Innovation Challenge Fund (ICF)

Innovation Challenge Fund (ICF)Concept Note 1.Name / Organisation Tuyet Solutions Private Limited2.Email address / Phone +91 98452 144913.Title of ProjectTelehealth- SARS-CoV-2 Screening for testing efficiency using Acoustic Machine Learning AcousticMLTM4.Application for ICF ClusterAI/Data Science, Karnataka5.Co-Members of the Consortium *(Type – Indian Academia, Indian Business, International Academia, International Business, Indian non-commercial organisation, International non-commercial organisation, Other - specify)* Information not mandatory for the concept note stage.#OrganizationType1.Tuyet Solutions Private LimitedIndian Business2.mSense IncInternational Business3.4.6.If you do not already have agreed consortium members, please indicate here the kind of partners you would like to hear from. Indian Academia, International Academia, Indian non-commercial organization, International non-commercial organization7. Are you content for us to publish your concept note on our web platform in order to encourage potential consortium members to reach out to you? Yes8.Funding Requested (up to ?250k)?250k9.Co-funding provided (if any) and sourceNo10.Please summarise your Innovation Challenge Fund research project in one sentence. 350 character limitAcoustic Machine Learning AcousticMLTM telehealth respiratory diagnostics solution (using patent pending low cost smartphone telehealth digital stethoscope) to enable a tele-physician to be more effective using voice and lung auscultations for periodic patient monitoring.11.Please describe your project further. What problem does your pilot seek to address? Who are the potential beneficiaries and other stakeholders? What are the inputs and activities, and what are the outputs? What does success look like after 12 months of funded research? How will your solution reach the market place? 2500 character limitOur pilot project demonstrates the feasibility of a low-cost smartphone telehealth digital stethoscope (less than $2) and effective SARS-COV-2 screening with a potential 5X reduction in the current RT-PCR SARS-COV-2 tests. Furthermore low cost permits periodic remote monitoring of patients and reduces the exposure of healthcare professionals by infected patient. Working with our customers (Testing labs, Hospitals , Not-for-Profit Organizations and Government Organizations), this would allow for periodic community testing thereby resulting in huge cost savings. Using our low cost smartphone attachment, Telehealth Digital Stethoscope(TDS), patients can easily capture voice/breathing recordings and lung auscultations through guidance app on smartphone. Data collected can be sent to cloud for storage and further processing. Based on these data, an AcousticML model running on smartphone scores the patient’s likelihood of testing negative, which is then used by the healthcare professional to determine the need for further testing. Since our AcousticML model can run on smartphone, it enables usage in remote areas with poor connectivity as well. Patients diagnosed with positive likelihood of respiratory problems can immediately reach out to telehealth professional by going to proper network coverage area. In first 12 months, we will manufacturer the TDS, and develop an AcousticML screening model for reducing the need by upwards of 5X the number of SARS-CoV-2 tests. Our solution is marketed to large clinical testing labs, hospitals, not-for-profit organizations and government organizations, which result in huge cost savings over their current testing.12.What is ‘technological’ about your proposed solution and why might this be appropriate to the challenge areas?1000 character limitWe are proposing low cost smartphone attachment, TDS, which enables an individual to easily capture voice/breath sounds and lung auscultations through language neutral guidance app on smartphone. This data can be transferred to cloud for further storage and processing. Based on these data our AcousticMLTM technology within minutes does a respiratory diagnostics for review by a healthcare professional. Since our AcousticML model can run on smartphone, it enables local diagnostics and removes dependency on network connectivity. This enables usage in remote areas with poor connectivity. Patients diagnosed with positive likelihood of respiratory problems and having network connectivity issues, can immediately reach out to telehealth professional by going to proper network coverage area. 13.Is your proposed solution a response to the impacts of COVID-19, or an effort to contain the pandemic? If so, please explain. 1000 character limit Yes, our solution improves testing efficiency which enables testing of a much larger community for SARS-Cov-2 suppression. Furthermore low cost telehealth digital stethoscope allows for periodic remote monitoring of patients and reduces the exposure of healthcare professionals by infected patient. 14.Does your proposed solution contribute to combatting climate change or promoting a greener planet? If so, please explain. 1000 character limitNo15.How is your proposal relevant to the development challenges of India? 1000 character limitBy using our low cost TDS and AcousticMLTM technology, we can reach a larger and more widespread community for respiratory diagnostics in India. Furthermore low cost telehealth digital stethoscope allows for periodic remote monitoring of patients and reduces the exposure of healthcare professionals by infected patient. Language neutral guidance app on smartphone enables capture of voice/breath sounds and lung auscultations easily across different states/union territories in same manner. Since our AcousticML model can run on smartphone, it enables local diagnostics and removes dependency on network connectivity. This enables usage in remote areas with poor connectivity. Patients diagnosed with positive likelihood of respiratory problems and having network connectivity issues, can immediately reach out to telehealth professional by going to proper network coverage area. This will also help in improving patient care due to poor doctor to patient ratio in India.16.What consideration have you made of gender in developing your concept? Could your project address gender inequality or other kinds of inequality? 1000 character limitOur solution is gender neutral. However, our solution does not address gender inequality problem of the society.Notes: Please be kindly reminded of the primary criteria: relevance to the environmental and/or C19 agenda. See boxes 13 and 14. Except box 5, all boxes require mandatory response.In the interests of fairness, proposals that exceed the character limits will not be considered. ................

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