Blood Lesson Plan

Blood Lecture Notes

Functions of Blood (3 main)

• Transportation cell

• Body regulator

• Protection

Composition of Blood

• Plasma

• “Formed elements”

Plasma (~55% of total blood volume)

• Composition

o Water (~92% of total plasma volume)

o Proteins (~7% of total plasma volume)

▪ Albumin

▪ Globulin

▪ Fibrinogen


▪ Serum is plasma without the clotting protein fibrinogen

o Other solutes (~1% of total plasma volume)

▪ If waste percentage is high in a person’s body, there is a very good chance there is a problem with that person’s kidneys

Formed Elements (~45% of total blood volume; 3 types)

• Red blood cells (erythrocytes)

o Properties

o Hemoglobin properties

o Stages of the formation of new red blood cells (erythropoiesis)

▪ In bone marrow:

▪ In circulation:

o Clot formation steps—called hemostasis (3 steps)

▪ Vasoconstriction of the arteries

▪ Platelet plug

▪ Fibrin clot

• Platelets

o Properties

• White blood cells (Leucocytes)—three classes of WBC’s

o Granulocytes (3 types)

▪ Types and function

o Monocytes

▪ Types and function

o Lymphocytes (2 types)

▪ Types and function

Normal Blood Cell Counts

• Hematocrit (% of red blood cells compared to total sample volume—also called the “packed cell volume”

• Red blood cell count

• Reticulocyte count

• Platelet count

• White blood cell count


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