Life Science

Life Science

Test 4


1. Microscopic—an organism so small it can not be seen with out the aid of a microscope

2. A colonial organism is made of many cells that could live independently of each other.

3. A paramecium is a unicellular but also a colonial organism.

4. In multi-cellular organisms, a group of cells that work together to perform a particular function is called a tissue.

5. organs—groups of tissues that work together to perform a function

6. organ system—group of organs that work together to perform a life function

7. The levels of cellular organization from least complex to most complex is cell—tissue—organ—organ system.

8. Division of Labor—when different groups of cells perform specialized tasks to keep the organism alive.

9. Every cell in a multi-cellular organism has the ability to perform only it’s specific tasks needed by the organism.

10. Compare our bodies functions with the body of Christ.

a. All have a specific job

b. All important jobs

c. Don’t be jealous

d. I Corinthians 12:12-25 and Romans 12:4-8

11. An organism that makes its own source of energy is a producer.

12. The purpose of cellular respiration is to produce usable energy for the cell.

13. ATP is the usable form of energy for the cell.

14. Aerobic cellular respiration takes place in the mitochondria.

15. The two reactants for aerobic cellular respiration are sugar and oxygen.

16. Aerobic cellular respiration forms carbon dioxide, water and energy.

17. Most of the usable energy from aerobic cellular respiration is produced during the electron transport chain.

18. anaerobic—process is performed without oxygen

19. The smell of baking break and the air spaces in bread are caused by yeast cells as they carry on alcoholic fermentation.

20. biofuel—a fuel that is derived from living organisms

21. Anaerobic cellular respiration does not produce more usable energy per sugar molecule that aerobic cellular respiration. (aerobic cellular respiration produces more!)

22. Photosynthesis changes light energy into chemical energy.

23. A reactant for photosynthesis is carbon dioxide.

24. The equation for photosynthesis is: carbon dioxide + water + light energy sugar and oxygen

25. The green pigment necessary for photosynthesis is chlorophyll.

26. The primary producer organisms are plants and algae.

27. Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast.

28. The light energy captured during photosynthesis is stored in the bonds of sugar molecules.

29. Some of the sugar formed during photosynthesis is used for making the structural parts of the cell.

30. The two products of photosynthesis that are important to humans are sugar and oxygen.

31. The actual formation of sugar occurs during the light independent phase.


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