Colonialism and Independence

Colonialism and Independence

The 20th Century saw the end of the great colonial empires. Your task is to choose one former colony and prepare a poster and presentation. You will inform the class about:

-the colony’s pre-colonial history, economy, government, religion, culture, etc.

-its colonial experience—which colonial power controlled it; what life was like during the colonial period; positive and negative experiences, etc.

-the colony’s road to independence, including significant individuals who helped it become an independent nation.

-the colony’s current status.

Your presentation will take the form of a Powerpoint or Corel Presentations slideshow, and should be about 10 minutes in length.

You will submit your research notes as part of the project’s evaluation.

Your poster will be created using Photoshop.

See attached rubrics for the evaluation criteria.

Colonialism PowerPoint Rubric

|CATEGORY |Level 4 |Level 3 |Level 2 |Level 1 |

|Requirements |All requirements are met and |All requirements are met. |One requirement was not |More than one requirement |

| |exceeded. | |completely met. |was not completely met. |

|Content |Covers topic in-depth with details|Includes essential |Includes essential |Content is minimal OR there|

| |and examples. Subject knowledge is|knowledge about the topic. |information about the topic|are several factual errors.|

| |excellent. |Subject knowledge appears |but there are 1-2 factual | |

| | |to be good. |errors. | |

|Organization |Content is well organized using |Uses headings or bulleted |Content is logically |There was no clear or |

| |headings or bulleted lists to |lists to organize, but the |organized for the most |logical organizational |

| |group related material. |overall organization of |part. |structure, just lots of |

| | |topics appears flawed. | |facts. |

|Presentation |Well-rehearsed with smooth |Rehearsed with fairly |Delivery not smooth, but |Delivery not smooth and |

| |delivery that holds audience |smooth delivery that holds |able to maintain interest |audience attention often |

| |attention. |audience attention most of |of the audience most of the|lost. |

| | |the time. |time. | |

|Sources |Source information collected for |Source information |Source information |Very little or no source |

| |all graphics, facts and quotes. |collected for all graphics,|collected for graphics, |information was collected. |

| |All documented in desired format. |facts and quotes. Most |facts and quotes, but not | |

| | |documented in desired |documented in desired | |

| | |format. |format. | |

|Attractiveness |Makes excellent use of font, |Makes good use of font, |Makes use of font, colour, |Use of font, colour, |

| |colour, graphics, effects, etc. to|colour, graphics, effects, |graphics, effects, etc. but|graphics, effects etc. but |

| |enhance the presentation. |etc. to enhance to |occasionally these detract |these often distract from |

| | |presentation. |from the presentation |the presentation content. |

| | | |content. | |

|Photoshop Poster Rubric |

|Student Name:     __________________________ | |

| | | | | |

|CATEGORY |Level 4 |Level 3 |Level 2 |Level 1 |

|APP |Graphics are all in focus and the |Most graphics are in focus and|Most graphics are in focus and|Many graphics are not |

| |content easily viewed and identified |the content easily viewed and |the content is easily viewed |clear or are too small. |

|Graphics -Clarity | |identified |and identified |Graphics are blurry or |

| | | | |pixilated. |

|T/I |All graphics are related to the topic|All graphics are related to |All graphics relate to the |Graphics do not relate to|

| |and make it easier to understand. |the topic and most make it |topic. |the topic |

|Graphics - Relevance | |easier to understand. | | |

|APP |All items of importance on the poster|Almost all items of importance|Several items of importance on|Labels are too small to |

| |are clearly labeled with labels, |on the poster are clearly |the poster are clearly labeled|view OR no important |

|Labels |quotes, descriptors that can be |labeled with labels, quotes |with labels that can be read |items were labeled. |

| |easily read |and descriptors that can be | | |

| | |read | | |

|K/U |Student includes a very articulate |Student includes a well |Student includes paragraph |Paragraph needs to be |

| |paragraph with the poster that |written paragraph that |about the topic but more |more detailed and to |

|Knowledge Gained |clearly details the theme of poster |explains theme of poster as |emphasis must be made on the |relate to the theme of |

| |as well as historical importance and|well as historical importance|theme and historical |poster and historical |

| |relevance to ancient history |and relevance to ancient |importance |importance to history |

| | |history | | |

|K/U |More than 5 accurate facts are |4-5 accurate facts are |3-4 accurate facts are |Less than 3 accurate |

| |displayed on the poster. |displayed on the poster. |displayed on the poster. |facts are displayed on |

|Content - Accuracy | | | |the poster. |

|COMM |The poster is exceptionally |The poster is attractive in |The poster is acceptably |The poster is |

| |attractive in terms of design, |terms of design, layout and |attractive though it may be a |distractingly messy or |

|Attractiveness |layout, and neatness. The finished |neatness. |bit messy or could have been |very poorly designed. It |

| |product shows exact care with each | |improved with a few more hours|is not attractive. |

| |element. | |of work. | |

| | | | | | | |

|Bibliography |Project includes an extensive and |Project includes a complete |Project includes some sources |Project lacks adequate |

| |detailed bibliography in complete |bibliography in proper MLA |used; need to use proper MLA |sources not in proper |

|Citation Builder |proper MLA format for all research, |format for sources |format |format |

| |images and materials | | | |

A partial list of potential colonies can be found at


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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