KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA MOTIHARIGrammar : ‘NOUN’Definition :Noun is the name of a person, place, animal or things. All naming words such as boy, girl, Delhi, cow, tiger, scale etc. are nouns.Types :There are five types of Noun:Proper Noun:A Proper Noun is the special name of a particular person or placeExamples:Shweta is my friend. I live in Kolkata. Chandigarh is a beautiful place. Harsh is an intelligent boy. Explanation :All the words in bold-italics are Proper Nouns. Sweta is the name of a particular person. Kolkata is the name of a particular place. Such nouns that are all names of particular persons, places or things are called Proper Nouns. Note: A Proper Noun always begins with a capital mon Noun:A Common Noun is a name given in common to every person or thing of the same class or kind.Examples:I like bananas. It is a beautiful park. He flies a kite in the sky.Girls are playing.Explanation :All the words in bold-italics are Common Nouns. Bananas are the names of common fruits or things. Park is the name of a common place. Kite is the name of a common thing and girls are names of common persons.Collective Noun:When a noun stands for a collection of persons or things, considered as one complete whole, it is called Collective Noun. Examples:I purchased a bunch of grapes. I saw a herdof cattle. Our classconsists of forty students. There was a big crowd on the road. Explanation :All the words in bold-italics are Collective Nouns. The word bunch is the name given to a collection of grapes. Similarly, the word crowd is the name given to a collection of people.Material Noun:A noun which stands for the matter or substance of which things are made is called Material Noun. Examples: This chair is made of wood. The chain is made of gold. Clothes are made of cotton, wool and silk.Explanation :All the words in bold-italics are Material Nouns. They are the names of the material of which chair, chain and clothes are made respectively.Abstract Noun:An Abstract Noun is the name given to a quality, a state or a concept. These are something which we can neither see nor touch but which we can only feel or think of them. Examples: I always speak the truth. King Solomon is known for his wisdom.The beauty of the place attracted me.Kindness is always rewarded. Explanation :All the words in bold-italics are Abstract Nouns. They are the names of something that we can only think of or feel.)A List of Collective Nouns :? an army of soldiers● a band of musicians? a board of directors● a bouquet of flowers? a bunch of grapes, bananas, keys● a bevy of girls? a bench of judges● a bundle of sticks? a crew of sailors● a clump of trees? a constellation of stars● a flock of birds, sheep? a fleet of cars, ships● a gang of thieves? a herd of cattle, buffaloes● a litter of pigs, puppies? a library of books● a mob of people? a pack of wolves, thieves, cards● a swarm of bees? a set of clubs, tools● a string of beads? a suite of rooms● a shoal of fish? a team of oxen, players● a troupe of dancers? a tuft of grass● a troop of lions, monkeysEXERCISESExercise 1 Pick out the Nouns in the following sentences and say whether they are Proper, Common, Material, Collective or Abstract. Raman is a good boy. One should believe in truth. A soldier is respected for his bravery. Ornaments are made of gold and silver. The case was decided by a bench of judges. Mumbai is a big city. The team won the match. Blindness is the greatest curse. Wisdom is better than strength. This table is made of steel.Exercise 2 Each of the phrases given below contains a Collective Noun. Complete each phrase by putting in the missing word. Choose from the box: cattle, soldiers, sticks, sheep, ships, flowers fish, wolves, musicians, dancers, sailors, grapes 1. A bunch of __________ 2. A bundle of __________ 3. A bouquet of __________ 4. a herd of __________ 5. a band of __________ 6. a regiment of __________ 7. a flock of __________ 8. a troupe of__________ 9. A crew of __________ 10. a pack of __________ 11. a fleet of __________ 12. a shoal of __________ ................

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