Creative Nonfiction – Mr

Creative Nonfiction – Mr. WeilMemoir FragmentWe’ve talked a bit about memoir the past few days—about the complexities of memory, the ways writers use the memoir form to make sense of experience, and the power of well-chosen details to make that experience seem real on the page. Your first assignment is to develop a “fragment” of memoir, a brief (1 or 2 page) chance to explore the memoir and practice the craft. Here are some things to keep in mind:You should draw your material from memory. Recent or distant—it doesn’t matter, but it should be a chance to look back on your own experience. Choose something you care about, rather than something that you think will impress readers.The fragment forces you to work on a small scale and focus on details. It’s a chance to work carefully on rendering the details of a scene. You will probably feel most successful if you focus on a specific time and place.It’s okay if the piece isn’t complete; that’s why it’s called a fragment! If you attempt to jam a story with a much larger arc into just a page or two, or if you attempt to capture everything about a complicated relationship in such a small space, I guarantee that you’ll start summarizing and dropping out important details—the opposite of what we’re aiming for.It’s possible (but not essential) that your fragment will become part of more developed work that you do later in the course. So if you really want to build on it, you’ll have a chance.You can definitely consider Writing Invitations as potential source material, (or, as sometimes happens, combine a few writing invitations). But it’s not essential.Feel free to look at the sample fragments for inspiration, and for ideas about how to approach this assignment thoughtfully.Due DatesWednesday, 2/13Bring 3 typed, double-spaced copies of a draft of your fragment for a Writing Workshop (Instructions to come!)Friday, 2/15Turn in your revised fragment ................

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