Resume Grading Rubric - Kansas State University

Resume Grading Rubric



Student Name:  _______________ Peer Evaluator: _______________



|Skill |Outstanding |Good |Average |Unsatisfactory |Total |

|PRESENTATION/ |  |  |  |  |  |

|FORMAT |♣  Typed or computer |♣  Typed or computer |♣  Typed or computer |♣  Typed or computer | |

| |generated |generated |generated |generated | |

| |♣  Balanced margins with |♣  Balanced margins |♣  Somewhat balanced |♣  Unbalanced margins | |

| |eye appeal |♣  Format identifies |margins |♣  Format detracts from | |

| |♣  Format highlights |strengths and |♣  Format identifies |strengths and information| |

| |strengths and information|information |strengths and |♣  Fonts distract from | |

| |♣  Appropriate fonts and |♣  Appropriate fonts |information |readability | |

| |point size used with |and point size used |♣  No variation in | | |

| |variety | |fonts and/or point size| | |

|Ranking Points |10 |8 |7 |6 |  |

|JOB-SPECIFIC / VOLUNTEER |  |  |  |  |  |

|INFORMATION |♣  All action phrases |♣  1-2 duties/skills |♣  3-4 duties/skills |♣  5-6 duties/skills lack| |

| |used to describe duties |lack action phrases |lack action phrases |action phrases | |

| |and skills |♣  Information |♣  Some information |♣  Information does not | |

| |♣  Information |demonstrates ability |demonstrates ability to|clearly demonstrate | |

| |demonstrates ability to |to perform the job |perform the job |ability to perform the | |

| |perform the job |♣  Some professional |  |job | |

| |♣  Professional |terminology used when | | | |

| |terminology used when |describing skills | | | |

| |describing skills | | | | |

| |  | | | | |

|Ranking Points |15 |12 |11 |10 |  |

|RESUME CONTENT |  |  |  |  |  |

| |♣    Heading, objective, |♣    Heading, |♣    Heading, |♣    Missing one of the | |

| |skills, experience, and |objective, skills, |objective, skills, |following:  heading, | |

| |education covered in |experience, and |experience, and |objective, experience, or| |

| |detail |education covered in |education covered with |education | |

| |♣    Extra information |some detail |little detail |♣    No extra information| |

| |given to enhance resume |♣    Extra information|♣    Minimal extra |given to enhance resume | |

| |  |given to enhance |information given to | | |

| | |resume |enhance resume | | |

| | | |  | | |

|Ranking Points |15 |12 |11 |10 |  |

|SPELLING & GRAMMAR |  |  |  |  |  |

| |♣  No spelling errors |♣  1-2 spelling errors|♣  3-4 spelling errors |♣  5-6 spelling errors | |

| |♣  No grammar errors |♣  1-2 grammar errors |♣  3-4 grammar errors |♣  5-6 grammar errors | |

|Ranking Points |10 |8 |6 |4 |  |


|  | |





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