The Impact of Bullying on Academic Success for Students With and Without Exceptionalities

By Nadine Block

A research paper submitted in conformity with the requirements For the degree of Master of Teaching

Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto

Copyright by Nadine Block, April 2014

Bullying and Academic Success



Bullying has been recognized as a serious problem in today's schools (Rose &

Monda-Amaya, 2012). It is imperative that educators understand the dynamics and

consequences of bullying, as well as what they can do to support students in these

situations (Allen, 2010). This research study will explore the ways in which students in

mainstream and special education classrooms are affected academically by the bullying

they encounter. The purpose of the study is to understand how bullying impacts a

student's ability to succeed academically so that educators can better support children in

their classrooms. Data for this research study was collected by conducting face-to-face

interviews with two teachers; one mainstream, one special education. Findings show that

students who are bullied have a fear of coming to school because they feel unsafe; thus,

they are unable to concentrate and their academic success is hindered. Additionally,

students with exceptionalities are bullied more often than students without, which place

them at a double disadvantage. According to the participants, these students do not have

the social skills to stand up to bullies to protect themselves. Lastly, the findings inform

understandings how teachers, schools and parents can better support students who are

experiencing bullying.

Keywords: bullying, victimization, exceptionalities, academics, interventions,

social skills, support, elementary teachers

Bullying and Academic Success



As I have made my way to the end of this journey, I am truly amazed not only by

what I have learned through the two years of the Master of Teaching program, but from

this research paper. I have gained valuable experiences that have given me the

opportunity to grow as an educator and as a human being. My beliefs and opinions have

changed and my practice as an educator has transformed. I wish to acknowledge and

thank the many individuals who have aided in the completion of this research paper.

First, I would like to thank my research supervisor, Mira Gambhir, who was there to

support me academically, professionally, and emotionally throughout the year. I am so

appreciative of her ongoing support and feedback. Next, I would like to thank my

participants who went out of their way to give me their time and dedication while I

conducted interviews. I am grateful for their cooperation in this process. Finally, I would

like to thank my family for always encouraging me to chase after my dreams and be the

best that I can be.

Bullying and Academic Success



Abstract Acknowledgements Chapter 1: Introduction

Introduction to the Research Study Purpose of the Study Research Topic/Questions Background of the Researcher Overview Chapter 2: Literature Review What is Bullying? Academic Considerations

Psychological feelings and achievement score The victim and achievement Direct and indirect effects on academics Exceptionalities and Bullying Educational Interventions Bullying in the curriculum Teacher and parent support Chapter 3: Methodology Procedure Instruments of Data Collection Participants and Recruitment Data Collection and Analysis Ethical Review Procedures



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Bullying and Academic Success Limitations

Chapter 4: Findings Background Information of Participants Key Findings Theme 1: The academic cost (toll) of bullying on a child Theme 2: Bullying prevention as part of hidden curriculum Theme 3: Bullying support involves family and extracurricular care from educators

Chapter 5: Discussion Links to Literature Implications and Recommendations Limitations Further Study

References Appendices

Appendix A: Interview Questions Appendix B: Letter of Consent for Interview

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Bullying and Academic Success


The Impact of Bullying on Academic Success for Students With and Without Exceptionalities

Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION Introduction to the Research Study

Bullying in schools is a worldwide problem that can have negative consequences for the general school climate and for the right of students to learn in a safe environment without fear (Banks, 1997). According to Olweus (1996), bullying is when "a student is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other students" (p. 275). The relationship is characterized by an imbalance of power between the bully and the victim based on physical size, strength, age or social status. Bullying is the intentional, repetitive harming or injury by one's peers; they are occurrences in which the victim is unable to avoid or stop the victimization (Brank, Hoetger & Hazen, 2012). Bully and victimization have emerged as persistent problems in our schools (Rose & Monda-Amaya, 2012). One in three adolescent students in Canadian schools have reported being bullied (Government of Canada, 2012).

As educators, our job is to try to eliminate bullying as much possible, while providing support for those experiencing it. Teachers see the effects of bullying in many ways. They see it affect students emotionally, physically, mentally, socially, and academically. While all of these aspects are equally important to the well being of a student, this research study is going to specifically examine the impact that bullying has on academic success. Simultaneously, it is going to take a look at the degree to which students with exceptionalities are bullied and reasons as to why they are at a disadvantage.

Bullying and Academic Success


Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to examine teachers' beliefs on the effects that

bullying has on the academic success of students. Students all around the world are

affected by bullying each day, and it is extremely important that educators are aware of

the reasons why students are bullied and what they can do to help eliminate this ever-

growing issue. This study will take a look at students and their teachers in the mainstream

elementary classroom and the special education classroom. The study will primarily

focus on how academic success is being hindered by bullying, but it will also consider

how teachers' beliefs and practices play a part in the understanding of bullying in the

elementary schools.

Research Topic/Questions The goal of this research study is to also gain a better understanding of how

academic success, of students with and without exceptionalities changes when bullying takes place. Through a series of questions, it examines participant's beliefs on the effects and consequences of bullying, and reasons as to why students with exceptionalities may be bullied more often than students without exceptionalities. As well, it explores what educators can do to support their students who are being affected by bullying.

My overall research question is: How do elementary teachers support students whose academic success is being hindered by bullying, particularly students with exceptionalities? The sub-questions guiding this research are:

1) How does the impact of bullying on students with exceptionalities affect student's academic success?

Bullying and Academic Success


2) How might a teacher's observations of bullying inform the academic well being

of a student?

3) How do experiences of bullying impact students with exceptionalities?

4) How do teachers adapt their practice for students whose academic success is

being affected by bullying?

Background of the Researcher During undergrad, for the duration of one semester (4 months), I was part of a

Community Engaged Learning (CEL) project in which we researched and collected data about cyber bullying from a local public high school. Based on the CEL project experience, my curiosity and interest in bullying, and likewise the effects of bullying grew. This specific project focused on cyber bullying, but it sparked my curiosity for this research study. From this project, I learned that it is important for teachers to consistently integrate anti-bullying lessons into their curriculum, as it is important for students to be constantly reminded about the impacts and consequences that bullying can have on themselves and others.

Since my mind was previously directed in this general idea of bullying, it seemed logical and interesting to me to continue on this path. Bullying has always been something that I have been interested in but also extremely sympathetic towards. As a student with a learning disability myself, I understand the struggles a lot of students encounter both socially and academically. I would like to make an impact in the lives of those struggling from bullying in any-which way I can. As an educator, this research study will be my first step towards contributing to improving the lives of learners and I


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