Creating a Moment - Terryberry

[Pages:26]Cr e a t ing a

Mom ent ...

7 tips for m ore effective award presentations

Mike Byam Aut hor of The WOW! Workplace

Managing Part ner, Terryberry

Meet t he Recognit ion Expert s via Ch a t

Chr is Schilling Cincinnat i, OH

Am ber Zaucha Grand Rapids, MI

Ja r e d Eva n s Cincinnat i, OH

Je n n y W a t k in s Savannah, GA

"On e of t h e t h in gs t h a t 's m issing in m ost corporate cultures today is the idea of celebration in the w orkplace."

- Jack Welch, Form er CEO of GE

For recognition tips and ideas, visit w w w . / tools

5 Out com es for Effect ive Aw ard Presentations

Com m unicat e m ission, vision, & values Affirm the recipient & their achievem ent Mot ivat e ot hers I m pact workplace culture Add big recognition im pact, sm all cost


W hich of the follow ing best describes your organization's aw ard presentation practices?

Awards are present ed in an inform al gat hering at work Awards are present ed at com pany get- t oget hers Awards are present ed at Recognit ion- specific event s Awards are dist ribut ed wit hout a personal present at ion No consistent m ethod for presenting awards

Subm it questions or com m ents at anytim e using the Q & A button in your tool tray.

The Top 7

St rat egies for Present at ion Success

The St ars The Schedule The Support ing Cast The St ory The Set t ing The Sym bol The St at em ent

Da y- t o- Da y

Manager/ Em ployee int eract ions Peer- t o- Peer int eract ions

I nformal

Casual st ruct ure

Peer- t o- Peer

Frequent ly m inim al invest m ent

Point s- based solut ions

Form al

Structured recognition for defined criteria Significant awards for significant achievem ents


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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