Anxiety, Clinical Fears, & Phobias

Chapter 24: Anxiety, Clinical Fears, & Phobias

Definition: An extreme reaction to a stimulus or a situation, characterized by apparent aversion (agitation, verbal report, avoidance, etc.)

Respondent-operant conditioning (fear of the dark)

Respondent phase: “Fear” established as CR

US (loud noise) ( UR (startle reaction)

CS (lights go off) + US ( CR

Operant phase (Sr-): Avoidance of CS established

EO (lights off) ( Scream ( Parent turns lights on

Operant conditioning (school phobia)

Sr+: EO (school) ( Feign illness ( Stay home (watch TV)

Sr-: EO (school) ( Feign illness ( Stay home (no school)

Approaches to Treatment

Focus on respondent processes

Relaxation training (establish Alt R to CR)

Desensitization (gradual exposure to CS)

In vivo: Actual exposure to CS

Systematic: Representational exposure to CS

Extinction (repeated exposure to CS)

Flooding, implosion

Focus on operant processes

Extinction: Do not deliver Sr+ or Sr-

DRA: Reinforce Alt R

Leitenberg, Agras, Thompson, & Wright (1968)

General focus: Treatment of phobic behavior

Specific aim: Evaluation of feedback during treatment

Study 1

Participant: 51 yoa female, claustrophobic

DV: Duration of time in 4’ x 6’ closed room


FB: S timed duration on stopwatch

No FB: “Watch broke”

Design: Reversal (BAB)

Results: Duration ∆+ in both conditions, but larger increases during FB

Study 2

Participant: 59 yoa female, fear of knives

DV: Duration of exposure to knife (in box)


(B) FB: E said time after trial (and cum for 10 trials)

(C) FB + Praise: Criterion = former + 50% of increase

(A) No FB, no Praise

Design: Reversal (BCBABCB)


Duration ∆+ during B and C

No difference between B and C

Duration ∆- during A

Implications and Extensions

Major contributions:

Experimental analysis within the context of “psychotherapy”

Demonstration of functional characteristics of feedback


Therapy = simple exposure + feedback

Role of praise unknown

No direct measure of generalization


Measurement of physiological correlates of phobic reaction

Clarification of role of praise

Evaluation of other methods of exposure

Evaluation of performance in the natural environment


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