogeochemical cycles ? Water Cycle ? Carbon Cycle

? Fast and Slow Cycle ? Biofuels and Tilman`s principles

? Nitrogen Cycle

? Haber--Bausch Process

What are biogeochemical cycles?

? Earth system has four parts ? Atmosphere ? Hydrosphere ? Lithosphere ? Biosphere

? Biogeochemical cycles: chemical interacVons (cycles) that exist between the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere.

? Abio0c (physio--chemical) and bio0c processes

drive these cycles

What is common amongst them?

? Each compound (e.g., water, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus, mercury, etc.) typically exists in all four parts of the Earth System

? Biologically useful forms are oXen low ? There are

? bPools`where compounds are stored ? Fluxes in and out of pools ? Chemical or biochemical transformaVons

? TransformaVons

? are important ? can lead to posiVve & negaVve consequences


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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