Medical Terminology of the Integumentary System

Medical Terminology of the Integumentary System

Unit Test

I. Match each of the following skin lesions to its description.

C 1) Pustule

E 2) Fissure

B 3) Wheal

G 4) Papule

J 5) Ulcer

F 6) Vesicle

H 7) Cyst

D 8) Nodule

A 9) Macule

A) Flat, discolored area that is flush with the skin

B) Round, raised, swollen areas on the skin

C) Raised spot on the skin containing pus

D) Firm, raised, solid mass of cells in the skin larger than 0.5 cm in diameter

E) Crack-like lesion or groove in the skin

F) Blister or fluid filled, raised area on the skin

G) Small, circular, raised spot on the surface of the skin that is smaller than 0.5 cm in diameter

H) Fluid filled sac under the skin

I) Open area on the skin with mucus membrane with loss of epidermis

II. Match each of the following types of skin injuries to its description.

A 1) Puncture

C 2) Incision

F 3) Avulsion

D 4) Amputation

E 5) Laceration

B 6) Abrasion

A) A deep penetrating wound of the tissue that has little surface injury

B) A scraping off of the outermost tissues of the skin

C) A smooth edged cut usually caused by a very sharp object

D) Complete severance of a body part from the body

E) A jagged-rough edged cut that is often caused by hard impact causing tearing of the tissue

F) Removal or loosening of part of the tissue from the body

III. Match each of the following pathology, diagnostic, and therapeutic medical terms to its description.

I 1) Cyanosis

A 2) Albino

J 3) Dermatologist

F 4) Alopecia

E 5) Hemangioma

B 6) Diaphoresis

H 7) Comedone

G 8) Cicatrix

K 9) Hyperemia

D 10) Erythema

L 11) Depigmentation

M 12) Decubitis Ulcer

C 13) Ecchymosis

N 14) Suppurative

O 15) Hyperpigmentation

A) Genetic condition in which person is unable to make melanin. Characterized by white hair and skin

B) Profuse sweating

C) Skin discoloration caused by blood collecting under the skin following blunt trauma, a bruise

D) Redness or flushing of the skin

E) Benign tumor of dilated blood vessels

F) Absence or loss of hair, especially of the head

G) A scar

H) Collection of hardened sebum in hair follicle, a blackhead

I) Bluish tint to the skin caused by deoxygenated blood

J) Specialist in the study of the Integumentary system and its disorders

K) Redness of the skin due to excessive blood flow

L) Loss of normal skin color or pigment

M) Open sore caused by pressure over bony prominence cutting off the blood flow to the overlying skin, a bedsore

N) Containing or producing pus

O) Abnormal amount of pigment in the skin

IV. Match each of the following pathology, diagnostic, and therapeutic medical terms to its description.

N 1) Polyp

G 2) Nevus

F 3) Keratosis

J 4) Purpura

M 5) Photosensitivity

E 6) Keloid

H 7) Pediculosis

C 8) Vitiligo

D 9) Cellulitis

K 10) Purulent

I 11) Pruritis

L 12) Petechiae

O 13) Hirsutism

A 14) Urticaria

B 15) Verruca

A) Hives; a skin eruption of pale reddish wheals with severe itching often associated with allergies

B) Warts; benign growth cause by a virus with a rough surface

C) Disappearance of pigment from the skin in patches, causing a milk-white appearance. Also called leukoderma

D) A diffuse acute infection and inflammation of the skin

E) Formation of a raised and thickened hypertrophic scar after an injury or surgery

F) Skin condition with an overgrowth and thickening of the epidermis

G) Pigmented congenital skin blemish, birthmark or mole

H) Infestation with lice. The eggs laid by the lice are called nits and cling tightly to the hair

I) severe itching

J) Hemorrhage into the skin due to fragile blood vessels, commonly seen in elderly

K) Containing or producing pus

L) Pinpoint purple or red spots from minute hemorrhages under the skin

M) Condition in which the skin reacts abnormally when exposed to light

N) Small tumor with a pedicle or stem attachment. Commonly found in mucous membranes

O) Excessive hair growth over the body


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