Unit A – Biological Diversity

Unit A – Biological DiversityScience 9center477382Key TermsUse the spaces below to define the key terms in your own words. 1.1Key TermTextbook DefinitionPicture / In my own wordsSpeciesBiological DiversityEcosystemPopulationCommunitySymbiosisCommensalism1.2Key TermTextbook DefinitionPicture / In my own wordsMutualismParasitismInterspecies CompetitionNicheResource Partitioning1.3Key TermTextbook DefinitionPicture / In my own wordsVariabilityNatural SelectionPick a term you struggled with. Come up with a definition that even a grade 3 student could understand in the space below.Chapter 1 – Biological diversity is reflected in the variety of life on Earth– Examining Diversity5239385271780Biologists have identified over 1.5 million ________________________ of animals and 350,000 species of plants.Species – an group of organisms that have the same ______________________ and can ________________ with one another.Is the liger (mix between a lion and tiger) a species? ______! Two ligers cannot ______________.Biological Diversity – refers to all the ________________________ types of ________________ on Earth. Ecosystem – all the living (___________________) and non-living (________________________) things that interact with each other in a shared ____________________________. Examples include:___________________ ____________________________________________________________________________center420370Aquatic EcosystemCan you identify the abiotic and biotic parts of this ecosystem?Biotic – Abiotic – 0-198120Diversity within SpeciesWhat would happen to an ______________________ if all the gophers were the same and there was no diversity within the _______________________?Let’s say all the gophers were small, skinny and there was a cold winter?Diversity within CommunitiesHaving a number and variety of ______________ in an ________________ is important. Why?What might happen if a farmer killed off all the gophers in the prairie ecosystem? Could it come back to haunt the farmer? Why/How?3799840113030Where do we find the most species and why? Homework Assignment – Check and Reflect Pg. 15Explain what is meant by the term biological diversity.In one or two sentences explain why so many different types of organisms exist on Earth today.Summarize, in your own words, ecosystem diversity, community diversity, and genetic pare and contrast the meanings of population and community.Why is there more biological diversity closer to the equator than in Canada? Give reasons for your answer. Explain why preserving biological diversity is important to life on Earth.– InterdependenceNO __________________ CAN SURVIVE BY ITSELF!For example, humans are dependent on plants to produce the __________________ we breathe._______________ depend on _______________ to provide them with their food, and plants depend on bees to spread the pollen to __________________ other plants. _____________ ( _________________ and _______________) break down the dead organisms of our planet. They break down organisms back into much needed _________________.Predator-Prey Relationships439229539370If the ____________ population were to get too ___________________, the ________________ population would be _________________.If the lynx population were to ______________________, the rabbit population would _________________, and they would eat too much _________________.The ___________________ and other ________________ population would ______________.3441700-457200Though eventually the ____________________ would ________________ too________________ also eat the weak or sick members of a population, allowing the ________________ ones to breed and pass on their _____________. 5207095250Where do the arrows point to? What would happen to this ecosystem if the local farmers killed off the rattle snakes that are killing their cattle? Could this come back to haunt them? How?SymbiosisThere are 4 major types of relationships organisms in an ecosystem have. It is called _________________.__________________ - “life together”; describes the relationships between different species.__________________ _____________________________________________________Types of Symbiotic RelationshipsMutualism_______________ - relationship of two species ______________ _________________ _______________. We say it is a _____________ relationship. Example: 413385040640Normally the _______________ is poisonous to organisms. The _______________ fish has a slime that protects it from the sting anemone.The clown fish gets a _________________________ from ______________. And the clown fish _________________ into the deadly mensalism_____________________ - relationship where one animal __________________ and the other is neither _______________ nor _________________. It is called a _________________ relationship.Example:______________________ on a whale hitch a ride to new homes, food sources and places to reproduce. The whale is __________________ at all ____________. Parasitism____________________ - relationship where one organism lives ___________ or ___________ another, slowly making the other organism ________________. Usually the host isn’t killed, but in some cases it it. This relationships is said to be ________________. Example:A fungus lives off of your foot, _______________ your ________________ and giving to __________. ________________ __________________ grow inside your _____________ and ________________. Can reach 300 cm in length. Come from uncooked meats. Use you to get __________________ from the _______________ you eat. NicheA ________________ thoroughly describes:An organism’s ___________ in an _________________. Whether it is a _____________, _______________, or _______________.What the organism ________ (including whether or not it is a ________________, ________________, ___________________ or __________________).Where the animal ____________________.Example: Inter-species CompetitionThere is another type of _____________ __________________ – ________________ _________________. Two or more species __________________ for the same food; _______________ ______________. Each _________________ because certain members die from _________________. Resource Partitioning0149860Sometimes _______________________ _________________ leads to _________________ _______________. This is where species develop a ________________ _____________ to get the same _____________. In this picture birds get the same _______________ from _____________ parts of the tree; which limits competition.Homework Assignment – Check and Reflect Pg. 19List three different types of interdependence among organisms. Give an example of each.How does the prey population benefit when individual populations are eaten by a predator?Poster Assignment – Handout – Variation Within SpeciesSo far we have learned that the sustainability of life relies on diversity in ______________ (types of places to live)______________ (types of animals)______________ (individuals)Healthy populations have a _______________ of _______________, which comes from it’s ______________. Variability within populations comes from ___________________ ____________________ (our different genes).This type of variation is called ____________________. Variability and SurvivalHealthy ecosystems have a lot of ____________ ____________________ within _______________. Look at the ___________ _______. What might happen to the polar bear if the ice cap melts?______________ _______________ changes can make a species go _________________ if there is not enough ________________. _________________, elimination of a ____________ source, change in ______________ can affect the ______________ of a species. Example: Some foxes are born black. It makes it easy to spot in fields and woods to predators like the lynx and wolf. But in a habitat with black rocks and soil it is better hidden than the normal red fox. Natural Selection____________ _______________ occurs when the _______________ “_____________” which _______________ will _____________ and which will _______________.Some _________________ are born ready to ________________ in an ___________________ while others are not. Example:The Dakota SparrowThe sparrow was able to survive because of its _____________________. Some sparrows were _______________ and had large energy reserves, while others were ________________. The fat sparrows were able to _______________ while the skinny sparrows ______________ in the _______________. The Peppered MothMost _____________ moths are born _____________, but some are _____________. Tree bark is ______________.During the _________________________ ______________________ of Europe, the trees were covered in ______________ soot from burning ___________. What would have happened to the moth? Why?Homework Assignment – Check and Reflect Pg. 24What is variability?In your own words, define natural selection.Describe several examples of changes in the environment that might select some individuals in a species for survival over other individuals. Explain your answers.Describe an example where variability within a species has helped a species survive an environmental change.Suppose a population of sparrows migrating south for the winter is blown off course by a storm and the sparrows become isolated on an island. The only food source available on the island is a plant that produces large seeds. Predict which birds in the population, those with large beaks or those with small beaks, will survive to continue their migration or to populate the island. Explain your answer. Section Review – Pg. 25Write a definition of biological diversity that includes a description of its three main concepts.Define the terms niche and symbiosis. Explain how these terms are related.How does variability within a species affect its survival?Using examples, explain ways in which different species living within an ecosystem depend on one another. How does natural selection enhance or reduce the variability of a species? Explain your answer using an example.Restate the meaning of interspecies competition in your own words. Use an example to illustrate.How does variation within a species contribute to the health of the species? Of an ecosystem? Describe your niche. Explain how you think biological diversity benefits humans and other forms of life on Earth. Almost half of all animal life on forms on the planet are insects. How important is it to preserve those species? Should we be concerned about ensuring that something as small as the fruit fly is not eliminated? Why or why not? Would we be better off without insects? Support your answer. ................

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