

1st Quarter Fall 2015-16

A Cultural Event

Write a four paragraph essay (150-200 words) describing a cultural event.

Name: ___________________________________

ID: ___________________________________

Section: ___________________________________

Teacher: ___________________________________

|Step |What you will do in this project |Date completed | ( or X |

|1 |Write down some facts and ideas. You can use the internet to find out information about your hometown and | | |

| |the iPad app Popplet to brainstorm your ideas. | | |

|2 |Organize these facts and ideas by making notes (not sentences) in the outline (page 3). | | |

|3 |Write your first draft. | | |

|4 |Edit your first draft carefully. | | |

| |(Use the check-list on page 7.) | | |

|5 |Write your final draft. | | |

|6 |Hand in your project. | | |

Describe a Cultural Event

Write a four paragraph essay describing a cultural event that you went to or saw in the past (for example a wedding, a festival, National Day celebrations).

Your description could include:


❖ Topic sentence

❖ A brief statement of what the essay is about (the main points of body 1

and 2).

Body 1:

❖ Topic sentence

❖ What the event was and why it took place

❖ When and where the event took place

❖ Who you saw the event with and what happened

❖ Concluding sentence

Body 2

❖ Topic sentence

❖ What you did during the event

❖ What you saw (chronological order of events)

❖ How other people reacted / responded to the event, the result(s)

of the event

❖ Concluding sentence


❖ Summarize the key points of the essay

❖ Opinions or feelings you had


• Use past tense verbs

• Use time order words and expressions

|Introduction | |

|( general description-what|__________________________________________________________________________________ |

|this essay is about) |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Body 1 | |

|(What was the event? Why |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

|did it take place? Who was|__________________________________________________________________________________ |

|with you? What happened?) |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| | |

|Body 2 |Chronological order: |

|(What did you do? What did|__________________________________________________________________________________ |

|you see? What did other |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

|people do?) |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Body 3 | |

|Optional |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |

|Conclusion | |

|(key points from Body + |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

|your feelings/opinion) |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |



| |Yes |I don’t understand |

|Formatting | | |

|Does your essay have at least four paragraphs? | | |

|Did you double space? | | |

|Is each word separate? | | |

|Ideas and information | | |

|Do you have a Topic Sentence for each paragraph? | | |

|Do you have a Concluding Sentence for each paragraph? | | |

|Do you have more than four supporting sentences? You need to have between 150-200 words | | |

|Did you use time order words and expressions (e.g. Then, after that, later etc.) | | |

|Sentences, grammar & punctuation | | |

|Did you use the Past Simple? | | |

|Is there a subject and a verb in each sentence? | | |

|Do all your verbs match your subjects? | | |

|Did you use some of these connecting words: and / but / or / so / because | | |

|Did you use adjectives? | | |

|Did you use prepositions correctly? | | |

|Did you check the dictionary for spelling? | | |

|Do all your sentences begin with a capital? | | |

|Do all your sentences end with a full stop? | | |

|Do all names of places and people have capitals? | | |

Writing Project 2 Scoring Rubric – Q4 2015


Exceptional Pass |4

High Pass |3

Pass |2

Fail |1 – 0.5

Low Fail | |Task Fulfillment &

Content |

Thoroughly addresses prompt

• All main points well substantiated beyond the normal expectations of a L1 student

• Content is very clear and precise


Strongly addresses prompt

• main points are developed and details are relevant

• Content is clear |

Satisfactorily addresses prompt

• Some support of main points

• Content contains some digressions/irrelevant points |

Partially addresses prompt

• main points undeveloped or weakly supported

• Content is repetitive/unclear


Does not address prompt

• Content obscure, minimal thought

• And/or report/essay is significantly below word count | |Organization & Coherence |Organization is smooth and logical

• At least 4 paragraphs

• Strong introduction and conclusion

• Excellent paragraph introductory and concluding sentence

• Effective cohesive devices

• Varied and correct pronoun referencing |Organization is logical

• At least 4 paragraphs

• Introduction and conclusion are effective and relevant

• Good paragraph introductory and concluding sentence

• Mostly effective cohesive devices

• Mostly correct pronoun referencing |Organization is present

• At least 3 paragraphs

• Introduction/conclusion are not very effective

• Weak paragraph introductory/concluding sentence

• Some inappropriate cohesive devices

• Some incorrect pronoun referencing |Organization is attempted

• Paragraphing mistakes

• Introduction/conclusion absent or irrelevant

• Missing/irrelevant paragraph introductory/concluding sentence

• Few cohesive devices and some inappropriately used

• Pronoun referencing largely inaccurate

|Writing is extremely disorganized or incoherent

• No paragraphing

• No introductory/concluding sentences

• No cohesive devices

• No pronoun referencing | |Vocabulary |Vocabulary range is varied and accurate throughout

