Promotional Strategy Review Suggestions for Exam 2

Promotional Strategy Review Suggestions for Exam 2

Review all class materials and chapters 8-13 in the text. Give special attention to those areas covered both in class and in the book.

Some suggested areas to review follow:


• Copy platform, big idea, unique selling proposition

• Rational vs emotional appeals

• Transformational advertising

• Execution techniques

• How to create effective ads and make them “pull” better (“Which ad Pulled Best?” examples) – be able to select better ad and explain why it is better using principles discussed in class

• Best use of headlines, illustrations, and body copy


• Understand reach, frequency, impressions, GRPs, continuity patterns, ratings, share, CPM, TCPM and how to calculate each given relevant information

• Advantages/disadvantages of using various media forms in chs. 10-13

• Support Media, product placement, advertising specialties, promotional products marketing, in-flight, etc.

Possible Questions:

1. What is meant by a unique selling proposition (USP)? Give an example of an ad that uses a unique selling proposition as its major selling idea.

2. What is meant by transformational advertising? Give an example of an ad from class that would be considered transformational and why.

3. Discuss the role of headlines, subheads, and illustrations in print ads. What part of an ad do viewers focus on first? Provide some general guidelines on designing effective print ads.

4. Media planning involves a tradeoff between reach and frequency. Explain what this means and give examples of when reach should be emphasized over frequency and vice versa. What level of frequency is necessary to have an impact on the receiver?

5. Explain the difference between CPM and TCPM. Which would be of more relevance to the marketer?

6. What communication objectives can be achieved through the use of support media? Take any three support media discussed in class and your book and explain how they may be used in an IMC program for automobiles and cell phones.


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