Chapter Three Worksheet, Developmental Psychology, Teratogens

Chapter Three Worksheet, Developmental Psychology, Teratogens

|Description |Teratogen |

|sedative used in the 1960s that, when taken between the fourth and sixth week after conception, produced gross |A. Toxoplasmosis |

|deformities of an embryo’s arms and legs. | |

|A synthetic hormone used from 1945–1970 to prevent miscarriage. Its use has been linked to problems in the |B. AIDS |

|reproductive organs of offspring whose mothers used the hormone. | |

|A virus that when it strikes during the embryonic period can cause heart defects, eye cataracts, deafness, and |C. Caffeine |

|mental retardation, but that is less harmful if it strikes during the fetal period. | |

|The term for any environmental agent that causes damage during the prenatal period. |D. Teratogen |

|A condition that results from the heavy consumption of a legal drug which causes mental retardation, slow |E. Diethylstilbestrol (DES) |

|physical growth, and facial abnormalities in the offspring. | |

|A legal drug for which heavy consumption is associated with low birth weight, miscarriage, and newborn |F. Polychlorinated |

|withdrawal symptoms. |Biphenyls (PCBs) |

|The effects of exposure to this agent became obvious from the study of Japanese women who survived the bombing |G. Fetal Alcohol Effects |

|of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. | |

|A virus that can be passed from mother to child and, when symptoms appear in the infant, it usually results in a|H. Mercury |

|life expectancy of only about 5–8 months | |

|Use of these teratogens is associated with a variety of problems in babies, including prematurity, low birth |I. Thalidomide |

|weight, irritability, and trouble sleeping and eating | |

|A parasitic disease that pregnant women can contract from raw or undercooked meat or from contact with the feces|J. Rubella |

|of infected cats and which causes eye and brain damage or cognitive impairment | |

|A teratogen that constricts the blood vessels, restricts the transfer of nutrients to the fetus, and displaces |K. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome |

|oxygen from the red blood cells with carbon monoxide. | |

|disorder found in children whose mothers ingest this teratogen in smaller quantities during pregnancy so that |L. Radiation |

|they display some but not all of the effects of FAS. | |

|An environmental pollutant that can cause children to be born with physical deformities, mental retardation, |M. Crack or heroin |

|abnormal speech, difficulty chewing and swallowing and uncoordinated movements. | |

|An environmental pollutant that can get into a woman’s diet when she eats fish that came from contaminated water|N. Nicotine |

|and which results in infants with low birth weight, discolored skin, deformities of the gum and nails, and | |

|brain-wave abnormalities. | |


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