CITATION NUMBER: ____________________________







Defendant Name


I hereby enter my appearance for the offense of ______________________________________________________________________________. I understand that I have a right to a jury trial and that I waive my right to that jury trial. I also plead guilty no contenst and elect to take a driving safety course.

I understand that within 90 days I must have:

1. COMPLETED a Texas Education Agency approved driving safety course or motorcycle operator training course; 2. SUBMITTED TO THE COURT a uniform certificate of completion for the driving safety course that states the Court's name

and the reason for attendance as traffic citation; 3. SUBMITTED TO THE COURT a certified (3A) copy of my driving record as maintained by the Texas Department of Public

Safety. (See Form provided or visit )

I understand that: 1. If I comply with all conditions and submit the required evidence within the 90 days, the court will dismiss my case and report the date of completion to the Texas Department of Public Safety for my driving record. {DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST WEEK TO TAKE THE CLASS ? YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE YOUR CERTIFICATE IN TIME TO COMPLY.} 2. If I fail to comply with all conditions and to submit all the evidence as required, I will be required to appear before the court to show cause as to why. 3. At the Show Cause Hearing, the judge may enter a final judgment against me and may require me to pay fines, any additional costs, or warrant fees as required by law. 4. Failure to appear at the Show Cause Hearing will result in a final judgment being entered against me and a Warrant for my arrest. I will also be required to pay the fines, any additional costs, or warrant fees as required by law.

If a defendant makes their request to take a driving safety course in writing, in lieu of making a personal appearance, the Defendant is required to sign and return this document to the Court within 15 calendar days of the date the citation was issued. Should the Defendant fail to do so, the defendant will be set on a Show Cause Hearing Docket to appear before the Judge, where the Judge will determine if the deferral order will be withdrawn and the case processed as a conviction.


I, ___________________________________________________________, state under oath that on the date of my request for a driving safety course/motorcycle operator training course in the above numbered cause that I was not taking such a course nor had I completed one within the 12 months preceding the date of my current offense that is not shown on my driving record as maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety. I further state all the above to be true AND I understand what is required of me to comply with the Court.

Sworn to and subscribed by me, ____________________________________________________________________, Defendant

on this the __________ day of ____________________, 20____,

_____________________________________ Defendant

Form: DSCRequest

City of Longview Municipal Court 302 West Cotton Street, Longview, Texas 75601

PO Box 1952, Longview, Texas 75606 Office: 903-237-1186 Fax: 903-291-5302


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