Cardiorespiratory Exam #1

Cardiorespiratory Exam #1

Summer, 2001

Dr. Christy

Select the one best response.

1. What is the ECG impression?

A. Type I, 2˚ block

B. Type II, 2˚ block

C. SA block

D. Accessory pathway

2. Which describes the rhythm?

A. sinus rhythm

B. ventricular rhythm

C. nodal rhythm

D. None of the above

3. Where is the lesion site?

A. SA node

B. AV node

C. Infranodal

D. Atrioventricular wall

4. What occurs at the end of the ECG?

A. SA block

B. Asystole

C. Atrial standstill

D. Atrial ectopic rhythm

5. What is the ECG impression?

A. left axis deviation

B. poor R progression

C. right ventricular hypertrophy

D. lateral infarction

6. What is another ECG finding?

A. anterior ischemia

B. right atrial enlargement

C. increased A-V delay

D. injury pattern

7. What is the likely axis?

A. +125˚

B. +70˚

C. -20˚

D. +45˚

8. Likely etiology of the ECG finding?

A. pulmonary hypertension

B. infarcted tissue

C. aortic stenosis

D. systemic hypertension

For Questions 9 –10

9. Most is the diagnosis?

A. SA block

B. AV block

C. Atrial flutter

D. Nodal rhythm

10. What is the most likely etiology?

A. sympatheticotonia

B. sympathetic atonia

C. parasympatheticotonia

D. parasympathetic atonia

11. What is evidenced on this ECG?

A. SA block

B. Junctional rhythm



12. Which describes the fourth beat?

A. Ventricular escape

B. Atrial ectopic

C. Nodal escape

D. Sinus

13. Where is the lesion site?

A. SA node

B. AV node

C. Infranodal

D. Bundle Branch

14. The associated symptomatology?

A. “Pounding” in the chest

B. Racing pulse

C. Nervousness

D. Stokes-Adam’s syndrome

15. What is the ECG impression?

A. 2:1 AV block

B. Ventricular rhythm

C. Wenckebach, AV block

D. Sinus arrhythmia

16. Where is the lesion site?

A. Common bundle

B. AV node

C. SA node

D. Accessory pathway

17. What is evidenced on the ECG?

A. Left ventricular infarction

B. Right axis deviation

C. Anterior ischemia

D. Pulmonary pattern

18. Why the tall “R” in some leads?

A. Chamber hypertrophy

B. Infarction pattern

C. Axis deviation

D. Conduction block

19. What is the area of involvement?

A. Inferior apical portion

B. Right ventricle

C. Left ventricle

D. Cannot be determined

20. What is the ECG impression?

A. Anterior infarct

B. Diaphragmatic infarct

C. Lateral infarct

D. Ventricular rhythm

21. The ECG impression?


B. Acute infarction


D. Old infarction

22. This lead is obviously placed:

A. in a vector opposite to that of depolarization

B. over the left ventricle

C. at a site of ectopic focus

D. in the proximity of damaged myocardium

23. What is being delayed on this ECG?

A. Atrial depolarization

B. Ventricular depolarization

C. The P-R interval

D. Bachman’s Bundle block

24. Why?

A. SA block

B. AV block

C. Bundle branch block

D. Bachman’s Bundle block

25. What is the diagnosis?

A. Sinus arrest


C. Nodal rhythm

D. Woolf-Parkinson-White

26. What is the ECG impression?

A. Type I, 2˚ AV block

B. SA block

C. Primary AV block

D. Nodal rhythm

27. What is also evidenced on the ECG?

A. Acute inferior infarction

B. Lateral ischemia

C. Anterior infarction

D. Atrial fibrillation

28. What other lead would help to confirm your answer to #27?

A. I

B. aVL

C. aVF

D. V1

29. Major artery of involvement?

A. Right coronary

B. Left main

C. Left anterior descending

D. circumflex

30. What is the ECG impression?

A. SA block

B. Junctional escape beats

C. Supraventricular ectopic beats

D. Multifocal PVC’s

31. Likely contributing etiology?

A. sympatheticotonia

B. sympathetic atonia

C. parasympatheticotonia

D. parasympathetic atonia

32. What is the estimated rate?

A. 90-100 BPM

B. 40-50 BPM

C. 60-70 BPM

D. 50-55 BPM

33. What is the ECG impression?

A. Wandering pacemaker

B. Atrial fibrillation

C. Type II, 2˚ block

D. Wenchebach, 2˚ block

34. The “Q” wave of lead II:

A. is the same as vector #3

B. represents the ventricular depolarization

C. may be either positive or negative

D. is the same as the “R” wave of aVR

35. Lateral ischemia is seen in:

A. leads I and aVL

B. leads II, III, and aVF

C. leads I, II, and III

D. the periodical leads

answers * these answers have not been verified and may not be correct

1.b 2.a 3.c 4.b 5.c 6.b 7.a 8.a 9.c 10.a 11.a 12.c 13.a 14.d 15.c 16.b 17.c 18.a 19.c 20.a 21.b 22.d 3.b 4.c 5.c


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