SS = simple sentence - Elgin Community College

|SS = simple sentence |S Sheet Flow Chart |IC. |

|CX = complex sentence | |IC SC. SC, IC. |

|CP = compound sentence | |IC, FANBOYS IC. IC; IC. IC; conj. adverb, IC. |

|CP-CX = compound-complex sentence | | |

Read each sentence out loud slowly. Bracket any relative clauses. (This is a CX.)

Is the clause essential or extra?

No commas Put commas at both ends of the clause.

Does the sentence contain a subordinating conjunction?

| Yes | No |

| (This is a CX.) | ( |

| | Are there two or more independent clauses |

| Put brackets around the subordinate clause. | (, FANBOYS or ;)? |

| | |

|Is the subordinate clause at the beginning of the sentence | Yes No |

|or in front of a subject? |(This is a CP.) (This is an SS.) |

| | |

| Yes No | Put an S above the subject Put an S above the subject. |

| ( ( | in each independent clause. |

|Put a comma at No comma is needed. |Look to the LEFT of the subject(s). |

|the end of the |Is there an introductory word or phrase? |

|subordinate clause. | |

| | Yes No |

|Put an S above the subject in the independent clause. | ( |

|Look to the LEFT of the subject. | Put a comma after the |

|Is there an introductory word or phrase? | introductory word or phrase. |

| | |

| Yes No | |

| ( | (If you find both an SC |

|Put a comma after the | and multiple ICs, you |

|introductory word or phrase. |wrote a CP-CX.) |

If there are no additional independent clauses, you are done! Go on to the next sentence.


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