1. Job Title: Select a title for the job that is current and descriptive. The more accurately the job title describes what the person actually does, the better. For example, front office receptionist is a more descriptive title than secretary.

Title ideas: ___________________________________________________________________________



Title (final decision): __________________________________________

2. Job Summary:

Write a brief statement that describes in summary form the general nature of the job. This statement should be only one or two sentences long and should include only the major functions and activities of the job.




|* * * HINT * * * |

| |

|Begin the job summary with action verbs that describe in general terms what the individual does. For example: |

|Performs all insurance billing. |

|Receives and directs incoming telephone calls. |

3. Duties and Responsibilities: List the duties and responsibilities of the position. Indicate the approximate percentage of time that is dedicated to each of the duties and responsibilities.

On a scale of 1 to 10, rate how essential each duty is to the job. A "ten" would indicate that the duty is absolutely essential to the job and that it could not be assigned to someone else without substantially changing the nature of the job. A "one" would indicate that the duty is not essential to the job and that it could easily be assigned to someone else without substantially changing the nature of the job.

Job Responsibilities

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

|* * * HINT * * * |

| |

|Use consistent language when describing duties and responsibilities. Start each item with an action verb that describes what the |

|individual does. For example, |

|Write: |Instead of: |

|Types reports and correspondence |Does typing |

|Answers and directs in-coming telephone calls |In charge of telephone |

|Prepares and submits insurance claims. |Does insurance |

4. Tools, Machinery, and Equipment Used: List the tools, machinery, and equipment that are used in this job, and indicate the frequency with which they are used.

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

5. Supervisor: Who will supervise the individual in this position? Write the title of the person's position, not the individual's name. For example, indicate Office Manager instead of Tom Smith.

Supervisor’s Title: ____________________________________________

6. People Supervised: List the people who will be supervised by the individual in this position. Again, write the titles of the positions instead of the names of the people. (If this individual does not supervise anyone, leave this section blank.)

Title of those Supervised

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

7. Education Required: What is the minimum level of formal education required for this position?

❑ No formal education required

❑ Less than high school

❑ High school diploma

❑ High school & one year college

❑ High school & 2-3 years college

❑ Four-year college degree in {__________________________________________________}

❑ Advanced degree in {________________________________________________________}

|* * * CAUTION * * * |

| |

|Make sure that you indicate the level of education that is actually required to successfully perform the job. Don't indicate a higher |

|level of education just because you would like to hire a person with more education. By putting the educational requirements |

|unrealistically high, you discourage people from applying who are genuinely qualified, and you may be illegally discriminating. |

|* * * HINT * * * |

| |

|To determine what the required level of education is for a particular job, review the duties and responsibilities of the job. Determine |

|the minimum level of education that would be required to perform each task. The required level of formal education is equivalent to the |

|highest level required by any of the duties and responsibilities. |

8. Special Training Required: What other special training or certification is required to perform this job? List only specialized or job specific training that would not be available in a regular school or college. If the job does not require special training outside of the formal education indicated in the previous section, leave this section blank.




9. Previous Experience Required: What is the minimum amount of previous experience required starting the job?

❑ None

❑ Less than 3 months

❑ 3 months to 1 year

❑ 1 to 3 years

❑ 3 to 5 years

❑ 5 to 10 years

10. Special Skills Required: What special skills are required to perform this job?

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

| |

|* * * HINT * * * |

| |

|Only list special skills that would not be included in the education, training, and experience requirements. For example: |

|Must type 60 words per minute |

|Must be adept at Microsoft Word |

11. Adverse Working Conditions: List any adverse working conditions of the job, including chemicals, drugs, dangerous equipment, noise, etc.







12. Compensation: What do you expect to pay an employee starting in this position?

❑ Hourly Pay Range: {$________________}

❑ Weekly Pay Range: {$________________}

❑ Monthly Pay Range: {$________________}

❑ Annually Pay Range: {$________________}

Healthcare Compliance Solutions Inc. 4885 S. 900 E #305A Phone: (801) 947-0183

Salt Lake City, UT 84117 Fax: (801) 943-6658




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