Informative/ Explanatory Writing Rubric

Grade 10 Informative/ Explanatory Writing Rubric NAME____________________________________

Common Core Standards DATE___________________PERIOD__________

W.10.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content evidence.

(Created by Ferris High School, Spokane, WA)

| |4 - Exemplary |3- Proficient |2 - Emerging |

|Introduction |Skillfully introduces a topic. Includes a compelling hook, |Sufficiently introduces a topic. Includes|While a topic may be introduced, a hook, |

|(Power Standard) |relevant background information, and a clear and focused |a hook, background information, and a |background information, and/or thesis may|

|A. Introduce a topic |thesis. Ideas flow smoothly from the hook to the thesis. |thesis. Ideas flow from the hook to the |not be adequately stated or developed. |

| | |thesis. | |

|Complex Ideas/ Organization A continued. |Skillfully and logically organize complex ideas, concepts, |Sufficiently organizes ideas, concepts, |Ideas, concepts, and information are |

|(10 Power Standard) |and information so that each new element builds on that which|and information so that each new element |presented but may not build on that which|

|(A Continued)… organize complex ideas, concepts, and |precedes it to create a unified whole; |builds on that which precedes it; |precedes them; |

|information to make important connections and |Writer skillfully and insightfully adds proper formatting | | |

|distinctions; include formatting (e.g., headings), |(e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and |Writer adds proper formatting (e.g., |Formatting (e.g., headings), graphics |

|graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia when |multimedia to aid comprehension. |headings), graphics (e.g., figures, |(e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia |

|useful to aiding comprehension | |tables), and multimedia to aid |are inconsistent. |

| | |comprehension. | |

|Topic Development |Develops the topic thoroughly by selecting the most |Sufficiently develops the topic with |Limited topic development. May include |

|(10 Power Standard) |significant and relevant facts, extended definitions, |facts, definitions, details, quotations, |irrelevant or inadequate supporting |

|(B.) Develop the topic with well-chosen, relevant, and|concrete details, quotations, or other information and |or other information and examples |details. May not be appropriate to the |

|sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete |examples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the |appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of|audience’s knowledge of the topic. |

|details, quotations, or other information and examples|topic. |the topic. | |

|appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic. | | | |

|Transition |Skillfully uses appropriate and varied transitions and syntax|Sufficient use of transitions and syntax |Transitions and syntax are inconsistent, |

|(10 Power Standard) |to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and |to link the major sections of the text, |predictable, or inappropriate. |

|(C.) Use appropriate and varied transitions to link |clarify the relationships among complex ideas and concepts. |create cohesion, and clarify the |Transitions fail to create cohesion or |

|the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and | |relationships among complex ideas and |clarify the relationships among complex |

|clarify the relationships among complex ideas and | |concepts. |ideas and concepts. |

|concepts | | | |

|Diction |Consistently uses precise and varied language, |Sufficiently uses precise language, |Language may be imprecise or diction is |

|(10 Power Standard) |domain-specific vocabulary, and techniques such as metaphor, |domain-specific vocabulary, and may |predictable or repetitive; rarely |

|(D.) Use precise language and domain-specific |simile, and analogy to manage the complexity of the topic. |include some techniques such as metaphor, |includes techniques such as metaphor, |

|vocabulary to manage the complexity of the topic. | |simile, and analogy to manage the |simile, and analogy to manage the |

| | |complexity of the topic. |complexity of the topic |

|Style and Tone |Skillfully establishes and maintains an appropriate tone |Sufficiently establishes and maintains an |Writing has limited style and tone; norms|

|(10Power Standard) |while attending to the norms and conventions of the format. |appropriate tone while attending to the |and conventions of the format may not be |

|(E.) Establish and maintain a formal style and | |norms and conventions of the format. |observed. |

|objective tone while attending to the norms and | |Lapses may be present. | |

|conventions of the discipline in which they are | | | |

|writing. | | | |

|Conclusion |Provides a compelling and thought-provoking concluding |Provides a sufficient concluding statement|Concluding statement or section is |

|(10 Power Standard) |statement or section that follows from, supports, and extends|or section that follows from and supports |provided, though it may not follow from |

|(F.)Provide a concluding statement or section that |the information or explanation presented (e.g., articulating |the information or explanation presented |and / or support the information or |

|follows from and supports the information or |implications or the significance of the topic). |(e.g., articulating implications or the |explanation presented |

|explanation presented (e.g., articulating implications| |significance of the topic). | |

|or the significance of the topic). | | | |


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