Dear Friend - Biblical Restoration Ministries

Dear Friend

When I was a pastor I had a morning service that I called a worship service, where we sang hymns, took a offering, had special music, gave a message, and for years that was enough.

I was busy for God and I was fulfilled.

Then God opened a new door that was prayer. I began to search the scriptures and marking every time some one talked to God and God’s answered, and when God initiated the talk to man, marked all the prayer promises and commands.

I looked for times of prayer, prayer positions people used, and places prayed from the length of prayers, studied the content of prayers in scripture. Read books on prayer, in the early church, and down through the years that emphasis prayer movements, denominations and major branches of the Christian church.

I feel I have not only a deeper understanding of prayer but a much richer prayer life.

Now God has placed me on a new journey, I have a deep desire or longing to worship God. I used the same techniques I used for prayer in my search for a biblical understanding of worship. I’m gathering all the scriptures where people worship God, and the biblical instruction on worship.

I have only spent a little over two years on worship, but God has opened my eyes into the depth and riches of worship.

My result so far.

True worship is not so much what happen on me but in me, something springs up in the very depth of my soul it overwhelms me joins my spirit in a deep reverential awe of God and love flows out to God.

A recent Gallop pole, found that 82% of Christians felt a need for a more intimate relationship with God. I believe they are saying in there walk with God they feel that there is still something missing. I believe that the one thing could be Biblical worship.

A W Tozer said, “The purpose of God sending His Son to die and Live and be at the right hand of God the Father was that He might restore to us the missing jewel of worship; that we might come back and learn again that which we were created to do in the first place – worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.

Why is worship important because both God and satan are seeking it. John 4:23,24 “The Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and truth.” Luke 4:6,7 satan said “If thou therefore wilt worship me.”

Dr. Judson Cornwell, “Defines prayer as communication with God and suggests that the prayerless saint will never be a worshiper.”

Ronald Allen, “Worship is an active response to God whereby we declare His worth.”

Jack Hayford, “The Scriptures consistently show God calling His creatures to worship in His presence that He might release, redeem, renew, and restore them.”

Oswald Chambers, “The lasting value of what we do for God is measured by the depth of the intimacy of our private times of fellowship and oneness with Him. Rushing in and out of worship is wrong every time – there is always plenty of time to worship God. The hidden, personal worshipping life of a saint is the most essential element on the Christian journey.

We can worship God in many ways, in song, in prayer, on our knees, seated, standing, true worship is about our attitude.

In worship we reflect on all that God is and does and offer our praise and gratitude. To worship is to, as much as is possible, see God in full glory and worthiness. That is why so often worship is preceded by study, focused on the names of God, His attributes, worship passages, and worship experiences in the Scriptures. As we seek to understand who God is and remember all that God has done, and then all we can do is marvel and adore.

Psalm 95:6 Oh come let us worship and bow down lets us kneel before the Lord our maker and hear His voice.

In personal worship, if we will practice it in our daily walk with God, we will grow ever more sensitive to God’s voice and presence.

Tommy Walker, “Worship is ultimately about seeing God for who He is and responding to Him, worship happens when we focus out hearts and minds on who God is no matter what.”

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

Jim and Marguerite Logan


Worship In Groups

O. T. Sacrifices at the Temple or Tabernacle

Giving Money

Service in the Name of The Lord

Worship by self

Stimulated by nature

In the woods wind in the pine trees or Tahoe Blue sky, white

puffy clouds a break in the trees and you see a beautiful


Coming upon a waterfall.

Wild flowers in a field etc.

Beautiful works of art

Architecture that lifts your spirit to God

Worship corporately

In a beautiful service excellent choir accomplished organist

that lifts your spirit to heaven.

Worship individually with out props

No lakes, choirs, organs, or uplifting music.

Reading Scripture.

Meditating on worship passages.

Something that happens deep in my soul and rises up my

spirit in snick with the Holy Spirit spills over to God with a

Deep sense of His presence where the awe of God is over

whelming, and the Holy Spirit is blessing me on the inside

and the presence of God is so strong I am overwhelmed and

ask God to stop I can’t hold it any longer I feel like I will bust.

Warning! Don’t worship the experience but worship God.


Dear Dr. Logan

Thank you so much for your sacrificial service to the Lord’s work. Your ministry has blessed us and our family so much over the last two decades. The Lord has now opened up opportunities for us to share the things we have learned from you with international students. May the Lord richly bless you and your wife.

Dear Jim.

You may not have heard, but ----- died in the hospital. Very sad, seems untimely, too early and many other emotions.

His week with you was mentioned in the church service following his burial. It was pivotal in his renewed commitment to Christ.

But Jim, the remarks made about his service to other young marrieds and his helping them to keep their marriages together was amazing. So your work and the Lord Christ in fact put him back where he belonged with his wife and family. After his visit to you and upon his return, it seems he really had a heart for the Lord and for other people all biblically based, the pastor said, I can only praise Jesus for you and your work.

We receive so many encouraging letters and notes we save in boxes. Our ministry is not just to restore those who have deep wounds and spiritual needs but to give them tools that they may draw closer to the Lord and walk in His victory.

With out our prayer and share partners we would not have been here to minister to hurting people. May the Lord Bless you. Check out our website . For free downloading of DVD’s, CD’s, and helpful materials, sign up for the monthly word from the Word. Tell a friend, 32 Countries have downloaded these materials.


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