Empowerment Guide

Empowerment Guide

2016 Affordable Housing Program

FHLBank Pittsburgh

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The purpose of the Empowerment category, a vital component of the scoring criteria for FHLBank Pittsburgh’s Affordable Housing Program (AHP), is to reward and encourage affordable housing projects that provide housing in combination with programs or services that assist residents in moving toward better economic opportunities.

Submission of Empowerment Components

To receive scoring consideration in the Empowerment category, a 2016 Empowerment/MOU Form must be completed for each technique by all service providers (including services being directly provided by the sponsor). If a third party service provider is providing the service, the sponsor must also sign off on the 2016 Empowerment/MOU Form. Each empowerment technique submitted for consideration must have its own attachment. You will need to scan the Empowerment form, along with any supplemental information for a particular technique, and attach it as a .pdf file to that technique within the AHP application. (For example, if you would like to be considered for three empowerment techniques, you would attach three separate forms).

2016 Empowerment/MOU Form

This form must be completed for each empowerment technique being implemented by the project. For example, if a project is providing three empowerment techniques for project residents, then three forms must be provided.

Tips for Completing the 2016 Empowerment / MOU Form

➢ Only techniques listed in this Empowerment Guide will be eligible for consideration.

➢ Empowerment techniques may only be submitted on the FHLBank Pittsburgh’s Empowerment template form. Any deviations from this will not be eligible for consideration.

➢ The form must be completed in its entirety to be eligible for consideration.

➢ Each empowerment technique may only be considered once. For example, if a project is providing educational techniques such as GED and computer classes, the project would receive two (2) points for empowerment through education rather than being awarded points for each element within the education category.

➢ If a third party is providing the service, the 2016 Empowerment/MOU Form must be signed and dated by the sponsor and the third party provider at time of AHP application submission to receive scoring consideration. Otherwise, the technique will be ineligible and will not be reviewed.

➢ All questions and requested information on the 2016 Empowerment/MOU Form must be completed. If homebuyer counseling or child/adult daycare is applicable to your project, you will also need to submit the counseling curriculum or the daycare license documentation as part of the .pdf file attachment.

Empowerment Scoring Techniques and Definitions

Only the techniques listed below will be eligible to receive scoring consideration in the Empowerment category. Point breakout and definitions are also indicated. If an empowering activity is not part of the list below, it will not be considered for scoring purposes and should not be submitted as part of the Empowerment section of the AHP application. Note: Referrals to local services will not receive consideration for scoring.

Four (4) points awarded for the following techniques:

• Pre-homeownership Counseling – Prospective homebuyers should complete at least four hours of face-to-face homeownership counseling, provided by an organization recognized as being experienced in homeownership counseling. Counseling must take place prior to the purchase of a home. Points are awarded for pre-homeownership counseling only if counseling is mandatory for all AHP-assisted homeowners. The course curriculum MUST include the topic of predatory lending to be eligible for scoring consideration.

NOTE: Only homeownership projects are eligible for pre-homeownership counseling points, provided all the parameters outlined in the definition are met. Owner-occupied rehabilitation and lease-purchase projects are not eligible for pre-homeownership counseling points. Additionally, a project cannot receive points for both pre-homeownership counseling and financial literacy/credit counseling/budgeting because of the similarities between these techniques. Only one of these techniques will be eligible for scoring consideration.

• Post-homeownership Counseling – Points will be awarded for post-purchase, face-to-face homebuyer counseling only if counseling is mandatory for all AHP-assisted homeowners and is at least four hours. Topics may include maintenance, repairs and improvements, etc.

NOTE: Only homeownership projects are eligible for post-homeownership counseling points.

Two (2) points awarded for the following techniques:

• Case Management – Encompasses the assessment, planning, facilitation and advocacy for clients’ individual needs and supports the residents’ ability to find or sustain employment or be self-sufficient, or in some other way promotes their economic betterment. May also include family self-sufficiency programs.

