To Kill a Mockingbird: Questions - Chapters 24-31 (end)

To Kill a Mockingbird: Questions - Chapters 24-31

Calendar: April 14, Monday chapters 24-27 due

Thursday chapters 28- 31 the end (

Chapter 24 “I guess Tom was tired of white men’s justice…”

1. Who are the hypocrites Mrs. Merriweather mentions? Why does she consider them hypocrites?

2. What news does Atticus bring Aunt Alexandra, Maudie, and Scout?

3. What does Maudie mean by the people with “background”?

Chapter 25 “…in the secret courts of men’s hearts Atticus had no case.”

1. What does Mr. Ewell mean when he says, “One down and about two more to go.”?

2. What does Scout see clearly for the first time when she reads Underwood’s claim about the “senseless killing”? What had she thought prior to reading the article?

Chapter 26: “So many things happened to us, Boo Radley was the least of our fears.”

1. Although she thought it had escaped his notice, Scout learns that Atticus has known one of her “crimes” for a long time. Which one?

2. What strikes you as important about Miss Gates’ lesson on democracy?

3. What has Scout overheard that confuses her about Miss Gates’ view of Hitler?

Chapter 27: “Thus began our longest journey together.”

1. What two services does Link Deas perform for Helen Robinson?

2. What is Scout’s Halloween costume? What are its drawbacks?

3. Reread the last sentence of this chapter. What other long journeys have the two children taken together? How might their definition of a long journey have changed since chapter 1?

Chapter 28: “Run, Scout! Run! Run!”

1. What is the first clue the children have that they are not alone on their walk home?

2. Who are the “four people under the tree”?

3. What question does Scout ask again and again?

Chapter 29: “’Hey Boo,’ I said.”

1. What character traits does Aunt Alexandra show in reaction to the crisis? List proof of each one.

2. Do the same for Heck Tate

Chapter 30: “Thank you for my children, Arthur.”

1. In the course of this chapter, what does Scout do (in true ladylike fashion) to make Boo feel less uncomfortable? (List 3 or more things)

2. After Heck Tate leaves, Atticus must explain Heck’s lie to Scout. Why is this easier than he expects? (Hint - Consider the whole book as you answer. Then look specifically at the conversation on the porch and find the one word used by Tate that made it easy for Scout to see the necessity of the lie.)

Chapter 31: (There is only 1 question for this chapter.)

1. Scout explains that to bring Boo Radley to trial would be like killing a mockingbird. Explain Scout’s progression into maturity as it applies to Boo and other circumstances.


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