• Almost all words are error-free in meaning, word form and spelling

• Past tense verbs spelt accurately

• Student shows a degree of risking taking with the language |Vocabulary range is mostly effective and accurate

• Vocabulary is nearly always correct in meaning, word form and spelling

• Past tense verbs spelt mostly correctly

• Some higher order vocabulary introduced successfully |Vocabulary range is adequate for the task

• Some errors in word choice/form and spelling

• Some past tense verbs spelt incorrectly

• Some inaccuracies |Vocabulary range is inadequate for task/repetitive

• Several errors in word choice/form and spelling

• Most past tense verbs spelt incorrectly

• Errors impede meaning |Vocabulary is extremely restricted/incorrect

• Mostly erroneous

• Very few/no past tense verbs spelt correctly

• Errors seriously impede meaning | |Grammar |Grammar and usage are exceptional: fluent and precise

• Varied and complex sentence structure

• Punctuation and capitalization are accurate |Grammar is good

• Some variety of sentence structure

• Punctuation and capitalization almost completely correct |Some errors; basic sentence structure mainly correct

• Simple sentences are correct

• A few errors in punctuation and capitalization |Grammar is frequently incorrect; meaning is impeded

• Sentence structure is weak

• Several errors in punctuation and capitalization |Errors in grammar such that it seriously impedes meaning

• No control over sentence structure

• No punctuation/capitalization | | |Highly effective and accurate use of the past tense |Effective and mainly accurate use of the past tense |Mostly accurate use of the past tense. Errors do not impede communication. |Use of the past tense often contains mistakes that cause strain for the reader |Use of the past tense mostly erroneous. | |[pic]



Describe a Cultural Event

Write a four paragraph essay describing a cultural event that you went to or saw in the past (for example a wedding, a festival, National Day celebrations).



• Write an essay of 150 to 200 words. Include: introduction, two body paragraphs, conclusion.

• Each main body paragraph should have an introductory sentence (topic sentence) and a concluding sentence.

• See unit 3 in your iBook for information on writing essays.

• Use the check-list on p.7 of this booklet to edit your work.

• At the bottom of your essay, write how many words you have written.

• All your writing (notes and drafts) must be done in class because this project is graded.

It is 10% of your total L1 English grade.


You can use an app such as SimpleMind or be traditional and use pencil and paper


Use your iPad correctly. Do not use it to copy form the Internet or to take snap shots and copy from another student.


Write short notes about what you will write in each paragraph.

Do not write complete sentences.

Write your first draft here. Double-space! Use pencil.

Use adjectives and past tense verbs in your sentences.

Use time order words and expressions to describe what happened.




(x) mistake/error (Check tense, agreement, part of speech, capitalization, punctuation, etc.)

(ww) wrong word(s) (Try different vocabulary.)

(CD) cohesive device (link word - Look at your writing vocabulary to choose a different word.)

(SVO) sentence structure (Check your subject, verb, object or complement.)

(() add/insert (You are missing something, maybe a cohesive device, an article or other word.)

(sp) spelling (Check the dictionary.)

(p) punctuation (You need a full stop, comma, apostrophe, question mark, or something else.)

(r-o) run-on sentence (Find a way to divide this into more than one sentence.)

(wo) word order (You need to rearrange your words. Check the SVO.)

(?) unclear (Please explain your idea in a different way.)

(¶) paragraphing (You have not divided your paragraphs correctly.)


Write your final draft here. Single space! Use pencil.




Word Count Penalties

140-149 (-1 on TF)

120 – 139 (-2 on TF)

0 - 119 (-3 on TF)

Half marks allowed

Writing Project: Point Deduction for Process

• Organization/Outline not present = 1 point from final score

• First draft not present = 3 points from final score

• Final draft not present = 3 points from final score


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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