University System of Georgia

Kick-Off E-mail for Daily Ethical Challenge Quiz:Hello Colleagues, ?This week is Ethics Awareness Week! Our objective for this week is to celebrate and reinforce our commitment to the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct. Our theme for this week is CELEBRATING our ETHICAL CULTURE. Test Your Ethical AwarenessAs part of this awareness initiative, we will have a daily ethics question. The questions will be related to our efforts to bring awareness to the importance of an Ethical Culture, compliance with USG policies and the responsibility we each have to create a more ethical culture.ETHICS QUESTIONS:Monday’s Ethics Awareness QuestionToday’s question is about the USG Ethics Policy.Q:The USG Ethics Policy includes four Core Values. Which of the following is NOT one of the USG’s Core Values?: IntegrityExcellenceAccountabilityResponsibilityNone of the aboveThe answer should be sent out towards the end of the day and should also include the question. The following is a sample of how the answer could be sent:Thank you for helping us kick off our week of CELEBRATING our ETHICAL CULTURE. Listed below is the answer to today’s ethics question.Monday’s QuestionToday’s question was about the USG Ethics Policy.Q:The USG Ethics Policy includes four Core Values. Which of the following is NOT one of the USG’s Core Values?: IntegrityExcellenceAccountabilityResponsibilityNone of the aboveAnswer:? D. Responsibility.? While it is good to be responsible, it is not one of the USG’s four Core Values. The USG’s Core Values are: INTEGRITY, EXCELLENCE, ACCOUNTABILITY AND RESPECT. For more information, please refer to the USG Ethics Policy.Great job!? There will be another question each day this week.Tuesday’s Question:Today’s question is about the responsibilities we all have to maintain an ethical culture.Q:Which of the following statements are true?USG employees have an affirmative duty to report wrongdoing and unethical practices in a timely manner.USG policy prohibits retaliation against those who report wrongdoing or assist with authorized investigations.It is the policy of the USG to refer all criminal acts to law enforcement for investigation.It is preferred that employees report wrongdoing to their immediate supervisors; however other reporting avenues are available to include the HR, Legal and Audit Departments; wrongdoing can also be reported confidentially on the Ethics & Compliance Reporting Hotline.All of the above.Correct Answer: E. All of the above. USG employees do have an affirmative duty to report wrongdoing and unethical practices in a timely manner and must also refrain from retaliating against those who do. The USG also refers all criminal acts to law enforcement and maintains an Ethics hotline as an additional way to report wrongdoing.Wednesday’s Question:Today’s question is about the USG Gratuities Policy.Q:USG employees can attend conferences, meetings and demonstrations related to official or professional duties but must first obtain approval in writing from the Chancellor or designee if an outside party is covering expenses associated with the trip.TrueFalse Correct Answer: A. True. The USG Gratuities Policy permits vendors and lobbyist to pay for the actual and reasonable expenses for food, beverages, travel, lodging and registration provided to permit participation in a meeting, demonstration, or training related to official or professional duties so long as participation has been approved in writing by the Chancellor or his/her designee. The Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration and the Vice Chancellor for Organizational Effectiveness are both designated approvers for USO employees. For additional information, please reference the USG Gratuities Policy.Thursday’s Question:Today’s question concerns the USG’s Conflicts of Interest, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities policy.Q:Which of the following statements are true regarding USG employees seeking to engage in side jobs, outside consulting and other outside employment?This policy applies to outside employment that is both compensated and relates to the employee’s responsibilities as a USG employee. Employees who work less than 30 hours per week do not need prior written approval to engage in outside employment so long as so long as the outside activity does not create a conflict of interest or otherwise violate Board policy.USG institution employees are generally prohibited from consulting with or otherwise receiving compensation from a current vendor of, or an entity seeking a vendor relationship with, the USG institution where the employee works.Non-faculty employees may not receive Honoraria for activities during the employee’s work hours.All of the above.Answer: E. All of the above. The Board of Regents policy on Conflicts of Interest, Conflict of Commitment and Outside activities encourages employees to participate in professional activity that do not interfere with the regular and punctual discharge of official duties. This policy also requires USG employee with a work commitment of 30 or more hours per week and faculty members on contracts of nine months or more to obtain written approval prior to engaging in compensated outside activities that relate to the employee’s expertise or responsibilities as a USG employee. Additionally, USG employees are generally prohibited from consulting with or otherwise receiving compensation from a current vendor of, or an entity seeking a vendor relationship with, the USG institution where the employee works. Also, non-faculty employees may not receive Honoraria for activities during the employee’s work hours. For more information, please reference the Board of Regents policy on Conflicts of Interest, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities or the USG Web Resource Page on conflicts of interest, conflicts of commitment and outside activities. Friday’s Question:Today’s question concerns the USG Ethics Policy.Q:Which of the following statements are not true:The Ethics Policy requires USG employees to act as good stewards of resources and information.The Ethics Policy requires USG employees not use their position or authority improperly to advance the interests of a friend or relative.The USG Ethics Policy does not apply to anything you do away from campus.The Ethics Policy requires USG employees to disclose and avoid improper conflicts of interest. Answer: C. It is not true that the USG Ethics Policy only applies to conduct while on campus. Some provisions of the ethics policy are directly applicable to conduct outside of work to include avoiding improper conflicts of interest and avoiding improper political activities as defined in law and Board of Regents Policy. For additional information, please refer to the USG Ethics Policy. ................

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