Lecture #12 Study GUide

Define Key Terms and Concepts


Borderline hypertension

CHD risk factors

Coronary heart disease

Harvard alumni study

Heart attack

High-density lipoproteins



Low-density lipoproteins

Myocardial infarction

Primary CHD risk factors

Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health

Systolic hypertension

Modifiable risk factors

Type A personality

Type B personality

Study Questions

The Graying of America

Give 2“facts” about the aging of our population.



Physical Activity Epidemiology

Describe differences between the concepts of exercise and physical activity.

The New Gerontology

How long can one expect to live healthfully?

The Concept of Healthspan and Successful Aging

Describe “healthspan”.

Describe “successful aging”.

Physical Activity Epidemiology

Describe the differences between the terms exercise and physical activity.

Surgeon General’s Report On Physical Activity and Health

List the three objectives of the Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity.

1. 3.


Safety of Exercising

What is the most prevalent injury caused by exercise.

Aging and Bodily Function

At what age does “aging” seem to occur?

Aging and Muscular Strength

How much loss of muscular strength occurs by age 70?

Decrease in Muscle Mass

Reduced muscle mass triggers what age-associated decrease in physiologic function?

Muscle Trainability Among the Elderly

How much can the elderly increase their strength with a proper resistance-training program?

Aging and Joint Flexibility

Describe the change in joint flexibility with aging.

Endocrine Changes With Aging

List three “hormonal systems” most affected by aging.

1. 3.


Aging and Nervous System Function

Describe the general effect of aging on the nervous system.

Aging and Pulmonary Function

Describe how aging affects pulmonary function.

Aging and Cardiovascular Function

Maximal Oxygen Uptake

Give the estimated maximum heart rate for a 59-year old person. Show your calculations.

List two reasons that VO2max declines with age.

1. 2.

A System Responsive to Training at Any Age

How much can a middle age person expect to increase VO2max with proper training?

Other Age-Related Variables

Give three reasons for age-related decrements in HRmax.

1. 3.


Aging and Body Composition

How much weight does the average 20-year old male gain by age 60?

Regular Exercise: A Fountain Of Youth?

List five health benefits of regular physical activity.

1. 4.

2. 5.


Enhanced Quality to a Longer Life: A Study of Harvard Alumni

Describe major findings of the study of Harvard Alumni.

Coronary Heart Disease

What percentage of total deaths do diseases of the heart and blood vessels cause?

A Life-Long Process

At what age can fatty streaks develop in the coronary arteries?

Women at Risk

Write four statements that summarize the heart disease risk for females emphasizing unique sex differences in risk factors.

1. 3.

2. 4.

Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease

List the major modifiable and fixed coronary heart disease risk factors.

Modifiable risk factors

Fixed risk factors

Age, Sex, and Heredity

Why do women possess a “gender advantage” for avoiding heart disease?

Blood Lipid Abnormalities

Cholesterol and Triglycerides

List desirable cholesterol and triglyceride levels for adults.



Importance of Cholesterol Forms

List four different lipoproteins.

1. 3.

2. 4.

Physical Activity

How much greater is heart disease risk for a sedentary compared to a physically active person?


Indicate the lower borderline limit for the classification of high blood pressure.



Cigarette Smoking

List three facts about cigarette smoking and the risk of developing CHD.

1. 3.



Discuss how obesity contributes as a multiple CHD risk factor.

Personality and Behavior Patterns

Describe personality characteristics of individuals who exhibit Type A and Type B behavior.

Type A

Type B


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