• Counseling – Mental and behavioral health services, substance abuse prevention and treatment programs, or residential support services. Services provided must promote economic betterment by supporting residents’ ability to find or sustain employment or be self-sufficient.

• Daycare Services (youth or adult) that allow residents to pursue economic opportunity.

• Education (related to economic empowerment, other than employment training) – May include adult-accredited education programs, GED, vocational training, computer classes, English as a second language or literacy programs.

• Employment Training – Services and/or job training programs to assist residents with procuring employment (job search assistance, career counseling, apprenticeships, resume writing assistance, job placement, etc.).

• Financial – Financial empowerment of residents other than by providing rental assistance, restricted rents or downpayment assistance. Eligible financial benefits may include the provision of matched savings programs (i.e. IDA – individual development accounts), or other programs or services that provide direct and quantifiable cash assistance to residents.

• Financial Literacy/Credit Counseling/Budgeting – Should include topics such as basic financial planning and money management, overview of credit and credit reports, assessment of individual credit reports, steps to repair credit, successful money management and establishing a budget, early warning signs of debt problems, etc.

• Homeowners Association – An association of homeowners, created to allow regular discussions of homeownership issues and neighborhood and community issues. The association should have regular meetings and some policies and procedures governing its business, but it does not have to be formally chartered or incorporated.

• Life Skills Classes that promote economic betterment or self-sufficiency.

• On-site Primary Healthcare Services – Vaccination/screening programs or healthcare management programs that support residents’ ability to find or sustain employment or be self-sufficient.

• Resident Serving on Sponsor’s Board of Directors – The resident of the project must have been elected by other residents and there must be procedures that describe the selection process including eligibility and filling vacancies.

• Sweat Equity – Activities required of the homebuyers or their families directly related to the construction/rehabilitation of the home.

• Tenant Council – An organization comprised of tenants of the property, with regular meetings and operating rules and procedures (such as by-laws and elections) affecting the operation of the project.

• Transportation – Project-specific “private on-site” transportation services provided by the project and tied to residents’ economic empowerment. (Public transportation is not eligible for scoring consideration. Access service would be eligible to receive points only if the service was being paid for by the sponsor or another third party other than the tenants).

• Youth or After-school Programs that serve as a substitute for child care, enabling the youth’s parents or guardians to find or sustain employment.

Additionally, to ensure that the empowerment activities will be provided to the residents, all questions must be answered on the 2016 Empowerment/MOU Form. Any omissions on the 2016 Empowerment/MOU Form may result in a project not being eligible for scoring consideration. Please note that on the Empowerment Form, project completion is defined as follows: rental projects – construction complete AND at least 75% of the units leased-up; homeownership projects – all construction complete AND all homes sold.

Completing the Forms with Required Signatures

To complete the 2016 Empowerment/MOU Form with required signatures, please:

1. Have the appropriate individual complete the form(s) in Microsoft Word.

2. Print out the forms, sign and date.

The form must be signed and dated by the AHP Sponsor/Owner and also the Service Provider (if the service is being provided by a third party). If two parties are involved (sponsor and third-party service provider) but only one signs the form, the technique will not be considered for scoring.

3. Scan and attach the signed forms.

The forms must be scanned and submitted as a .pdf file attachment in the AHP online application for the applicable empowerment technique.

Helpful Tips

Be Concise

Take time to read through the forms to make sure you are providing the requested documentation.

Be Careful

It is essential that you attach all supporting documentation to the Empowerment section of the AHP application at the time of application submission. Additionally, please be sure to make sure all questions on the form have been answered and that the form(s) are signed and dated by the appropriate parties involved. Incomplete or late submissions will not be reviewed.

Be Relevant

Every activity submitted should be applicable to the target audience. One component of the review is the relevance of the activity to project residents. If the activities submitted are not relevant to the target audience, points will not be awarded.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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